Club Insider

About Helen Durkin

Helen DurkinHelen Durkin


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"Insider Speaks"
The Missing Sound Bite in the Presidential Campaign

June 2016 - When the Presidential candidates are challenged with voter questions on how they'll drive down the cost of healthcare, the word "prevention" should pop right out. Personal tales of heavy premiums, rising deductibles and increased out-of-pocket healthcare costs are cropping up all along the campaign trail. Voters are complaining that they're spending more of their own money on healthcare than ever before. And, businesses have been saying for years that they can't sustain current healthcare costs. Over about a 10-year period, the percentage of workers enrolled in high-deductible employer-sponsored plans has more than quadrupled, from 10% in 2006 to 46% in 2015. And, a family of four now pays roughly $10,000 in medical expenses, or about 19% of its yearly income, with deductibles between $1,000 and $3,000, according to the Commonwealth Fund. Read Article...

Cutting The Fat On Cancer
December 2014 - Fat cells aren't docile storage vessels of fuel. They can be insidious, secreting hormones and other substances that can wreak havoc on our health. In fact, the link between excess abdominal fat --specifically, the visceral fat that surrounds our vital organs-- and illnesses like diabetes and heart disease is well documented and widely publicized. Read Article...

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