Club Insider

About Bruce Carter

Bruce CarterBruce Carter

Bruce Carter is the president of Optimal Design Systems International. He has 43 years of successful experience in the fitness industry. In addition to starting Optimal Design Systems, Bruce also was the founder of Optimal Fitness Systems International.

Phone: (954) 888 - 5960

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Back to the Basics Means New Design Opportunities
December 2022 - When gyms first appeared with any level of volume back in the mid-1900s, they were all about weight training. Initially, to the vast majority of people (and even more so with women), the idea of weight training made little sense. But, technology started to take away more and more daily physical activity so people needed to seek out places to be active. Initially, training was all about free weights, barbells, dumbbells, kettle bells, medicine balls, etc., and also with emphasis on functional movements. Cardio came on the scene in the 1960s, first with bikes, treadmills entering in the '70s, stair climbers in the '80s and ellipticals in the '90s. Read Article...

Club Design and Décor
A New Key Ingredient for a Club To Be Successful

March 2011 - Having at one time worked for a national chain, the magic word was "sales." "The health club business is a sales business" was the overriding mantra to the point that they would even bring in hypnotists in the morning to hypnotize us to sell more. Talk to a personal trainer and the formula is clear. Great equipment and trainers are what a club needs to succeed. Yet, talk to a finance person and strong financial administration makes all the difference. Read Article...

De-Clutter Your Club for a Better Member Experience
March 2013 - On the cover of a recent issue of "O," Oprah's magazine, the heading was "De Clutter Your Life!" It must be a major issue for people to be the cover story. One thing is for sure; it is a major issue for so many clubs. Read Article...

Design and the Profitable 21st Century Club
August 2006 - Read Article...

Design Mistakes That Can Cost You Big
February 2020 - Health club design has come a long way in recent years. Spaces that once existed to house equipment have evolved into more inviting and energizing environments, adding to the fitness success of a club. Having a team that has cumulatively worked on approximately 700 projects over the course of 30+ years, there are certain things that consistently stand out as design weaknesses. Some are small, some are big, but they all can clearly have an effect on the bottom line. However, just a little attention on these can make all the difference in creating a highly desirable experience when in a club. Read Article...

Design Secrets for Management, Staff and Member Magic
December 2021 - Magic happens in a business environment when all parties involved are finding that their expectations are being met and then even exceeded, yet it is synergistic in nature. If one group is finding their expectations are being met, but the other two aren't, then there is no magic and no optimal potential being achieved. There are a number of key design attributes that can greatly help in creating a winning environment for management, staff and members. Some may seem so obvious that they are often overlooked, minimizing the design attention they receive. Read Article...

Designing a Healthy Health Club
A Guide to Sustainable and Safe Wellness Spaces

November 2024 - When designing a modern health club, creating a space that promotes both environmental sustainability and the health and wellbeing of its members is essential. This involves a dual approach: integrating energy-efficient, sustainable materials into the design and then making sure to effectively communicate these efforts to members. Using energy-efficient design and sustainable materials not only lowers operational costs but also aligns with environmental responsibilities. Here's how you can design a healthy, sustainable health club that sets a new standard in wellness. Read Article...

Designing the New "Sales Experience"
September 2018 - Sales has been one of the dominate foundations of the health and fitness club industry. It has evolved from "sales or selling" to terms such as membership, fitness consultant, and even, fitness trainer. With the advent of low-price clubs, selling memberships in many facilities became minimized; the art and science of convincing people to join a club evolved into filling out the paperwork for $10 memberships with the individual joining filling out most of the agreement themselves (in person or online). Yet, as more and more low-priced clubs came into the marketplace, it became clear that getting "more revenue per member" was the evolving goal. This need has once again put productive selling at the forefront of club operations. However, many clubs, often larger and with higher dues, continued to sell as always. But, even with those clubs, there seems to be a new format, that of selling memberships and non-dues programs. Read Article...

