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Active Wellness Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Building Healthier Communities

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Active WellnessSAN FRANCISCO, CA - Active Wellness, a leading fitness design and management services company, also known as The Healthy Life Company, proudly announces its 10th anniversary milestone. For the past decade, Active Wellness has been dedicated to transforming lives, building healthier communities and inspiring healthy lifestyle change, alongside its partners and with the support of a dedicated team.

Founded in March 2014 by industry entrepreneurs Jill Kinney, Bill McBride and Carey White, it emerged with a mission to revolutionize how communities approach health and fitness. What began as a humble endeavor has evolved into a powerhouse of innovation, impact and inspiration across the country. Active Wellness and its team are a force that is making a lasting impact on how fitness and wellness are essential to healthcare and healthspan.

Since its inception, Active Wellness has remained committed to its core values of authenticity, commitment, teamwork, innovation, versatility and excellence. The company has empowered individuals of all ages, backgrounds, conditions and fitness levels through a diverse range of fitness programs, wellness initiatives and community engagements to embrace healthier lifestyles and optimal wellbeing.

Reflecting on a decade of achievements, Co-Founder and Chair, Jill Kinney, remarks, "Our journey over the past ten years has been nothing short of extraordinary. We set out with a vision to make a meaningful difference in people's lives with our partners, and today, as we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we are incredibly proud of the impact we've made in those communities and those to come."

Over the last ten years, Active Wellness celebrates its success by reflecting on the most impactful initiatives that has led to this milestone, including:

  • Acquired the valuable assets of Club One, Inc. from bankruptcy in March 2014, which included 68 sites and 2,099 employees.
  • Served more than 380,000 members across North America and delivered more than 5.8 million workouts over the decade.
  • Attracted the sixth largest healthcare system in the United States as a strategic investor. Active was one of the first fitness companies in the country to have a healthcare system investor.
  • Successfully navigated COVID-19 closures and varied local mandates in 19 states.
  • Launched virtual programming to keep people active anytime and anywhere through web-based platforms and mobile apps.
  • Launched the first national wellness center brand for medical fitness centers in the United States, Active Wellness Centers with 5 locations.
  • Designed the first-ever personalized wellness studio brand, Activate Wellness Studio, and have launched two sites with two more opening soon.
  • Employs more than 375 dedicated fitness and wellness professionals across 35 locations in North America.
  • Embraced its position to positively affect the healthcare system by bridging preventative care with sickcare.

As Active Wellness enters its next stage, it remains steadfast in its commitment to building healthier communities by continuing to design and operate supportive social spaces for people to connect with each other, stay active and learn about how positive lifestyle change can impact chronic disease. Now, more than ever, it believes that the country is on the forefront of pivotal change in the healthcare system and is poised to lead the way.

For more information about Active Wellness and its services, visit

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