Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: June 2009

Steve and Bonnie Pfiester
The Dynamic Duo Behind Longevity Fitness

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesThrough the immense love for what they do, and the relationships they have spent years building, Steve and Bonnie Pfiester have made their mark on the beautiful community of Vero Beach, located on the East Coast of Florida. In a city of less than 20,000 people, and literally surrounded by various clubs and gyms, they have built a brand that sets them apart from the rest and truly means something to the people who know them and use their facilities. Combining Fun and the power of Relationships, the dynamic duo behind Longevity Fitness are changing lives every day, and that is what our industry is all about. Read More

The "Insider Speaks"
IHRSA, A House Divided - A Mirror Image of the Industry At Large

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesThis is a "tough love" article about an Association I love: IHRSA. Some may translate my "tough love" comment to mean I am going to write bad things about IHRSA. Quite to the contrary; instead, I'm going to provide IHRSA with input that somebody has to have the courage to say if IHRSA is to prosper in the future. Read More

Immunity to Change
A Breakthrough Insight Enabling Behavior Change

By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsI must own up to the fact that I have never owned a health club, nor worked in one, although I have been extremely physical in my avocations as a mountain climber, kayaker and hiker as well as being an outward bound chief (ph) instructor. When I entered the health club business some 20 years ago as the Chair of an owner's roundtable, I was struck by two items which represented significant barriers. The first obstacle is the penetration of only 14% of the market. Read More

Seven Keys to Top of Mind Success
By: Andrea Sobotka

Andrea SobotkaAndrea SobotkaBe thought of FIRST! When it comes to Health, Fitness and Wellness, is your facility top of mind in your community? If you are not sure, you need to launch a mission to ensure that you are. Every marketing dollar and effort you spend is indeed done for the purpose of creating valuable traffic, but it can't stop there; every single action you take should be approached from the perspective of creating a priceless "Top of Mind" awareness of your business within your community that stands the test of time. Read More

The New Reality of Successful Fitness Center Operations
By: Bonnie Patrick Mattalian

Bonnie Patrick MattalianBonnie Patrick MattalianIn many areas of the country, fitness center owners and operators are confronting unprecedented challenges as our members react to their own economic concerns. Many factors, including the economy, changes in consumer expectations, aging facilities and increased competition, will contribute to this challenging business environment. We must now act quickly to identify the critical issues and implement necessary changes required for continued success in the future. Read More

Programming Tip of the Month
The Importance of Play in Your Programs

By: Sandy Coffman

Sandy CoffmanSandy CoffmanEvery now and then, it's time to revisit the phrase "mind, body and spirit" and think about what it means to a complete fitness and wellness program for all the niches --interests, skill levels, schedules, personalities, ages and genders-- in your club. Mind, body and spirit tells us that the experience of an exercise program is key to the result of it. It's actually quite simple. The mind and spirit will dictate what the body will do, and if the mind and spirit emits a positive attitude, it will lead to a positive experience and a positive result. Read More

Cybex Launches Pink Treadmill to Support Breast Cancer Research
MEDWAY, MA - Cybex International, Inc. (NASDAQ: CYBI), a leading manufacturer of premium exercise equipment for the commercial and consumer markets, announced at the Club Industry East Show in Boston, Massachusetts its introduction of the first-ever, custom-made pink treadmills to log miles and raise funds for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) during Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October, 2009. Read More

Club Industry East 2009 Slideshow
Check out photos from Club Industry 2010! Read More

Norm's Notes for June 2009
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with another sad heart this month. Read More

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