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The Club Insider Archives: December 2022

2022 In Review
By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesUnlike 2020 and 2021, this year offered us a little more clarity than we have recently grown accustomed to, and that has been refreshing. For the industry, it has been the year to refuel, refocus and reemerge. It all still feels different, though, and I am sure it will a little while longer. Personally, I hope some of the work/life/family balance we all gained back during the pandemic has stayed in place. Read More

"Insider Speaks"
Lloyd Gainsboro Shares Important Thoughts

By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesBack in 1981, I was honored to be involved in the creation of IRSA and to be elected by the Board of Directors to serve as the Association's 1st President. Rick Caro and I cofounded the Association along with several others, Lloyd Gainsboro, Nick Cotsidas, Dick Trant, Todd Pulis, the late Dale Dibble and the late Tim Richards. Recently, I caught up with Lloyd, and he had a lot to say. The following is from Lloyd Gainsboro in his own words... Read More

Exercise IS Medicine
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertI was recently invited to do a webinar sponsored by The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) with Amy Bantham on the importance of being an inclusive health club. Inclusion is about ensuring that people with disabilities have the same opportunities to participate in programming and services as their peers without disabilities. For this webinar, we focused on working with populations with physical and intellectual disabilities and the need to have policies, programs, infrastructure, staff and member culture that are inclusive of people with disabilities. Read More

Get Ready to Rumble!
An Interview With a Former Owner/CEO Club Industry Expert

By: Gary Polic

Gary PolicGary PolicI was thinking; "Who would be the best Polic Consultants Group expert on our team to interview that could provide great feedback to empower other CEOs of small- to medium-sized club companies?" Well, I didn't have to think too long and hard before landing on Jim Brewer. Jim is my mentor and dear friend. Not only did he hire me when I began in the industry, but he also trained me, as well. I am forever grateful to him. Read More

Back to the Basics Means New Design Opportunities
By: Bruce Carter

Bruce CarterBruce CarterWhen gyms first appeared with any level of volume back in the mid-1900s, they were all about weight training. Initially, to the vast majority of people (and even more so with women), the idea of weight training made little sense. But, technology started to take away more and more daily physical activity so people needed to seek out places to be active. Initially, training was all about free weights, barbells, dumbbells, kettle bells, medicine balls, etc., and also with emphasis on functional movements. Cardio came on the scene in the 1960s, first with bikes, treadmills entering in the '70s, stair climbers in the '80s and ellipticals in the '90s. Read More

Why Understanding the Stages of Growth is Useful to Your Gym Business
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasSmall businesses are the heart of the economy. They generate more than half of the nation's job growth and contribute significantly to global financial wellness. Notwithstanding the challenges that accompany entrepreneurship, small businesses are increasingly thriving. The secret to success is persistence. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to know how to lead your team through the necessary stages of growth in small business startups. By the end of this article, you will know and recognize the four stages of growth in small business management and understand how to lead your company through each. Read More

Engineering the Bitterness Out of Exercise
By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonDo you remember trying brussels sprouts as a kid? Boiled. Bitter. And, bleh. But, apparently, they're really good for you, or at least that's what I was told. Have you tried them recently? They taste amazing, especially grilled in the oven and served with a drizzle of olive oil and a dowsing of Parmesan cheese. So, what happened? Did our taste buds really change that much? Read More

IHRSA Releases 2022 Health Club Consumer Report
BOSTON, MA - IHRSA, the Global Health & Fitness Association, has released its latest industry analysis report outlining the state of the industry. While still not fully recovered from the dramatic decline triggered by pandemic restrictions and closures, the report reflects positive progress across key metrics. Read More

Crunch Hosts Sixth Annual Group Fitness Convention
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL - Crunch announced 12 new proprietary classes at their sixth annual Group Fitness Convention held at the Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort Hotel & Spa in Ponte Vedra, Florida. Held from October 24 - 27, the "Crunch Built Strong: Growing Stronger Together" themed convention gathered more than 120 group fitness coordinators across all of Crunch's club locations for four days of educational workshops, live specialty group fitness training and opportunities to obtain custom fitness certifications. Read More

LA Fitness Hosts Statewide Event Celebrating Completion of $3.5M Renovation of its Indiana Clubs
INDIANAPOLIS, IN - After investing more than $3.5 million upgrading its Indianapolis clubs, LA Fitness invited the public to see the results. LA Fitness held a statewide celebration with complimentary fitness classes, tours of its newly-renovated clubs and chances to win complimentary, year-long memberships. Read More

Norm's Notes for December 2022
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in! To start off this end-of-the-year month of December Norm's Notes, I want to mention that JUSTIN CATES, my Son and Partner in Club Insider, and I, are both very proud to be able to say to you all that this is our 348th monthly edition! Moreover, it is with great pride in our minds and our hearts that we proudly deliver this special December 2022 Edition of Club Insider to all of you, our highly esteemed readers. Folks, we're simultaneously celebrating the amazing fact that last month, our November edition was the last one in our 29th year of publishing Club Insider! This December 2022 edition starts our 30th year of Club Insider publishing! Read More

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