Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: July 2013

Leisure Sports Sets A Standard All It's Own!
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesSteve Gilmour, Founder of Leisure Sports, Inc., has an amazing story to tell. This is a story about a young pitcher in baseball who went to a physical therapy center for treatment for an injury. That injury resulted in Steve launching what's now Leisure Sports. Steve has grown it to an $83 million dollar business over the past 34 years, and the company now has eight unique locations totaling 735,000 square feet, plus significant outdoor facility space as well. Read More

Reframing Problems for Better Solutions
By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsWhenever problem solving fails, it is likely that you were working on the wrong problem. Reframing is a problem solving tool to help you look at a problem from different frames of reference which can uncover underlying assumptions. The reframing process shifts inappropriate and potentially misleading problem definitions into more effective problem definitions and better solutions. Read More

Preparing to Sell Your Health Club
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasHave you thought about it? Is that time coming? Is it time to go fishing? We work with many potential buyers of health clubs as well as current gym owners who would like to sell. If your business is in good shape, now is a good time to sell as there are buyers but not enough gym inventory to go around. Read More

Beware! Common Payroll Traps That Will Get You In Trouble
By: Mike Manning

Mike ManningMike ManningNo club owner wakes up one morning and says, "I think I'm going to start violating Federal or State Labor Laws." Even so, a quick Internet search reveals that some of the largest, most prominent companies in our industry have dealt with lawsuits or other government enforcement action related to payroll. If big chains with access to in-house legal departments and high-dollar outside attorneys have costly legal issues because of their payroll practices, you might, too, one day. Read More

Driving Summer Membership Sales
By: Casey Conrad

Casey ConradCasey ConradFor many health and fitness clubs, the summer represents a slow time in regular membership sales. There is no denying that walk-in club traffic suffers when nice weather drives people outdoors, and the kids who are at home from school interrupts typical schedules. But, A does not always equal B, and this does not mean that membership sales "have to" slow to a crawl. Read More

Double Your Success and Triple Your Marketing Response, Even in the Summer
By: Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna KrechIn the club industry, you might hear that summer is the "slow season." But, in our facility, we have figured out how to have kick-butt summers, and I'm going to share how we do it. The good news is it is so simple. Read More

Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Team Trek, a Great Retention Program

By: Laurie Cingle

Laurie CingleLaurie CingleHave your recent efforts in offering retention programs fallen flat? Here's a great program guaranteed to work in any setting --large or small club, high-- or moderate-income membership, young or mature ages. It's one of my all-time favorites. Expect BIG numbers, at least 120 members and staff. Read More

Johnson Health Tech Promotes Several Senior Executives
COTTAGE GROVE, WI - Johnson Health Tech. Co. Ltd. announced several leadership promotions for its Australian and North American business units. Gary Peak, a seasoned industry professional who has been with Johnson Health Tech North America (JHTNA) since 2006, will assume the role of Managing Director of JHT Australia (JHTA), replacing the retiring Terry McIver, effective August 1, 2013. Read More

Salute You Scholarship to Place Thousands of Returning Troops on Promising New Career Path
SAN DIEGO, CA - The American Council on Exercise (ACE) has launched a new program to give thousands of men and women leaving the United States Armed Forces the opportunity to continue to serve their nation in an important new way. The ACE Salute You Scholarship will prepare honorably discharged military personnel to start an all-new career as an ACE-certified personal trainer, a respected designation in a rapidly growing field. Read More

Honolulu Says "Aloha" to the Island Club & Spa
HONOLULU, HI - A new $7-million health club and spa opened on May 10th, 2013. The new Island Club and Spa is located at 1177 Queen Street, and it brings a new level of sophistication and service to Honolulu residents. Island Club and Spa has found new owners in Praesidian Capital, a private investment firm. The club will be managed and co-owned by Honolulu resident Randy Otto, who formerly managed the Honolulu Club along with a number of Chicago-based clubs including Fitness Formula Clubs and Tennis Corporation of America. Read More

Norm's Notes for July 2013
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in! Read More

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