Club Insider

EXOS’ COVID-19 Reopening Approach and Standards

Posted: August 10, 2020 in Chains


PHOENIX, AZ – COVID-19 has made many things in the world unpredictable, but a member’s health at a facility shouldn’t be one of them. In response to the changes in our world, EXOS, a leader in the field of human performance, created an internal task force dedicated to safely and thoughtfully reopening EXOS-branded and client-based fitness centers safely:

COVID-19 Task Force

The task force developed a multi-phased reopening sequence that builds on EXOS’ already industry-leading standards and takes into consideration city, state, and local guidelines as well as recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, and the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. This approach is then customized to meet the individual needs of each business, client, and location.

Personal Protective Equipment

Mask guidelines vary based on city, state, and local mandates. Members, clients, and athletes should check with the facility they’re attending to find out if masks are required. Learn more about mask safety from the CDC.

Cleaning and Sanitation

In addition to EXOS’ pre-existing cleaning protocols, we’ve now enhanced our cleaning regimen to align with the CDC’s updated coronavirus guidelines. These include cleaning more frequently and using cleaning solutions with at least 70% alcohol and/or EPA-approved products. Our team also works closely with janitorial and on-site staff to ensure adherence to new policies.

Locker rooms and Showers

Locker room and shower recommendations vary by facility. Each facility’s locker rooms and showers will be evaluated and adjusted to encourage adequate spacing, and cleaning supplies will be provided to wipe down lockers and surfaces before and after each use. High-touch amenities, such as cotton swabs and hair ties, may be removed.

Sanitizers and Cleaning Wipes

Facilities will provide hand-washing stations, hand sanitizer, and cleaning wipes.

Health Checks and Notifications

Each facility has different health check and notification guidelines based on city, state, and local mandates. Please check with your facility to understand their guidelines.

Distancing and Fitness Center capacity

Capacity will vary given the different sizes and setups of fitness centers. However, all sites will adhere to city, state, and local guidelines to ensure social distancing. In general, our facilities will have floor decals set 6 feet apart, directional floor decals to create one-way traffic flow where appropriate, and equipment will be removed from the training floor or shut down to abide by distancing guidelines.

Signage and Marketing Materials

All of our facilities are provided with marketing materials to help communicate the fitness center reopening and guidelines. Materials include member email communications, floor decals for social distancing, and signage that covers CDC guidelines, hand-washing tips, and more.

Additional Reopening Resources

EXOS’ 5-step plan for reopening fitness centers

5 things to consider when reopening your fitness centers

How to effectively clean your fitness center

What Clients and Members are Saying

“I really appreciate how much effort is put into keeping my gym experience safe yet effective.” – Jeff M.

“We’re excited about coming to the gym once it’s open and truly appreciate all of your and the staff’s hard work to ensure everyone’s safe.” – Cynthia and Fred W.

“I feel very safe at the fitness center. We couldn’t ask for a more reasonable fitness center. Thanks for all your hard work.” – Steven S.

“I’ve been to the gym nearly every day since you reopened. The gym is very important to me, and I appreciate everything the staff does to maintain a healthy environment.” – Anthony Q.

“I’m very impressed with the enhanced safety protocols (cleaning, limiting numbers, and equipment) and enhanced physical distancing. I feel completely safe at the fitness center.”
— James S.

“Having a break to visit the gym for a quick workout has always been invaluable for me. It does really help me keep my stress level down and helps me be more productive with the rest of my day! That is more important than ever during these crazy times.” – James S.

“I feel completely safe at the fitness center. I would be hesitant to go to a gym outside of [my on-site workplace fitness center], since I don’t know how dedicated the other patrons or staff may be.” – Anonymous

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