Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: December 2012

2012 In Review
By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesOnce again, it seems like it was yesterday that I was writing our "2011 In Review" article to review the year in Club Insider. This year was an exciting one for Club Insider, as we celebrated our 20th Anniversary. As always, we strived to share great cover stories that can help you in your business if studied. Read More

By: Thomas Plummer

Thomas PlummerThomas PlummerOwning your own business is the dream that wrecks so many sleepless nights, causes family fights and pushes friendships to the limits. Once you catch the ownership fever, it often becomes an obsession that fills your head every waking moment, and the emotional attachment is what sends a usually normal person down the path of "I have to do this no matter what it costs me or my family." Read More

Mistakes Made By Gym Sales Managers
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasGym sales managers in the fitness industry need to be leaders. Knowing how to inspire, motivate, coach and hold membership salespeople accountable for their behaviors is the foundation for improving membership sales in your gym. Many times, the skill set for success as a sales manager is not the same as skill sets for successful salespeople. Read More

Why Ignore 810 Million Potential Consumers?
By: Colin Milner

Colin MilnerColin MilnerFor the past 66 years, corporations around the world have profited from the baby boomer market. As baby boomers now swell the ranks of the 810 million people aged 60 and over, their economic impact continues to be felt. "Thirty years ago, there were no 'aged economies' in which consumption by older people surpassed that of youth. In 2010, there were 23 aged economies, and by 2040, there will be 89." Read More

Zig Ziglar Inspired Millions!
By: Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna KrechOne of the most profound moments of my life was not when Zig called me on the phone, nor was it when I was humbled to share the stage with him. That most profound moment was in the conversation that occurred after I shared the stage with him. I wanted to say something to him that was heartfelt. Read More

A New Emerging Fitness Club Model
By: Greg Maurer

Greg MaurerGreg MaurerThe rise of the low-priced fitness club model has forced many traditional clubs to adjust their offerings and value propositions to remain viable. Low-priced clubs, such as Planet Fitness, can and do take significant market share from traditional clubs in their immediate geographic area. However, there is a new club model emerging that can successfully compete side-by-side with low-priced clubs and traditional clubs but with significant leverage in terms of costs to open and overall overhead and profitability. Read More

Jeff Skeen's Fitness Connection Bulks Up In Charlotte By Acquiring Seven Sports & Fitness Gyms and Merging Local Management
McLEAN, VA - McLean-based Titan Fitness, a recognized leader in health club management and development, is bringing the Fitness Connection brand to the Queen City through the recent purchase of seven Charlotte-based Sports & Fitness gyms. Read More

Orangetheory Fitness Rolling!
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL - Orangetheory Fitness, a distinctive high-energy fitness experience, is increasing more than just heart rates and metabolism. The franchise growth has more than doubled since the beginning of the year. The energizing interval fitness franchise is the first to use heart-rate-monitored training for scientifically proven results that are changing lives. Read More

Dr. Cary Wing Authors Social Media Resource for Health and Fitness Clubs
Dr. Cary Wing's new book, 101 Tips for Effective Social Media Marketing in Health/Fitness Clubs shares the basic facts about social media and provides case studies from health clubs throughout the country to help alleviate any fears an industry professional might have concerning embracing the technology. Read More

Rush Fitness Complex Brings In New Leadership
KNOXVILLE, TN - The Rush Fitness Complex has announced new leadership, and its new CEO says he wants to see the company appeal to a wider age-range of customers. The company announced it is promoting Steve Saxton from President to CEO and David Carney from Chief Operating Officer to President and Chief Operating Officer. Larry Gurney, Founder and current Chief Executive, will retain his position as Chairman of the Board. Read More

National Fitness Business Alliance Planning a Big New Year!
The National Fitness Business Alliance is excited to announce 20 educational events in 2013. The focus will be the Training Centric Business System, which is the future of any fitness business. The NFBA has four platforms of education to get involved in: Mega.Fit.Con, NFBA Institute, Fit.Biz.Con and Biz.Train.Con. Each event will provide you a total business blueprint to take your business and staff to the next level of success. Read More

Fitness Management & Consulting Announces Member Attrition Solution for Gyms and Health Clubs
DALLAS, TX - Jim Thomas' Fitness Management & Consulting announced a groundbreaking member retention format for health clubs, fitness centers, gyms and studios worldwide to help independently-owned fitness facilities turn their member attrition issues into a profit center. Read More

ICAA Unveils New Model of Active Aging
VANCOUVER, CANADA - A new model of active aging was introduced by the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) at the 2012 ICAA Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Established in 2001, ICAA has led, connected and defined the active-aging industry for the past eleven years. The association's new, industry-shifting model, the Nine Principles of Active Aging, is designed to guide governments, product and service providers, employers and the health care industry in implementing their active-aging strategies. Read More

Latest IHRSA Trend Report Analyzes Health Club Membership Trends
BOSTON, MA - The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) released The IHRSA Trend Report: Volume 2, Issue 4. Conducted in partnership with the Leisure Trends Group, Boulder Colorado, the report analyzes American attitudes and perceptions surrounding health clubs. Read More

Norm's Notes for December 2012
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in for the last edition of 2012, our 229th monthly issue and the first edition of our 20th Year! Read More

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