Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: May 2011

The Apple Athletic Club
Always the Place People's Lives are Enhanced

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesThe Mission Statement... What is it, and what's in it? Is it the purpose for a company's existence or a guide for how to operate? Is it overly detailed or broad in scope? Who writes it, and is there accountability for it? Once it's written, how public is it and in what ways? These are all great questions for any company to ask during the formative steps of initial development. These are also great questions for a seasoned company looking for a new way of doing business to ask itself in an effort to improve. Read More

Steve Williams... One of a Kind!
1949 - 2011

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesThe many people that Steve Williams called friends in his life were fortunate to know him because he was a very unique, one-of-a-kind guy. Steve passed away on April 13th, 2011 from kidney failure and complications with diabetes. Read More

The "Insider Speaks"
It's Your Problem...

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesIt's your problem, whether you choose to think about it, or not. What problem, you may ask? The problem is you're sitting on a powder keg in your business when it comes to what State Governments can do in enacting industry-damaging legislation in your State with NO notice to your business. You can choose to act, or let it explode... Read More

The Next Generation Health Club
By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsIn reading about the Xdream bikes, which simulate the experience of riding outdoors with gears, brakes, handlebars, pedal cranks and seat sensors, I learned that it's an outdoor product that accurately simulates the experience of riding outdoors. Riders have a choice of four different terrains. Read More

Checklist for Retention Success
By: Maria Parrella-Turco

Maria Parrella-TurcoMaria Parrella-TurcoThe average retention rate in the health club industry is approximately 65%. This means, in theory, we are turning over our entire membership in a 3-year period. You'd probably give almost anything to learn the secret to better member retention. Here are some ways that you can win the retention battle. Read More

More Club Members Losing Weight
By: Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna KrechWe change lives with the secrets we live and preach every day. Again this month, I'm proud to introduce you to our Thin&Healthy Members of the Month. These members have made eating healthier their way of life. I hope you will use these testimonials to feed your passion for what we do in our industry to help more people become healthy, happy and successful. Read More

How to Reverse Decline and Restore Stability to your Health Club, Fitness Center or Gym
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasSeveral years ago, I received a call from a gym owner with several facilities. He called me in despair. He knew that his gym was failing because membership sales had been declining steadily. Read More

Programming Tip of the Month
Have Fun This Summer! Programming for Kids...

By: Sandy Coffman

Sandy CoffmanSandy CoffmanKids and kids' friends... What a wonderful opportunity for a new season of Programming for Profit! Don't miss out on 2, 4 or 6-week programs to keep your club jumping with energy and excitement this summer. Get your creative juices flowing with the following. Read More

Lawsuit Alleges Urban Active Fitness Clubs Violated Laws
COLUMBUS, OH - Urban Active Fitness Clubs, including seven in Central Ohio, were hit with a lawsuit alleging the club violated the State's consumer-protection laws. Read More

Red Hot Summer Promotion Celebrates Seriously Fun Fitness
LOS ANGELES, CA - Just in time for summer, World Gym International is rolling out a new consumer campaign for franchisees. Coined, RED HOT SUMMER, the promotion features trademarked graphics that celebrate the iconic brand's heritage and recent rejuvenation. Read More

REX Launches First European Roundtable
BOLOGNA, ITALY - The first European REX Roundtable, with members from thirteen Italian clubs, had its first meeting May 6-7, 2011 in Bologna, Italy. The REX Italian Chair is Fausto De Giulio, and he organized and chaired the meeting. Will Phillips, Founder of REX attended as Fausto's mentor. Read More

Canadian Prime Minster Announces an Adult Fitness Tax Credit
CANADA - On April 3, 2011, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that a re-elected Conservative Government will introduce a new $500 Fitness Tax Credit for adults once the budget is balanced. In addition, Mr. Harper announced that he will double the existing Children's Fitness Tax Credit from $500 to $1,000 dollars during the next Conservative mandate. Read More

fitRewards Announces Full Integration with ABC Financial
PRINCETON JUNCTION, NJ - fit-Rewards has announced that it is now fully integrated with the club management software DataTrak, powered by ABC Financial. The fitRewards ABC Financial Web Service integration will make the rewards program fully automatic for clubs using ABC Financial software. Read More

Fitness Industry Provides Free Health Club Memberships to Military Families
WASHINGTON, DC - Executives from the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) joined First Lady Michelle Obama on the South Lawn of the White House to announce the launch of the IHRSA Joining Forces Network, an affiliation of health clubs throughout the country that will offer free memberships to immediate family members of actively deployed reservists and National Guard members. Read More

IHRSA Index Attests to Industry Strength
Clubs Post Improvements in Key Performance Indicators in 2010

BOSTON, MA - The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) announced the release of the IHRSA Index results for 2010, which demonstrates the financial performance of the commercial health club industry. Read More

Norm's Notes for May 2011
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader since 1993 checking in! Read More

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