Club Insider

Overcoming the Business Challenges of COVID-19 – A Survey of Collective Discovery and Sharing

Posted: March 31, 2020 in Suppliers


DALLAS, TX – Vincent Van Gogh said, “Normality is a paved road; it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.” Today, our world, and our industry finds itself in an era far removed from normality. But, as Van Gogh eluded too, normalcy is comfortable, but it doesn’t spur innovation or success. At ClubIntel, we believe that in this time of uncertainty that each of our business can blossom into beautiful flowers if we work together collectively to discover what others in our industry are doing to address today’s challenges and converting them into flowers along the path.

This survey is intended to uncover what operators around the world are doing to address the challenges of COVID-19 and foster a fertile environment for employees, members and their businesses. Helen Keller eluded to the power of community in dealing with challenges when she said, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Such is our thinking. By conducting this survey, we hope to gather insightful and useful data on what others in our global fitness community are doing to foster a flower garden, rather than just a paved road for employees, members and their businesses. The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete and we encourage each of you to participate by clicking on the link below:

Our goal is to leave the survey open for two weeks, then compile the findings into a COMPIIMENTARY REPORT that we will share with our readers, post on our website and make available to industry associations for dissemination to their respective groups. By engaging together our hope is this report will serve as a guide to fitness operators around the globe.

All the best and stay safe,

Stephen Tharrett and Mark Williamson

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