Club Insider

Member Engagement: Keeping the New Year’s Crowd

Posted: February 8, 2023 in Suppliers

Power WellnessPower Wellness

LOMBARD, IL – Membership retention is always top of mind for fitness facility owners. Additionally, utilization is directly correlated with retention. Acquisition cost is five times higher than retention cost, meaning that it is in the best interest of your fitness facility’s ROI and the population health of the community to keep members coming back to the gym. From the onboarding process and beyond, strategic engagement tactics within and outside of the gym are key components to maximizing retention.

Targeting Individual Goals

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to the individual needs of new members joining in January. Along with an excellent onboarding process, you can increase membership value by encouraging your fitness staff to create realistic long-term goals for each member. This personalized approach creates an exciting and motivating environment for new members who decided to commit to getting fit in the new year.

Tracking and Follow Up

Along with goal personalization, technology such as a body composition analyzer is a great tool that can provide accurate baseline biometrics. Fitness staff can use this technology to keep members engaged and committed by seeing their progress in real-time, within the gym, anytime they want. Follow-up appointments will encourage members to maintain a connection with the center while their motivation to reach their goals is strong.

Virtual Programming

Offering center-branded virtual fitness programming positions medical fitness facilities is a new member ally. Incorporating this engagement tool will keep members connected to your fitness facility even during times when gym attendance may decline.

Rewards to Combat Disengagement

Whether it’s fitness gear, a discounted annual membership plan, or a complimentary training session — rewards assist in keeping motivation high and fostering community inside the gym. Additional incentives may include educational workshops and social events that give new members the opportunities to interact with current members, staff, and provide referrals.

Taking initiative to partner with new and current members as a trusted collaborator increases the probability of member retention.

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