Club Insider

December 2015 Cover Story Preview: “2015 In Review”

Posted: December 9, 2015 in Other News

Justin CatesJustin Cates

One of my fondest memories traveling was my first trip to New York City. During my visit, I needed to take the subway to a few of my sightseeing destinations. Waiting on the platform, I could hear and see the train in the distance, and it was getting closer at a seemingly faster rate. Right before its arrival, the wind gusts put off from the train hit all the travelers waiting on the platform. Moments later, the train arrived and began to decelerate, bringing more wind with it. On the platform, you could see traveler’s clothes and hair moving with the direction of the arriving train. And, then, it stopped, the train’s doors opened and boarding began. Moments later, the train was off again; this time with new passengers and to a new destination.

Every year in December, we feature an “In Review” cover story to review the year that will soon be completed. Like the train and wind on that New York Subway platform, this year, like every, has come and gone so fast one could seemingly blink an eye and miss it. That’s how it feels anyway, but when we take a moment to look back at everything our publication has covered this year, and to see what our industry has accomplished, it is a lot more than a gust of wind lost into the night. And, like the train heading into the New Year, we are all aboard a new train headed to a new destination. Let’s all continue to make a mark in 2016!

Read all about it in the upcoming December 2015 Edition of Club Insider!

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