Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: May 2009

Julie Main
Devoted Wife, Mother and Leader (1956 - 2009)

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesThe health, racquet and sports club industry worldwide was saddened to learn that Julie Main, one of our industry's brightest stars, passed away on May 4th, 2009. Julie was 53 years old when she left this earth. Her husband, Michael, and daughters, Sarah and Alison, as well as all of us in this industry who knew her, will miss her greatly. She was put to rest at Temple B'Nai Brith, Santa Monica, California on Friday, May 8th at 10 AM. Read More

Every New Member Is Valuable!!!
By: Ray Gordon

Ray GordonRay GordonLet me tell you a story... Supposedly, Henry Ford, when he went on the first inspection tour of his new Ford dealerships saw the big blue Ford oval mounted on a sign which read Ford Sales and Service. He turned to his General Manager and said, "I want you to change that sign. I want it to read Ford Service and Sales. Read More

Getting an Appointment With the Appointment-Resistant Caller
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezMost clubs are reporting that the new membership in-quiries for both phone and those who walk into the club are down. When we do get a call or someone who walks in, we want to maximize the return on the dollars that created that inquiry. This short article will give you some distinctive tips on how to maximize appointment setting and show ratios on every phone call even with the appointment-resistant caller. Read More

The Leadership Factor
Are You Up to the Challenge?

By: Dr. Edward Slover

Dr. Edward SloverDr. Edward SloverIn light of the current economic reality and the increasingly competitive business environment, all businesses encounter demands for more leadership to make their organizations prosper. While leadership is a buzzword bandied about by management scholars and business practitioners, it is the lynchpin that ties an organization's vision and mission to operational effectiveness, and ultimately, the achievement of financial goals. But, don't take my word for it. Read More

The Fitness Industry Has Hit Rock Bottom
A Blog Post By Thomas - May 5, 2009

By: Thomas Plummer

Thomas PlummerThomas PlummerEvery person who has ever suffered from a drinking problem knows the old adage that there is never change until you hit bottom. Then, and only then, can you admit you have an issue and rebuild your life. In this industry, we have hit bottom, and we're floundering on the floor like a bunch of wet monkeys in a hot tub. Read More

How Not to Be a Micro Manager
By: Andrea Sobotka

Andrea SobotkaAndrea SobotkaAs a manager of any team or group of people, you got there by possessing certain qualities beyond just technical knowhow. And, as is often the case, some of those very "other" qualities can sabotage your successful management! If you are at the top, or working your way up to the top, it is not enough to be technically talented and personally ambitious; you must develop skills that seem "soft" on the surface, but in reality, can make or break your long-term success as a manager. Read More

Asking Questions Could Lead To Major Cost Savings!
By: T.J. Carter

T.J. CarterT.J. CarterAs business owners and managers, we are all looking for ways to generate revenue and reduce expenses. When it comes to Human Resources, like many owners and managers, as long as employees are paid on time, morale is good and the company has benefits, we don't worry much about HR details. However, in today's business climate, we can no longer assume "everything is fine" in HR. Read More

Group Exercise Programming
A New Business Model?

By: Laurie Cingle

Laurie CingleLaurie CingleOnce upon a time, in a fitness industry long, long ago, group exercise was called "Aerobics," a term invented by Dr. Kenneth Cooper. Born in the 70's, as dance-style classes held in the basement of churches (a.k.a. Jazzercise), aerobics grew to occupy standalone studios located in commercial strip shopping centers in the 80's. Participants willingly paid either by-the-class or a fixed monthly fee for classes (and just classes). Read More

Programming Tip of the Month
Three Programming Tips - Guaranteed Successful

By: Sandy Coffman

Sandy CoffmanSandy Coffmanf I had to rename my book, Successful Programs for Fitness and Health Clubs: 101 Profitable Ideas, I would name it Make It Fun! because that's exactly what great programming does for the fitness clubs of our industry. Programming is the part of our business that taps into your creative juices and allows you to truly bring the world of exercise, fitness and wellness into an enjoyable, fun and social experience for your member. The results are happy, healthier members and a growing, profitable business for you. Read More

