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The Club Insider Archives: April 2018

Dr. Kenneth Cooper
Reminiscing About 50 Years of Aerobics

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesIt was April, 1968, 50 years ago this month, that the book Aerobics, written by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, was released. Today, what we take for granted as fact in this field was a revolution at that time. There were critics and supporters, but time eventually proved the Aerobics concepts and tests, as well as its supporters right, changing the landscape of physical fitness in the United States and around the world. The first edition of Aerobics sold 6 million copies, and including future editions, the total sold now stands at around 30 million. Dr. Cooper also went on to write 18 more books throughout his career, which is still going strong. Read More

Sandi Gordon Rolling Out Rock Steady Boxing at Apple Athletic Club
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesThe Mission of Rock Steady Boxing is: to empower people with Parkinson's disease to fight back. Rock Steady Boxing is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that gives people with Parkinson's disease hope by improving their quality of life through a non-contact boxing-based fitness curriculum. How many of you have family or friends who are suffering from Parkinson's Disease? My bet, and guess, is that the answer is a lot of you do. I do. Read More

Exercise IS Medicine!
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertWe all know that exercise has a powerful effect on health. Also, we all agree that we are in this industry to help people lead an independent, healthy lifestyle. And, we say that we care about our staff, the people who run our clubs and are 100% responsible for the success that we have as a business. We say that we want them to be healthy and be active. We encourage them to workout. But, do we really mean it? Read More

A Formula for Successful Customer Service
By: Melissa Knowles

Melissa KnowlesMelissa KnowlesThe fitness industry is ALL about service first. While your facilities may boast the latest in advanced technology or the best in equipment, it's your people and their interactions with your members that matter most. This article looks at 12 key ingredients that must be included when creating your perfect formula for successful customer service... Read More

Defamatory Social Media Reviews
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire

Paul R. Bedard, EsquirePaul R. Bedard, EsquireIt takes time and effort for any business to establish and maintain a positive reputation. Whether a health club is creating raving fans or blatantly mistreating their customers, social media review sites allow users to quickly spread the word. Although much of what can be found on these sites tends to genuinely inform consumers and validate those health clubs that provide outstanding products and services, reviewers can easily post distorted or even blatantly false reviews resulting in damaging and unwarranted reputational harm. When an intentionally false and damaging social media review is posted, this may give rise to a defamation claim. Read More

What's Your Reputation?
By: Jon Butts

Jon ButtsJon ButtsWithout first checking Google, do you know what your club's online reputation and rating are? How do your Facebook, Google and Yelp reviews look? If you are aware of your rating for each, do you know approximately how many reviews you have for each site and what they say? If you don't know this information, your business is not achieving its maximum online potential. Read More

Never Stop Learning
By: Derek Barton

Derek BartonDerek BartonEverything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten - The title of a thought-filled book on life lessons. Maybe you've read it. I was thinking about that title recently as I'm coming down the home stretch of remodeling my house. If I wrote a book like that, my title would be: Everything I Need to Know I Learned From Building a House. This experience has reinforced what I always believed to be true; you cannot build something great unless you have a great team! No matter your vision or goal, you have to find the best people who will embrace your vision and help you achieve that goal. Read More

What is Your Conflict Communication Style?
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezIn my previous article for Club Insider, the focus was on inviting difficult conversation with colleagues, members or loved ones. When we invite difficult conversation, there is an opportunity for it to go smoothly, or sometimes not so smoothly, initially. When the latter occurs, some of us may look at that as a very difficult situation with a feeling of dread. In reality, that becomes our second chance to improve and strengthen the relationship even further. Read More

Communication 101 and Then Some
By: Angie Pattengale

Angie PattengaleAngie PattengaleCommunication. We probably all could use a little assistance or some encouragement in this department. It's usually the first thing that comes up in a marital spat, a heavy debate or any counseling appointment. It definitely plays a major role in business, in our case the club or a personal training business. Poor communication, or lack of it, can put a business out of business. So, let's look at the 4 Rules of Communication and how we can apply those to our business. Read More

Lock America Enters the Health and Fitness Club Market
CORONA, CA - Lock America of Corona, California enters the health club security market with its private label cam lock and deadbolt locks. The private label model, available in virtually any color with the club's logo and artwork, ensures a uniform, attractive level of security at a gym or club, plus the reminder to "get back" to the gym, your gym, when the customer takes it home. Read More

Jim Worthington, Owner of Newtown Athletic Club, Elected Chairman of IHRSA
NEWTOWN, PA - Jim Worthington, Owner of the Newtown Athletic Club (NAC), was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of IHRSA on Friday, March 24, 2018 in San Diego, CA. The election took place at the 2018 IHRSA International Conference where education, networking and the largest fitness equipment trade show in the world are provided for 10,000 clubs representing 90 countries. Read More

Iron Grip and EXOS Team Up
ORANGE COUNTY, CA - Iron Grip Barbell Company, the industry-leading manufacturer of innovative and heavy-duty American-made free weight equipment, is pleased to announce a partnership with EXOS, a leader in human performance. EXOS is dedicated to developing personalized plans that motivate and support individual progress across the four pillars of human performance: mindset, nutrition, movement and recovery. Through their methodology, EXOS provides clients with customized tools and strategies to help them achieve optimal wellbeing and performance. Read More

The Atlantic Club in Manasquan and Red Bank Earn Prestigious Medical Fitness Certification; Becomes Safest Place to Exercise in New Jersey
MANASQUAN and RED BANK N.J. - The Atlantic Club is proud to announce that it has earned the medical fitness facility certification from the Medical Fitness Association, a global leader in medical fitness standards. The prestigious certification applies to both The Atlantic Club's Manasquan and Red Bank locations. Read More

Join the Augie's Quest MYZONE Challenge Today
MANASQUAN, N.J. - The Augie's Quest MYZONE Challenge, to be held May 1 - June 17, has just reached 100 clubs. But, the initiative needs more as we raise the funds to get AT-1501 into Human trials for all those living with ALS! The Challenge is simple, and there is no charge to your clubs. Here is a step-by-step guide to join today... Read More

IHRSA 2018 Slideshow
Check out photos from IHRSA 2018! Read More

Norm's Notes for April 2018
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 292nd monthly edition of Club Insider! Read More

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