The Club Insider Archives: July 2020
Continuing Education
The Gamechanger of a Career
By: Justin Cates
Justin CatesWe spend years in general and specialized education: K-12, college, post-graduate, doctoral, etc. No matter what the level we may achieve, one thing is common between all of these levels: At the time of their achievement, they are the aggregate of past knowledge. More important is what occurs afterwards. Education is not a start to finish spectrum; it is start, then never finish. Moving from education into a career, the gamechanger that will make or break the success of that career is continuing education. Within the health and fitness club industry, the number of sources that exist to enable continuing education is incredible. This month, Club Insider will attempt to provide information about a chunk of those resources. We won't be able to cover them all, but via those that will be covered, you will find even more to utilize.
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COVID-19: The Re-Opening
Key Information From The Industry's Front Lines
By: Justin Cates
Justin CatesThose who have fought say, "War is hell." Every day is a struggle. Those countless days end up in new battles. Every battle can have a decided effect on the outcome of the war. The seemingly endless cycle continues. But, one day, there is a breakthrough, and it leads to victory. Make no mistake about it. The COVID-19 Pandemic is war. But, unlike previous wars, it is not with a people, a country or an ideology. In this case, it is against something insidious, a virus unlike anything seen in over a century. And, in that, more so than in our lifetime, the world is together in terms of hope and determination to overcome an enemy. At local levels, though, the tactics are different, but the goal is the same. Within the overall theater of this war, because of the nature of the enemy, life must go on. It won't go on normally, but it must go on. And, the key to that is the information needed to keep people safe.
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Exercise IS Medicine!
By: Mike Alpert
Mike AlpertThe COVID-19 pandemic has reeked havoc on the health and fitness club industry and has changed so many things that we were accustomed to. Many of those changes have affected businesses throughout the world, and certainly, here in the United States. As States and counties begin to reopen, businesses are being required to change the way they operated in the past to meet guidelines set up by their governing officials. And, it seems that some of the guidelines continue to change on a somewhat regular basis.
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The Most Important Requirement for Re-Opening
By: Sumit Seth
Sumit SethRe-opening a gym during a global pandemic seems to be even more difficult than opening a gym the first time you started your business. This is primarily because of this truly being unprecedented, a new territory for all of us. None of the uncertainty that we face today has ever been successfully overcome by any other, with the result being there is no seminar or cookbook that lists out the secret recipe one needs to follow to come out triumphant on the other side. What we do have, are plenty of varying opinions and advice for what to do tactically as you open your gym. The one thing that is universal in all said information is also the one that has stood the test of time and has really never wavered: TRUST!
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Selling Amid Crisis
By: Casey Conrad
Casey ConradNo matter what state in which your facility is located, and regardless of what "Phase" of re-opening you may be operating in, it's fair to say that "Back to normal" does not yet exist for health and fitness operators worldwide. Even for clubs or training centers that may be allowed to have a higher capacity, the public mindset of crisis is still amuck for many consumers. Of course, the population is very split, with some feeling that masks and social distancing is absolutely ridiculous while others look at you with disgust if you are walking your dog without a mask and gloves on. Regardless of your beliefs, as a business owner/operator, you must be sensitive and professional to all customers and prospects. Most importantly, you must abide by Federal, State and local guidelines so as to avoid any legal issues.
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The Use or Non-Use of Masks Within the Health Club Industry
Suggestions for Best Practices in the Acute and Long-term Situation
By: Eric Durak, MSc
Eric Durak, MScA recent white paper by Minnesota exercise physiologist, Dan Zeman, piqued my interest regarding wearing masks in the health club setting. With many clubs opening, his report was interesting in that the thrust of his report stated that, when clubs open, they should be willing to let the coronavirus in as well. In discussing the coronavirus, the topic of wearing or not wearing masks became one of the seminal topics for public health vs. personal liberty. For our discussion here, I want to look at the use (or non-use) of masks within the health club setting in several areas.
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IHRSA Launches Legislative Effort to Save the American Fitness Industry
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) is launching a new legislative effort to save the American fitness industry. In a letter to Congressional leaders, IHRSA laid out the economic devastation felt by the industry as a result of the pandemic. Roughly 1/3, or $10 billion, of health club industry revenue will leave for at-home fitness options, putting at risk the 3 million full- and part-time workers who are employed by the almost 40,000 clubs and studios in the U.S.
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The Fitness Industry Embraces Innovative Air Purifier to Address COVID-19
REME HALO In-Duct Air Purifier Boasts 99% Disinfectant Rate
RIVIERA BEACH, FL - RFG Environmental Group, Inc., a Florida-based environmental design and manufacturing company, is helping gyms and studios nationwide help open their doors post COVID-19. Businesses are installing RGF's REME HALO in-duct air purifying unit to purify the air to keep their members and their staff safe. The unit is installed directly into the HVAC system and actively distributes hydroperoxide that is circulated throughout the air and disinfectants every surface that comes in contact with it.
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IHRSA to Governors
"Gyms Aren't Responsible for Spread"
BOSTON, MA - In the continued fight to open health and fitness facilities across the country, IHRSA, the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, sent a letter to all 50 U.S. governors to show that the fitness industry is not part of transmitting COVID-19. To show a united fitness industry, the letter was signed by many industry leaders, representing thousands of gyms, fitness clubs and studios.
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World Gym International Appoints Lewis Stanton Chief Executive Officer and Jarrod Saracco Chief Operations Officer
LOS ANGELES, CA - World Gym International, an iconic global fitness brand, has reorganized its senior leadership and appointed two new executives to its team. Lewis Stanton has been appointed Chief Executive Officer, taking over all day-to-day management for the company. The previous CEO, Guy Cammilleri, is now non-executive Chairman of the Board. Jarrod Saracco has been named Chief Operations Officer, taking over operations at all corporate-owned gym locations and supporting franchisee operations at more than 200 locations in 15 countries.
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Norm's Notes for July 2020
By: Norm Cates
Norm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 319th monthly edition of Club Insider.
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