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Orangetheory Fitness is on the PATH to Going Green

Posted: April 21, 2022 in Chains, Suppliers

Orangetheory FitnessOrangetheory Fitness

BOCA RATON, FL – A leading fitness brand, Orangetheory, and PATH Water, a leading sustainable bottled water brand, are joining forces this Earth Day to end single-use plastic water bottle consumption in the brand’s U.S. studios. Through its continued work with PATH Water, Orangetheory studios have committed to replacing plastic water bottles with Orangetheory-branded PATH bottles to curb and ultimately eliminate plastic waste, a milestone resulting from the brand’s existing relationship with PATH Water.

To date, Orangetheory studios have utilized more than 200,000 PATH bottles, resulting in at least 1,000,000 single-use plastic water bottles saved from going into landfills and oceans that are estimated based on the average refill of 5 times per consumer. Orangetheory members can now purchase a reusable Orangetheory-branded environmentally friendly water bottle to hydrate themselves throughout their workouts, contributing to aluminum recycling that solves many hazardous issues around waste. When refilling a PATH water bottle three times, the bottle becomes carbon neutral. After four reuses, the PATH bottle is carbon positive and helps prevent additional carbon emissions from being used for new single-use plastic bottles. As sustainability efforts require a collective effort, Orangetheory is empowering its members to understand how their actions have a measurable result to encourage them to engage in even more planet-friendly behaviors.

“Orangetheory Fitness has always been committed to the mantra of More Life, More Energy for our members through our workouts. Now, we want to give More Life to our planet by implementing green initiatives to reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles,” says Dave Long, Chief Executive Officer of Orangetheory Fitness. “PATH Water has been a fantastic partner to encourage our network in these efforts with their passionate advocacy for sustainable efforts that are carbon neutral and affordable.”

PATH is introducing a certification program to encourage all Orangetheory studios to implement this green initiative by pledging to replace plastic water bottles with refillable, Orangetheory branded PATH aluminum bottles made to refilled and reused.

“Now more than ever, it is imperative to be environmentally friendly and take conscious steps to towards sustainable efforts and solutions,” says Gulshan Kumar, Vice President of Sales at PATH Water. “When a global brand like Orangetheory Fitness encourages its studio to join the movement, it helps by offering a carbon neutral solution to its members that’s easy to understand and get behind.”

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