The Club Insider Archives: December 2018
2018 In Review
By: Justin Cates
Justin CatesWe hope 2018 was a great year for you, your family, your team and your facility (or facilities). Here, at Club Insider, we spent 2018 Celebrating 25 Years of Trust by bringing you another stacked slate of informative cover stories by Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993, Norm Cates, and Partner and Assistant Publisher, Justin Cates; high-level best practices articles by the always-improving Club Insider Contributing Author Team; and key industry news and insights via selected press releases, and of course, monthly installments of Norm Notes. In addition to Celebrating 25 years of Trust throughout this year, this month, we culminate the celebration with the 300th Edition of Club Insider!
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Jim Worthington's Newtown Athletic Club Celebrates 40 Years!
Part II
By: Norm Cates
Norm CatesIn Part I of this amazing story about the first 40 years of Jim Worthington's Newtown Athletic Club, we covered a lot. But, wait, there's MORE! Read on in Part II, and you will learn about Jim's involvement in the Right to Try Act; we'll hear from Jim on what his club is best known for in his community; about the major renovation Jim is currently doing to his already mega-club; about the NAC Pre-School; about Jim's involvement in Augie's Quest and about The NAC's involvement with Bill Parisi's Speed School, the NAC's Field House, their ticket agency and TINOQ. Jim also told us about his selection by President Trump to serve on The President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. We'll wrap up the article with Jim's comments on the three things he's accomplished that he's the proudest of, so grab a nice cold sarsaparilla and read on!
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The "Insider Speaks"
By: Norm Cates
Norm CatesI sit here in sadness on this Wednesday morning, December 5, 2018, which ironically is my Brother GATOR DAVE'S 63rd Birthday, and I'm watching TV coverage of the Memorial Service for one great man... our 41st President of these United States, PRESIDENT GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH. President Bush's relationships with people of all kinds was truly legendary, and I was one of those who was blessed to have experienced the greatness of this man first hand.
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Fitness Marketing, Meet 21st Century Methods
By: Deneen Laprade
Deneen LapradeA paradigm shift is taking place in how health club operators market their businesses today, and it isn't about print vs. digital, clicks vs. opens or likes vs. shares. What it is about is: Data. Smart marketers know how to access and apply the volume of information collected on each of us, every day. The plethora and availability of it have significantly influenced the way marketers make decisions about who and how to target on behalf of their club clients.
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How to Address Problematic Members and Guests While Minimizing Legal Risk and Damage to Your Brand
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire
Paul R. Bedard, EsquireThe typical health club sees tens of thousands of individual customer visits in any given month. Although most members and guests will visit a health club without issue, human nature, combined with the sheer volume of human interaction associated with these visits, dictates that there will inevitably be members and guests whose usage creates problems within the club. Like anything else in life, taking a proactive approach to anticipate the various types of issues that will arise is far more effective than impulsively reacting to problems as they present themselves.
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What to Do If You Have a Bad Boss
Part II
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez
Karen Woodard-ChavezOrganizations worried about attracting and keeping the best talent may want to take a close look at how their managers treat employees and not tolerate bad bosses in the organization. In an article in the Wall Street Journal dated 12/4/2018, one of the elements most attractive to employees in an organization is freedom from fear. As the article references, "growing divisiveness and stridency in public life, a sense of belonging at the office will be increasingly prized by employees and a crucial condition for fostering innovation." If you have bad bosses and tolerate them, then freedom from fear will not happen in your workplace. Instead, your workplace will be filled with fear and animosity.
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IHRSA's Health Benefits of Exercise Report
A study published in the Journal of Physical Activity & Health examined the relationship between exercise goals and the source of motivation (internal or external) on long-term exercise habits. Researchers surveyed 296 parents (226 mothers and 70 fathers) of children under 16 and followed them for one year. he results showed that all exercise goals, except weight loss, were associated with self-determined motivation, while weight loss and appearance goals were linked to external motivation (stemming from outside pressure).
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The Bay Club Company Announces Collaboration With Leisure Sports
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - The Bay Club Company ("Bay Club") announced it has agreed to acquire five properties from Leisure Sports, Inc. and enter into a development relationship for future opportunities. This agreement between two tradition-rich companies, both Northern California based brands, creates a premier membership offering throughout the West Coast.
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Norm's Notes for December 2018
By: Norm Cates
Norm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in! YAHOO! We've made it to our 300th monthly edition, and Justin and I want to say THANKS to you all and to express from deep in our hearts our very sincere APPRECIATION to you all for reading Club Insider!
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