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Health and Fitness Club Industry News: Other News

Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

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How to Advance ALS TDI’s Latest Discovery in the Lab
Posted: September 30, 2020 in Other News

ALS TDICAMBRIDGE, MA - The ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) recently announced the discovery of a new drug target, Type I PRMTs, for ALS caused by the C9orf72 mutation. We were excited to share those recent findings with the broader ALS research community and with you. We remain in the early days with this discovery, but we are optimistic as we take steps to further advance our findings. Because we can’t complete all of these steps alone, we are developing partnerships to make progress against each of these objectives. However, that progress won’t be possible without the continued support from the ALS community. Read More...

How ALS TDI is Moving Forward with Phase 1 Reopening of Lab
Posted: June 1, 2020 in Other News

ALS TDICAMBRIDGE, MA - ALS TDI’s Chief Scientific Officer Fernando Vieira, M.D., talks about how ALS TDI is allowing more scientists to enter the lab in accordance with Massachusetts Phase 1 reopening guidelines. ALS TDI thank you for support over the last few months, which has allowed us to maintain the pace of promising ALS research amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This first week of June, in accordance with the Massachusetts phased reopening guidelines, ALS TDI began allowing more of our scientists and researchers to return to the Cambridge-based lab. While pleased to be able to resume additional operations the safety of staff remains a top priority. Read More...

ALS TDI Study Uncovers New Clue as to Why C9or72 Mutations May Cause Neurodegenerative Disease
Posted: April 17, 2020 in Other News

ALS TDI CAMBRIDGE, MA - It is known that C9orf72 repeat expansion mutations are the most common cause of ALS, but the mechanisms of how and why it causes the disease remain, for the most part, a mystery. However, a new paper by ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) scientist, Anna Gill, and several collaborators, may have a promising new clue as to why these C9orf72 mutations may be particularly toxic for brain cells. Read More...

Why COVID-19 Treatments May be Coming in Months, While ALS Research Takes Years
Posted: March 19, 2020 in Other News

ALS TDICAMBRIDGE, MA - For those who have been waiting years, even decades, for a cure for a disease like ALS, it can be both hopeful and frustrating to hear about the possible rapid development of treatments for COVID-19. Assuming that an effective treatment can be found, there are many reasons why a treatment for an infectious disease like COVID-19 might be easier to develop than one for a condition like ALS. Read More...

Augie’s Quest 15th Annual BASH Event Returns to San Diego
Posted: February 7, 2020 in Other News

Augie's QuestSAN DIEGO, CA - Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS, a nonprofit committed to changing the experience of thousands living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by fast-tracking effective treatments and an ultimate cure, is celebrating their 15th BASH fundraiser by Rockin’ Through the Ages with the fitness industry on March 20. Over 800 guests are expected to attend the event, which is held in conjunction with the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association’s (IHRSA) International Tradeshow and Convention. The BASH represents an opportunity for the fitness industry to come together and celebrate advancements in ALS research, while reminding attendees of the critical hope their support offers for those affected by this disease. Read More...

UFC GYM Partners with Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
Posted: January 8, 2020 in Chains

UFC GymLOS ANGELES, CA - UFC GYM members across the United States are aiming to raise more than $250,000 during the post-New Year’s resolution period fitness surge in support of Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS, a nonprofit committed to changing the experience of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by fast-tracking cutting-edge research to advance effective treatments and an ultimate cure. The fundraising campaign runs January 11 through February 8 at participating UFC GYM locations throughout the United States. Read More...

Here’s to Getting 2020 in Focus With Team Quest4ALS!
Posted: December 30, 2019 in Other News

Team Quest4ALSIt’s been another incredible year of progress in our quest to end ALS. Thank you for being on this journey with us. Our partners in the fitness industry play such a critical role, flexing your muscles as often as you can for our shared cause. You continue to take on ALS right beside us, stepping up your generous gifts, giving of your time and varied talents and fighting this disease with unmatched passion. You give us hope. And because of you, our dreams of curing ALS are in sight, we’re so much closer to seeing them actually coming true. Read More...

The 15th ALS TDI Leadership Summit
Posted: November 9, 2019 in Other News

ALS Therapy Development InstituteCAMBRIDGE, MA - On Friday, November 8, 2019, the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) hosted the 15th Leadership Summit. The Leadership Summit is a full-day conference featuring keynote presentations that provide an in-depth look at the most advanced ALS research. This year, the Summit focused on the groundbreaking research being done at ALS TDI, as well as their exciting collaboration with Google. Read More...

Larry Green to Receive 2019 Augie’s Quest Founder’s Award
Posted: July 17, 2019 in Other News

Augie's QuestSANTA ANA, CA - Augie's Quest has announced that Larry Green, CEO of System Pavers, will be honored as the 2019 Augie's Quest Founder's Award recipient at the upcoming Augie's Quest 14th Annual Tradition of Hope Gala. This fall's fundraising event will be held at the Montage Hotel in Laguna Beach, CA on October 11, 2019. This event's host will be comedian, actor, and best-selling author Jay Mohr. Read More...

Orangetheory Fitness Becomes The Largest Single Donor to ALS Research Through Fundraising Collaboration with Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS
Posted: June 26, 2019 in Chains

Orangetheory FitnessBOCA RATON, FL - Thousands of Orangetheory members across the United States and Canada raised $4.5 million during ALS Awareness Month for Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS, an organization fast-tracking effective treatments and an ultimate cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This year’s record-breaking results bring Orangetheory’s total giving to more than $10 million over just three years, making it the most successful campaign in Augie’s Quest history. Read More...