Fitness Industry Leaders Across the Nation Gather on Capitol Hill to Campaign for a Healthier America
BOSTON, MA - The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) and fitness professionals across the nation gathered today in Washington, DC to meet with their Congressional members, asking for their support of health promotion legislation to remove federal barriers from exercise and to reward Americans for choosing to lead healthy lifestyles. During the 7th Annual IHRSA Summit for a Healthier America, fitness advocates will encourage the passage of the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act (H.R.2105) and The Workforce Health Improvement Program (WHIP) Act (H.R. 2106), both recently reintroduced in Congress. Read More

The 10 Commandments of Cancer Prevention
About one of every three Americans will face some form of cancer during his or her lifetime. You can help beat these grim statistics by taking steps to protect yourself right now. In fact, up to 75% of cancer deaths in the United States can be prevented, reports the April, 2009 issue of Harvard Men's Health Watch. Read More

Congress Plans Incentives for Establishing New, Healthy Habits
BOSTON, MA - In its effort to overhaul health care, Congress is planning to give employers sweeping new authority to reward employees for healthy behavior, including better diet, more exercise, weight loss and smoking cessation. Congress is seriously considering proposals to provide tax credits or other subsidies to employers who offer wellness programs that meet federal criteria. In addition, lawmakers said they would make it easier for employers to use financial rewards or penalties to promote healthy behavior among employees. Read More

Equinox Fitness Clubs Continue Growth
NEW YORK, NY - When the going gets tough, the tough get fitter, healthier and blasts stress. So, it stands to reason that Equinox Fitness Clubs are still going strong despite these challenging economic times. Yesterday, Equinox opened its second Boston location at 225 Franklin Street. Read More

David Patchell-Evans Tries to Stop Canadian Tax Increase
LONDON, CANADA - David Patchell-Evans, incoming Chair of IHRSA, President of the Canadian Fitness Professionals and Board member of Fitness Industry Canada, waded in with the Minister of Finance on the issue of the newly proposed harmonized tax introduced by the Ontario Provincial Government and supported by Canadian Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. The Ontario Government announced in its March 26, 2009 budget that it plans to harmonize the 8% Ontario retail sales tax (RST) with the 5% federal goods and services tax (GST) to form a 13% harmonized sales tax (HST), effective July 1, 2010 (the "Implementation Date"). To date, a provincial tax has not been paid on fitness services. Read More

The American Association of Franchisee and Dealers (AAFD) Announces Curves International as Franchisor of the Year
Curves International is the franchisor of Curves Fitness Centers, the world's largest fitness network with nearly 10,000 franchisee-owned fitness clubs serving four million women worldwide. Curves is also one of the fastest growing franchise companies in history. Notwithstanding the challenges of rapid growth and dynamic involvement in multiple channels of distribution, the company has embraced a collaborative culture with its franchise network and has enjoyed a very positive relationship with its members as a result. Read More

Reminder to Pool Owners and Operators
Seasonal Pools Must Meet New Anti-Entrapment Legislation Before Opening

NSF International is reminding owners and operators of seasonal public pools that new legislation, which took effect in December 2008, now requires them to install anti-entrapment devices that meet the new Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (VGBPSSA) before opening for the season. The VGBPSSA Act was adopted to help protect children from life-threatening injuries and deaths from potentially dangerous pool and spa drains. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) records, there were more than 120 suction entrapment accidents between 1990 and October 2003, of which 25 resulted in death. Read More

Norm's Notes for May 2009
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello everybody, this is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with a very saddened heart! I'm sad because we've lost our friend, JULIE MAIN. She passed away on May 4th after a 17-year battle with two forms of cancer. Read More

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