Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: February 2009

Greg Lappin of the Rochester Athletic Club Sets the Gold Standard For General Managers
An In-depth Interview With Award Winning RAC General Manager Greg Lappin

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesFolks, let me tell you about Greg Lappin, a partner, Vice President and General Manager of the giant 260,000 square-foot Rochester Athletic Club in Rochester, Minnesota. In my 16-year run of doing in-depth Club Insider case-study cover stories, I've shared the success stories of some amazingly dedicated and devoted club owner/operators. I've shared the great success stories of people in our industry who live and breathe their club business and truly have, as Job #1, making their members happy. Read More

Visual Fitness Planner Reaches 600-Club Milestone!
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesThe energetic young man I call "Rocket Man," Daron Allen, a/k/a the CEO of Visual Fitness Planner, is on cloud nine these days. First, he's on cloud nine because Daron and his lovely wife, Traci, have just had a new family member arrive and she is named Ainsley Siena. And, of course, Daron is really excited and happy because Visual Fitness Planner, the brainchild of Mario Bravomalo 10 years ago, has now been installed in 600 clubs. Read More

Thrive vs Survive!
Make It Happen!!!

By: Ray Gordon

Ray GordonRay GordonMake it happen!!! Instead of spending your time thinking about how bad things are, think about how to capitalize on every opportunity. Then, spend your time thinking about how good it could be. Read More

What If Everything You Have Prepared For Is Irrelevant?
By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsYou can now marshal evidence that this is not true. Or, you can explore in what ways it is true for your life, your family and your business. And how, by believing this, you gain an edge. Someone has to get out of the box every now and then. Read More

The Economics of Weight Management in the Health Club Industry
By: Dr. Edward Slover

Dr. Edward SloverDr. Edward SloverThere is little debate that, historically, the "life-blood" of the health club industry has been membership sales. It was the way businesses could increase cash flow quickly, build a solid monthly receivables base or both. As the industry has grown, and with more fitness options available to consumers than ever, health club memberships have become little more than "leased space" for gym goers, and over the long run, this challenges the ability of a facility to achieve financial viability. Read More

Medical Fitness Association Provides Important Differentiating Tools
An Interview with MFA Executive Director, Dr. Cary Wing

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesThe Medical Fitness Association, based in Richmond, Virginia, is revving up its offerings and seeking to spread the word about new club/fitness center opportunities and tools for commercial clubs to differentiate themselves in their respective marketplaces. Club Insider contacted Dr. Cary Wing, the Executive Director of MFA to learn more, and that interview follows. Read More

Is Attitude Everything?
Yes It Is!

By: Jeffrey Keller

Jeffrey KellerJeffrey KellerWhen approached about my educational history, many people give me a puzzled look when I say that my focus during business school was Leadership. For most, accounting is an understandable major. Marketing is an understandable major. Even finance is an understandable major. But, when you tell people that your major was "leadership," it throws them for a loop. Read More

Making the World a Better Place, One Community at a Time
By: Andrea Sobotka

Andrea SobotkaAndrea SobotkaWe've always known that the fitness industry was worthy of holding a special place in the hearts of communities. If you have managed to accomplish this in your community, then kudos to you and your team! The reality, however, is that over the years, just like other industry sectors, health clubs and fitness businesses have become "silos" within their communities caught up in the day-to-day grind of running and managing what goes on inside the business. Read More

The Joy of the Sales and Retention Connection
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezMost of us in the health and fitness business experience something unique and fortunate every day... We truly love our work. How many people do you know who go to work every day and don't love or look forward to their work? Read More

Are Your Web Leads Falling Through the Cracks?
By: Casey Conrad

Casey ConradCasey ConradEvery club operator I talk with believes the Internet is an important part of how they should be finding more prospects and selling more memberships. Unfortunately, most operators are unknowingly letting hundreds or thousands of eLeads fall through the cracks (an "eLead" is any lead you obtain through using the Internet). This article will outline several of the biggest mistakes club operators are making with attracting and capturing web leads into membership sales. Read More

Guy Cammilleri, New World Gym Managing Director, Shares Inside Story on Acquisition
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesGuy Cammilleri is the Managing Director of World Gym International. World Gym was acquired by Guy's Mother, Mrs. Joyce J. Cammilleri, from Planet Fitness on December 31, 2008. From 1996-2001, Guy was the Director of Strategic Planning at JOICO International, the company his Mom Co-Founded. JOICO is a hair care brand recognized globally for its revolutionary approach to restoring health to damaged hair. Read More

Programming Tip of the Month
The Goal of Programming is Retention

By: Sandy Coffman

Sandy CoffmanSandy CoffmanThe objective of every program is to get members to use the club, enjoy the club and therefore come closer to becoming a retained member. But members do leave our clubs. Why? These are the excuses we've heard for years and still hear today (In fact, you are probably hearing many of them now from the members who joined your club in January!) "I'm not using the club enough," or "I don't have time." Read More

The Great Untold Secret About Exercise
By: Bruce Carter

Bruce CarterBruce CarterWhy is it that there are more health clubs than ever yet more overweight people than ever? With all the focus on exercise and all the efforts clubs have put on retention, why is it still one of the main problems in the fitness industry? Why is it that 9 out of 10 people know it is better to take the stairs instead of the escalator, yet only 1 out of 10 actually take the stairs when given the choice? Read More

Joe Moore On What's Happening At IHRSA
Since IHRSA's 28th Annual Conference and Trade Show is next month in San Francisco, March 16th through 19th, I decided to contact Joe Moore, IHRSA's CEO/President to get an update on what's happening at IHRSA. Joe has been in his new job as IHRSA President/CEO for two and a half years now. Don't forget to be at the only annual "Must Attend Industry Event" in the U.S. every year, IHRSA 2009 in San Francisco, March 16-19th. Read More