Does a "Green" Design Equal More Profits?
October 2011 - Being eco-friendly is the practice of making educated choices that result in less damage to the environment while using fewer resources. Going green seems like an obvious focus for any health club owner, especially since the business is all about being healthier. The sustainability movement can be incorporated in various parts of a club, including a club's design. Read Article...

Doing All You Can Do to Safely Re-Open a Club Amid COVID-19
May 2020 - Never before have most clubs in the entire country been forced to close out of safety for its members and staff. It's an unprecedented situation that is almost hard to believe. Yet, as with most things, time heals and so clubs are starting to re-open. Questions abound on what a club can do to make things safer, and yet, still take steps to get operating again as a profitable enterprise. Since this is a new situation, there are not "tried and true" methods on what to do, but what follows are a number of things that are a consensus of what most clubs will do regarding their physical facilities. Read Article...

Enhancing Positive Energy
Harnessing Feng Shui in Health Club Design

July 2024 - In the pursuit of holistic wellness, creating a harmonious and inspiring environment goes beyond physical fitness equipment and amenities. Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice centered around energy flow and spatial arrangement, offers valuable principles for cultivating positive energy within health club spaces. One may question the concept of Feng Shui, but it can be assumed that anything around for thousands of years must have some meaningful value, especially since clubs are so much about energy. Here is how integrating Feng Shui principles into health club design can enhance member experiences, promote wellbeing and foster a sense of balance and positivity... Read Article...

Environmental Psychology
The Powerful New Competitive Advantage for Clubs

October 2009 - Take off your shoes. Now, imagine putting on the shoes of someone who is inactive, out of shape and overweight. You are not at all pleased with how you look, constantly thinking you have to do something, especially every time you eat something you should not have. Read Article...

Exercising at Home Vs. Exercising at a Club
Competition or Members on the Same Team?

June 2022 - As it is widely known, a short while ago due to COVID-19, club exercise dropped off a cliff. Exercising at home obviously became a very popular option when clubs closed and people did not have a choice: exercise at home or don't exercise at all. Surprisingly, then, through things such as blogs and news stories, a "good guy, bad guy" story started to unfold. Clubs were unhealthy and only cared about money, and home exercise was safe and an unselfish approach to fitness. Many jumped on the bandwagon, and the gulf between home and club exercising widened. However, COVID did not motivate people who were not already exercising to exercise at home. Contrary to what was being portrayed, the amount of total exercising done during COVID was not higher than before. If anything, it was substantially less. Things just shifted temporarily. Read Article...

Follow These Six Critical Steps Before Designing a New Club or Renovation
May 2019 - Whether you are opening a new higher-price club, a low-price model, a specialty/boutique club or plan to renovate an existing club, design is more important than ever in contributing to a club's success. Most clubs are costing more per square foot to build than ever. The days of a mid-level club costing $40 - $60 per square foot are being replaced by $50 - $80 and more per square foot. Many boutique clubs are in the $100 - $250 square foot range to build, and renovations follow this upward pattern. As a result of these trends, it is imperative to take key steps before designing a new club or renovating an existing club. Read Article...

How A Club Keeps Changing To Stay The Best in Their Market
March 2014 - The need to renovate a club is like the need to renovate your body. No matter what, if you do not keep up with the latest exercise and nutrition, your body ages and becomes a shadow of what it once was, and you are not able to effectively be the most productive you can be. So it is with a club. Not renovating lessens your competitive ability, and slowly, your club can "whither" away. Oh sure, maybe you can hang on... but the profits are never the same. Read Article...

How Technology Is Changing Club Design
February 2019 - We are all aware of the rapid changes in technology affecting our lives. Now, more than ever, there is a rapid escalation in the use of technology in clubs, providing members a more engaging experience. This is especially true if you want to attract the 20 - 40 age group, yet all members want the best possible solutions to their desire to look and feel their best. All of these technological advances affect club design. If you plan accordingly, technology will function more effectively, cost less and be an integral part of the excitement of a club. Here are some key factors to consider when incorporating technology into a design, and they apply to any size or type of club, new or renovation... Read Article...

