Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: June 2018

Roger Ralph
A Club Industry Pioneer, Veteran and Gentleman

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesMy Dad, Club Insider Publisher, Norm Cates, sometimes writes, "Get a beverage of your choice, sit back, relax and enjoy the following read." Today, you will want to do exactly that for this month's cover story. Our feature this month is someone you may or may not have heard of or met, but I can guarantee you that he has had an effect on your health and fitness club business. His name is Roger Ralph, and he epitomizes the terms Club Industry Pioneer, Veteran and Gentleman. Read More

Jim Worthington
One Busy Guy!

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesIn May 22, 2018, the Right to Try Bill was passed by the House of Representatives in Washington, DC. This bill was first passed in the U.S. Senate (S 204) in August, 2017. It finally passed the House and was signed into law by President Trump on Wednesday, May 30, 2018. Read More

Modern Club Architecture and Design - Part II
Featuring Interviews With Rudy Fabiano and Bruce Carter

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesIn Part I of our 2-part cover story on modern club architecture and design, Rudy Fabiano and Bruce Carter discussed many of the aspects required in the detail-oriented field of club architecture of design. There are many things to consider with every project before you ever get to the stage of picking actual design elements, materials and finishes. This month, in Part II, Rudy and Bruce will discuss those design elements, materials and finishes. I invite you to read on. Read More

Exercise IS Medicine!
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertWhen you write a monthly article for any publication, you must constantly be thinking about what your next topic will be and what you can write that will hopefully motivate and encourage people to think about how they might incorporate some of it into their own business/life. The intent is to build a following of people who are inspired to really make a difference for others. Read More

Inside Instinctive Insights
Client Spotlight: WestFit Clubs

By: Deneen Laprade

Deneen LapradeDeneen LapradeWestFit Clubs, (fka Westford Racquet & Fitness Club) was opened by the Shyjan family in 1970. In 1972, the family opened The Westford Swim and Tennis Club, 2.5 miles down the road from the fitness-based facility. Today, the Shyjan family and their clubs have served Westford and its surrounding communities for 45+ years. Those in the health and fitness club industry know the achievement this level of longevity represents. Read More

The Onboarding Process as a Sales, Retention and Referral Tool
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezHow many of you reading this article have some sort of onboarding process for new members at your club? I would bet most of you would say that you have that available. How many of you reading this article mention it on the tour and then again rush through it in the post tour? I bet some of you, if you really thought about it, would have to say that that is what you do. How many of you are not thrilled with the participation rates of new members engaging in your onboarding process? Again, from what I see in the business, most clubs are not getting the engagement level in these services/sessions that they are intending to see. Read More

Putting the Service Back Into Sales
By: Casey Conrad

Casey ConradCasey ConradIt's no secret that the retail landscape has forever changed as Amazon (and other online options) makes it ridiculously easy to buy online. We have all seen some of our favorite, local stores close their doors. Many larger chains have consolidated, and in some cases (Toys-R-Us most recently), bankrupted. One would think that, in an effort to keep more customers, retail stores would work harder at customer service; sadly, this doesn't appear to be the case. Although a gross generalization, today's employees appear to have more interest in checking their phone than in on a customer. Add technology to the equation and what you often get is a very impersonal customer experience. I may sound old fashioned, but I find that getting good service is more the exception than the norm. It's frustrating and sad. Read More

What Are the Elements of a Legal Contract?
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire

Paul R. Bedard, EsquirePaul R. Bedard, EsquireHealth club owners and operators are routinely parties to contracts. Some of these contracts are formal and complex, whereas others are informal and simple. However, regardless of these specifics, what constitutes a legal contract? An enforceable contract requires three elements: an offer, acceptance and consideration. There must also be a meeting of the minds between the contracting parties, along with an absence of fraud, duress, legal incapacity or any one of the many legal defenses to a breach of contract claim. Although contracts can generally be oral or verbal, some types of contracts must be reduced to writing. State laws govern contract enforceability and these laws vary, adding yet another legal facet that requires analysis when trying to determine whether a contract is legal. Read More

Gym Owner's "Fat and Ugly" Sign Gains Fans, Avoids Fine
By: Paul Steinbach

Scott Campbell wanted the sign outside his Pell City Fitness center in Alabama to be an attention-grabber. Soon, the eyes of a nation would be on his slogan, "Tired at being fat and ugly? Just be ugly!" Read More

US Fitness Receives Majority Investment From Delos Capital and HRS Management
MCLEAN, VA - US Fitness, a leading operator of high-amenity, high-value health and fitness clubs across the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast United States, announced that it has received a majority investment from Delos Capital, a leading private equity firm, with HRS Management, the family office of Apollo Management Co-Founder Joshua Harris, investing alongside Delos. Read More

Crunch Fitness Launches Strengthened By Heroes Campaign
NEW YORK, N.Y. - Crunch Fitness announces the launch of the Strengthened by Heroes national campaign. Strengthened by Heroes demonstrates Crunch's gratitude by honoring those veterans and first responders who are everyday heroes. Through this initiative, Crunch hopes to make a difference in their communities by encouraging other veterans to join their team or to find support through fitness. Read More

Blink Fitness Promotes Two Key Players; Names Todd Magazine CEO
NEW YORK, N.Y. - Blink Fitness, a premium-quality, value-based gym that has challenged industry norms by celebrating how exercise makes you feel, not just how it makes you look, has announced the promotion of former President Todd Magazine to Chief Executive Officer and former Vice President of Operations David Collignon to Senior Vice President of Operations. Read More

National Federation of Professional Trainers Partners With MS Fitness Challenge to Offer New MS Fitness Training Course
LAFAYETTE, IN - The National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) has partnered with MS Fitness Challenge to create and produce the MS Fitness Essentials course. This course is an essentials concepts course which focuses on the fundamental needs and modifications that must be understood and implemented when working with clients who have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Using the correct training protocol for safe exercise with MS clients is crucial to injury prevention and comfort with the training program. Read More

Rodney Steven II and Genesis Health Clubs Announce Acquisition of All Kansas City-area World Gym Locations, Reaching 20 Clubs in Kansas City Area
WICHITA, KS - Rodney Steven II announced that Genesis Health Clubs will acquire both Kansas City-area World Gym locations and begin a major remodeling project on the Merriam Genesis location. Following closely on the heels of the announcement of the $30 million Goddard Aquatic Center, the acquisition of the new Merriam and Vivion Road locations brings the total count of Genesis Health Clubs locations to 47 across Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri and Oklahoma. Read More

ClubCorp Announces Leadership Transition
DALLAS, TX - ClubCorp - The World Leader in Private Clubs - announced that David Pillsbury joined the company as Chief Executive Officer effective June 1, 2018. Pillsbury has held numerous leadership roles in the golf industry over the past 30 years. Read More

Attend the 2018 IHRSA Institute!
This exclusive, executive-level event is designed to provide a strong overall base for anyone working in the fitness industry. You'll learn from industry experts and college level professors in an intimate setting. Real-life examples and in-depth conversations with faculty and students, in the classroom and beyond, will help you run a better club. Executive education programs at prestigious universities like the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are priced at $4,000 or more. The IHRSA Institute has been designed to provide you with an industry-specific program but at a much lower price. Read More

Norm's Notes for June 2018
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader checking in with our 294th Monthly Edition. Yahoo! This is clearly proof there is a GOD! Read More

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