The Club Insider Archives: December 2020
2020 In Review
By: Justin Cates
Justin CatesEach year, Oxford chooses a word of the year. Like everything else in 2020, this year, that changed. For the first time, they determined there was not one word that accurately describes the unprecedented year we have just experienced. At its core, I can't argue against that, but for me, the one word to describe this year is: EARTH. No matter the expanding differences between all the different groups of people who inhabit this planet, we all have one thing in common, where Earth goes, we go. For the time being, we are stuck on this beautiful sphere flying through space. To me, that is actually a beautiful thought, and it's a thought one would think could unite peoples.
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"Take 2"
By: Derek Barton
Derek BartonThose of us who have worked in the Motion Picture & Television industry have heard the command, "Take 2." As an Actor, you say your lines to the other actor, and he says his. You hope the sound engineer records it perfectly, you hope the Director of Photography gets the desired shot, and most of all, you hope that the Director is satisfied. And, when they are, the whole film crew on the set will hear that Director happily say, "Cut. That's a print!"
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Marketing and Selling Amid Crisis
By: Casey Conrad
Casey ConradI think it is fair to say that we are living in the most bizarre, tumultuous time of our lives. If anyone had told me the following a year ago, I would have told them to check into the nearest psych ward: "The world, as we know it, will shut down next year. All 'non-essential' businesses will be forced to close their doors. People won't be allowed to go to church, and healthy people will be mandated to wear masks, even while working out."
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Developing Resilient Leaders and Loved Ones
Part II
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez
Karen Woodard-ChavezIn Part I, we have defined resilience, its elements and you have rated yourself, those you lead and those you love. Now, in Part II, you are ready for an exercise to strengthen your "resilience muscles." The exercise is called Doors Close, Doors Open.
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COVID-19 and Business Interruption Insurance Claims & Challenges
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire
Paul R. Bedard, EsquireMost health clubs carry business interruption insurance. However, when the business interruption is related to COVID-19, there is often a lack of insurance coverage. This tends to be in stark contrast to the policyholder's underlying belief that coverage is sufficient. Many policyholders have therefore had to debate policy language with their insurance providers while also analyzing any applicable exclusions when attempting to establish coverage.
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The Importance of Movement Health
By: Cathy Spencer Browning
Cathy Spencer BrowningJust as movement is medicine, a lack of movement can cause disease in our bodies. During this time of fewer visits to the gym, fewer activities and much more time at home, many are moving less and less. After all, the walk from the kitchen to the couch to the bathroom to the home office... that isn't very far to travel. The incremental movement that occurs between the things we normally do in life is absent. Maybe not noticeably at first. But, that achy back, those sore knees, the brain fog, or even that physically "flat" feeling we sometimes complain about can actually be because our bodies are designed to move, and the lack of movement results in a reduction in what we call "movement health."
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One in Four Health and Fitness Clubs Could Close by Year-End
BOSTON, MA - Based on data from major payment processing firms, 15% of fitness clubs and studios have closed permanently as of September 30. Up to one in four health clubs may close by the end of the year as club operators grapple with the coronavirus pandemic's disproportionate impact.
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Norm's Notes for December 2020
By: Norm Cates
Norm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with you today with our 324th monthly edition of Club Insider, kicking off our 28th year of publication! WOW! Isn't it great that this Year from Hell, a year we'll all remember forever, has flown by? And, as I write this Note on Tuesday, December 1st, 2020, America is showing that survival is in our DNA and come Hell or High Water, we're going to make it through this horrible COVID-19 Pandemic. Sure, this has been a bad year for anyone who has caught the virus. And, for so many who have caught it and did not recover and continue life with us here on Earth... it's been the worst possible year EVER. So, I want you all to know that I've prayed for all of you every day of this year since this pandemic hit. I've prayed that you've not lost a family member or a friend to COVID-19. And, if you have, my heart is very sad for you, and my prayers are with you! Moreover, if at this very moment you're battling COVID-19 as you read this, please know FOR SURE that my thoughts and prayers are with you! God bless you all!
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