Your Guide to Joining Augie’s Quest This ALS Awareness Month
Posted: May 5, 2019 in Other News

Augie's QuestMay is ALS Awareness Month. All across the US, Augie's Quest To Cure ALS will be joining forces with our partners to fund innovative ALS research. And we can't do it without you! Read on for ways you can join Augie's Quest all month long! Read More...

Thank You Team Quest4ALS Nashville!
Posted: April 30, 2019 in Other News

Team Quest4ALS NashvilleNASHVILLE, TN - Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Team Quest4ALS Nashville Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon & 5K this weekend! Your support led to $455,000 in critical fundraising for innovative ALS research. Congratulations to our top fundraisers: Rosalyn Yellin and Susie McLaughlin; Marc Masso; Paul Stabile; Vincent Zambrotta; Adam and Kaitlyn McHugh; Molly McHugh; Diane Karpus; Chrisy and Ashley Coon; Mark Lowder; and Alexis Arena. Read More...

A Special Message from Augie Nieto
Posted: March 29, 2019 in Other News

Augie's Quest14 years ago today, my life changed forever when I was diagnosed with ALS. For those of you who don’t know, ALS is a neurodegenerative disease that attacks the motor neurons in otherwise healthy individuals, until you cannot walk, or talk, or move. I know my wife Lynne and I are one of the lucky ones with ALS. I am so fortunate to still have a voice to raise funds for critical research and spread awareness about this destructive disease. It is a lot harder for me to speak now, so I choose my words carefully: ALS can only be cured if all of us work together! Please consider donating $15 to support our quest to fast-track innovative ALS research that can help end ALS once and for all. Every single dollar counts! Thank you. Read More...

Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS Announces Inaugural Board of Directors and Leadership Council
Posted: February 13, 2019 in Suppliers

Augie's QuestLOS ANGELES, CA - Augie’s Quest to Cure ALS, a nonprofit committed to changing the experience of thousands living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by investing in cutting-edge research to advance effective treatments and an ultimate cure, announced the organization’s inaugural Board of Directors and Leadership Council. Read More...

Augie’s Quest Reports First Subject Successfully Enrolled in AT-1501 Phase 1 Study, a First-of-its-Kind, Promising Treatment for ALS
Posted: November 28, 2018 in Other News

Augie's QuestORANGE COUNTY, CA - The ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI), the world's foremost nonprofit biotech focused solely on ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), in partnership with Anelixis Therapeutics, LLC., and via targeted funding from Augie's Quest to Cure ALS, announced the first human was successfully given a dose of AT-1501, a promising investigative drug to treat the neurodegenerative disease. Not only does this critical step signal the continuation of the phase 1 human safety trial and the first achieved milestone for AT-1501, it is the first time a nonprofit drug discovery center has successfully brought a new molecular entity, this type of experimental treatment for ALS, from inception through to the clinical trial phase. Read More...

The Atlantic Club’s Country Concert for ALS a Huge Success
Posted: May 7, 2018 in Independents

The Atlantic ClubMANASQUAN, N.J. - The Country Concert for ALS at The Atlantic Club in Manasquan on Friday, April 27th proved to be a great success. The event brought together both members and the community to raise awareness for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease. A total amount of $7,500 was raised for the ALS Therapy Development Institute, in an effort to get AT-1501, the most promising drug to date in the treatment of ALS, into human trials this year. Read More...

Join the Augie’s Quest MYZONE Challenge Today
Posted: April 3, 2018 in Other News

Augie's QuestMANASQUAN, N.J. - The Augie’s Quest MYZONE Challenge, to be held May 1 - June 17, has just reached 100 clubs. But, the initiative needs more as we raise the funds to get AT-1501 into Human trials for all those living with ALS! The Challenge is simple, and there is no charge to your clubs. Here is a step-by-step guide to join today... Read More...

Orangetheory Fitness Raises More Than $4 Million to Find a Cure for ALS; Boosts This Year’s Bash for Augie’s Quest to Over $6 Million Raised
Posted: March 26, 2018 in Chains

Orangetheory FitnessBOCA RATON, FL - For the second time in two years, Orangetheory Fitness, one of the world's fastest-growing fitness franchise brands, has raised record-breaking dollars to change the future for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In just three weeks, the company's 875 studios in the United States and Canada raised $4,010,818 for Augie's Quest, a foundation dedicated to finding a cure for ALS. The donation, presented in San Diego, Calif., on Friday, March 26, was the largest single-year donation in the foundation's 13-year history. Read More...

FDA Issues Draft Guidance for ALS Clinical Trials
Posted: February 16, 2018 in Other News

ALS Therapy Development InstituteCAMBRIDGE, MA - This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a draft guidance for those developing potential treatments for ALS. This document is part of an effort by the FDA to make drug developers and others aware of how they think clinical trials in ALS should be run. This is the first time the FDA has issued a guidance for industry on ALS clinical trials. Read More...

Orangetheory Fitness Members Ready to Work Out for a Cause
Posted: February 12, 2018 in Chains

Orangetheory FitnessBOCA RATON, FL - Orangetheory members across the United States and Canada are aiming to raise over $2 million for Augie's Quest to cure ALS, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This comes just one year after Orangetheory more than doubled their 2017 fundraising goal, raising over $2.085 million in just two weeks. Funds from the 2018 campaign will help move a promising drug for ALS into human clinical trials. Read More...

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