Fitness Management Goes Online
MADISON, WI - Athletic Business Publications, Inc. has announced that the print and online brand, Fitness Management, will be consolidated as an online resource. "Research has indicated that this market will be better served electronically," says Peter Brown, President. "More timely distribution will keep this market better informed, especially because of Fitness Management's high level of online engagement, both from a reader and advertiser standpoint." Read More

The Medical Fitness Association (MFA) Announces the First Annual Medical Fitness Institute
RICHMOND, VA - The Medical Fitness Association (MFA) has announced the first annual Medical Fitness Institute. The event will take place June 11-14, 2009 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. The Medical Fitness Institute (MFI) will address the growing need for educated, talented individuals to manage medically integrated health and fitness centers. Read More

IHRSA Launches New, Expanded 2008 Profiles of Success
Comprehensive Resource Provides Insight into Performance of Health Clubs

BOSTON, MA - The International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) announced the recent release of the 27th annual 2008 IHRSA Profiles of Success, a snapshot of the annual performance of leading clubs within the health and fitness club industry. The 2008 Profiles of Success is based upon 2007 data provided by leading IHRSA member club companies in the U.S. and Canada. Read More

IHRSA Announces 3rd Quarter Index from 17 Leading U.S. Club Companies
BOSTON, MA - The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) announced today the release of the IHRSA Third Quarter Index, which demonstrates the financial performance of the commercial health club industry. The survey of 17 leading U.S. health and sports club companies, representing a total of 200 facilities, determined that commercial health club financial performance has slightly improved for the third quarter ending September 30, 2008, relative to the same period last year. Read More

Improve Your Club's Sales Performance AND Support Augie's Quest... in Just 1 Hour!
Sales Expert Casey Conrad to Host Tele-seminar

January 30, 2009 - Like any business in a tough economy, health club operators are looking for any edge or insight that will help generate more sales. On February 26th, at 3pm EST, health club sales expert, Casey Conrad, will be holding a 1-hour teleseminar entitled, "Closing Skills in a Tough Economy." Read More

Plus One Acquires TimeOut Services, Inc.
Acquisition Expands Presence on West Coast and it Community Marketplace

NEW YORK, NY - Plus One Health Management, Inc. announced today that it has acquired TimeOut Services, Inc., a provider of workplace and community fitness and wellness services in California. Plus One will immediately assume management of TimeOut Services' existing corporate contracts in the Bay Area, including leaders in the network and communications equipment, internet services, food and drug store and semiconductor industries, along with Community BootCamp, a community-based group fitness program with seven locations. Read More

Visual Fitness Planner Promotes Warren Webb and Sam Lanasa to Key Vice President Positions
FORT WORTH, TX - The Visual Fitness Planner (VFP), celebrating its 10th year anniversary, is proud to announce the promotion of key team members to the positions of Vice President of Business Development and Vice President of Sales. The VFP has experienced significant growth over the last 2 years and is positioned to continue making a significant impact in the health and fitness industry. Read More

Spectrum Athletic Clubs Completes Acquisition of Concord Athletic Club & Spa
SAN ANTONIO, TX - Spectrum Athletic Clubs announces the acquisition of the Concord Athletic Club and Spa in San Antonio, TX effective January 20, 2009. This acquisition expands the company's market share dominance in the local health and fitness industry. The purchase of the 65,000 square-foot facility adds another key component to the company's larger goal of providing the health-conscious consumer with multi-location resort-like facilities and excellent customer service in a family friendly environment. Read More

Wellbridge Announces 5th Colorado Athletic Club
DENVER, CO - On January 22, The Wellbridge Company announced the expansion of its Colorado Athletic Club brand with a 40,000 square-foot club in Downtown Denver's Tabor Center. Ed Williams, President and CEO of The Wellbridge Company/Colorado Athletic Clubs, noted, "we are fortunate to have the financial strength and industry track record to take advantage of the opportunities that this challenging economy presents to strong businesses." Read More

CYBEX FT-450 Changes the Functional Training Landscape
MEDWAY, MA - Trends in the fitness industry come and go, but functional training has captured public attention and stayed there. Often under the guidance of a personal trainer or sports trainer, popular approaches to functional training involve exercises that mimic daily activities and athletic movements. In most gyms today, there are two primary strength training methods; one is machines that stabilize the body to allow lifting of heavy weights. Read More

NASM and California University Pennsylvania Select 2009 Pursuit of Excellence in Health and Fitness Award Winners
$15,000 Tuition Grants Awarded to Two Fitness Professionals for Online Graduate Degree Program

CALABASAS, CA - The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), a health and fitness education authority and leading sports performance solutions provider, and its higher education partner, California University of Pennsylvania, today announced Craig Stull and Brenda Eiseman as recipients of the 2009 Pursuit of Excellence in Health and Fitness Award. Each award winner is currently a practicing health and fitness professional and will be prepared for NASM credentials through their planned educational work. Read More

CheckFree is now Fiserv Delivering Webinars by Karen Woodard-Chavez
Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-Chavez, a renowned sales operations, management and customer service training consultant for the health & fitness club industry, has been providing webinars in conjunction with CheckFree now part of Fiserv. If you are a club owner, manager, salesperson, retention staff member or revenue-producing department head, we encourage you to attend these free, two-part live webinars. Read More

Norm's Notes for February 2009
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher Since 1993 checking in! Stand by for another blockbuster edition of Club Insider with an all-time, 16-year record 52 pages this month! Growth! Read More

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