Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: March 2023

The Definition of Legacy

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesThe idea of legacy is from a moment in time looking back, yet it is built from the present moving forward. Thus, a legacy is the aggregate of the past. If you really think about it, it is truly an interesting concept. No one can actually experience their own legacy because that is what comes after. All one can do is everything possible during their time to ensure their legacy will be one that is good, positive, righteous and makes a difference. Augie Nieto has moved on from us, and in doing so, he has now left a legacy that has and will continue to have a profound impact... on those who knew him AND those who did not. Read More

IHRSA Returns to Sunny San Diego
By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesFinally, the IHRSA Show returns to where we all love: Sunny San Diego! We want attendance to go from a lull to a roar! If you are already scheduled to be there, read on to learn about what you should definitely check out while there, with a Club Insider twist, of course. And, if you are still on the fence about attending, read on, too! Read More

Exercise IS Medicine
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertTo say that I feel numb after hearing about the passing of my dear friend, Augie Nieto, would be an understatement. It is really hard to believe. I can remember Augie driving around in his van trying to sell Lifecycles to Nautilus Clubs in Newport Beach in the '70s. It was in 1991 as a Managing Partner of The Athletic Club of Bend that I became a customer of Life Fitness, and later, in 1995, as the General Manager of Lakeshore Towers Sporting Club in Irvine, California. But, it wasn't until 2014 that I really got to know Augie as a person. Read More

The Fitness Industry is Looking Up!
By: Sara Kooperman, JD

Sara Kooperman, JDSara Kooperman, JDAs the first quarter winds down, 2023 has only just begun! And, it is looking up! While many facilities are still feeling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and are navigating challenges like staffing, membership sales and operational costs, things are trending in a positive direction. As management and leadership set their focus forward, they are looking for what to watch when it comes to programming, trends and procedures. Read More

Club Financing
SBA 7(a) and 504 Loans

By: Paul Bosley

Paul BosleyPaul BosleyThis article series illustrates the variety of financing products available in today's marketplace and lists some franchises that use each option to provide financing to launch a start-up fitness center and to expand an existing fitness center business. All financing options require the borrower(s) to contribute an equity injection, so they have "skin in the game." The equity injection cannot be borrowed funds, such as a home equity loan unless the loan will be repaid from an unrelated source, such as spousal earnings or investment income. Read More

Get Ready to Rumble!
An Interview With a Membership Sales Expert

By: Gary Polic

Gary PolicGary PolicHere we go again! Let's get ready to rumble with one of my mentors and industry experts, Jim Martin. Jim has been on the cover of various industry publications. He has also recently authored his first book: How To Master The Art of Selling Health Club Memberships. Your draft is the Golden Goose! Therefore, in this article, we are going to discuss how to significantly increase your draft in eight proven steps. Read More

Your Guide to Choosing Recovery Devices
By: Casey Conrad

Casey ConradCasey ConradLast month, in my article for Club Insider's February Edition, I outlined the variables one must consider when selecting recovery equipment for your fitness facility. Member base, available space, staffing, pricing, model, competition and budget all play into the equation. If you haven't read that article, I highly suggest you do. With that foundation, let's explore the categories of equipment and discuss various options within each. Read More

Is it Time for a Reboot?
By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonIn simple terms, rebooting your computer can clean out unnecessary processes and free up space so that the computer can run at optimal performance. A reboot allows your computer to reprioritize its assets so that it can carry out its most important responsibilities. When you stack multiple programs with no clear end-goal, and when you try to load and launch too many things at once, and when you ask your computer to be great at everything, it gets stretched and strained. Eventually, it will crash. Now, imagine that the computer is your Group Fitness Department. Read More

Augie Nieto Dies at Age 65
Fitness Industry Mogul, Founder of Augie's Quest to Cure ALS & Hero to ALS Families

ORANGE COUNTY, CA - With deep sadness, Augie's Quest shares the news that its Founder, Beloved Leader and ALS Champion, Augie Nieto, died, surrounded by his family on February 22, 2023, just seven days past his 65th Birthday. Augie was the fitness industry mogul credited for the success of Lifecycle, Life Fitness and Octane Fitness brands. In 2005, at the height of his career, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, a progressive nervous system disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing loss of muscle control. Read More

Sandra Gordon Passes Away
1958 - 2023

IDAHO FALLS, ID - Compassionate, intelligent, beautiful, nurturing, devoted, responsible, interesting, positive with a vivacious personality. These words combined describe Sandra Gordon who left earth for a better place on January 24, 2023. There is more to know about this incredible person in her 64 years of enjoying life. Read More

Paramount Acceptance Celebrates 50 Years!
HOLLADAY, UT - Leading gym software and billing services company, Paramount Acceptance, is marking the occasion of 50 years in business. The company was started in the 1970s by pioneers of the commercial fitness industry and continues to provide software services to gyms and health clubs today. Read More

Iron Grip Barbell Company Celebrates 30 Years!
ORANGE COUNTY, CA - This year marks the 30th Anniversary of Iron Grip Barbell Company, the world's leading manufacturer of innovative, heavy-duty, American-made commercial free weight equipment. Read More

Norm's Notes for March 2023
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 351st monthly edition! Folks, let me say to you all that, to me, it's really a hoot to realize we're in our 30th year of publishing! To me... this is clear proof there IS A GOD! What else could explain this 30-year run producing and printing 350 editions being done by a dude who flunked English 101 when he was playing football at N.C. State back in 1964 - 1967! (By the way, along the way, he was made 1st Team All Atlantic Coast Conference and Honorable Mention All American as a Guard on the 1967 N.C. State Wolfpack Team that went 9 and 2 that beat The University of Georgia in the 1967 Liberty Bowl. Yeah, I know... you folks who're long-time Club Insider readers have heard me brag of these honors before. BUT... you NEW readers... please hang in here with me! Read More

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