How the Internet and Social Media Have Changed Club Design Forever
August 2023 - At one time, the sales and marketing goal of all clubs was to get people in the door so potential members could see the facility and interact with staff. The internet has changed this process entirely. Now, the goal is to get potential members to look at a screen: a phone, tablet or computer. The process has changed, and seldom will someone come into a club without first "checking it out" and researching the club online. It may be the club's website, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, Yelp or LinkedIn, or often, more than one of these social media platforms. So, the question then becomes: How do you get people to bring your club up on their screen? Read Article...

How to Best Use Space for a Great Design
April 2016 - No matter what the size of club we have dealt with over the years, whether it was 5,000 square feet or 200,000 square feet, there always seemed to be a need for more space. Therefore, getting the most successful use out of your available square footage is an optimal goal. However, it is common to try and "put four quarts into a 3-quart container." When this happens, the result is often an inefficient and non-functional operation. Read Article...

How to Create a Great Kids' Area for Your Club
August 2014 - The question on whether to offer a kids' area is a continuing one in the health and fitness club industry. Some say very few members use the area, so why waste the needed space and add to the payroll? This is especially true if a club is offering lower prices or if it is smaller in size. Read Article...

How To Create an Inexpensive Facelift For Your Club
September 2013 - You know you need to keep your club inviting and exciting. It is so easy for people to get bored with exercise, and we must face the fact that many people hate exercise in the first place. It is so important to keep thinking of ways to keep your club stimulating and motivating people to join and keep coming back for more. Therefore, the question is, "What can I do to make positive changes to my club without spending much?" Read Article...

How to Create Dynamic "Studio Clubs" Within Your Club
October 2017 - One of the more significant trends in the club industry has been the growth of studio clubs and major chains such as Soul Cycle and Orangetheory. Studios can often be just 2,000 - 4,000 square feet, yet generate monthly dues of $100 - $200 per month. This can obviously be frustrating to a large, full-service club in the same marketplace offering similar types of programs, yet only charging $20 - $50 per month or more for their entire club. Read Article...

How to Design a Boutique Club Within a Club
June 2015 - One of the most significant changes in the fitness industry in the past ten years has been the growth of personal and group training. As a result of this, smaller clubs that specialize in this type of programming have become more popular. These clubs, often called "boutique clubs" usually range in size from 1,500 square feet to 7,500 square feet and offer one or more classes, such as cross training, yoga, hot yoga, Barre, Pilates, spin, group exercise and personal training. Read Article...

How to Design a Club for Maximum Sales Power
January 2018 - What are people looking for in a club? Any club? Are they looking for exercise? A room with equipment? Are they looking for a social experience? It can be any or all of these, but the basic common thread for anyone joining any type of club is they are looking for solutions to improve their life. They are looking for a fulfilling experience. This applies to large clubs, studios, low-price models and higher-priced clubs. So, what can be done with design to best create an environment, an "experience," that will motivate people to pay whatever the dues that are being charged, and then, keep paying them? Read Article...

How to Design A Club to Be Less Intimidating
October 2019 - Anyone associated with the health and fitness club industry is quite comfortable in a club environment. Familiar surroundings and like-minded people make up this tremendous industry. Yet, many do not feel this comfort level, and therefore, try to avoid clubs. Yes, the need is there, and maybe even the desire, but the club experience does not "speak" to the majority of individuals. Read Article...

How to Design a Dynamic Recovery Area for Your Club
December 2023 - In the ever-evolving landscape of fitness, the importance of recovery is gaining recognition as an essential component of a well-rounded fitness and wellness experience. A thoughtfully designed recovery area in a club can transform a space into a sanctuary for relaxation, rejuvenation and overall wellbeing. Overall, wellness is a $4 trillion industry and is even a "new status symbol" with populations of all ages tuning into holistic health therapies. Much of the growing trend in recovery and mental health was triggered by COVID-19 and people looking for solutions to growing anxiety and stress. Read Article...

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