Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: November 2012

20 Years!
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm Cates20 Years! WOW! This is the first edition of our 20th year, and I'm so pleased to be writing this for you on this special occasion. WOW! 20 Years! My, oh my, how time does fly! Who do you love? After nearly 40 years in the health, racquet and sportsclub industry, including the past 19 years as Publisher of Club Insider, I've come to one very important conclusion. My conclusion is that the paramount question you and everyone in our industry needs to be sure we know the answer to is, "Who do you love?" Read More

Time For Change?
By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsAfter 20 years, it's time for a change. The evidence is in, and disruptive business models that change the game invariably begin outside your industry. Read More

Mastering the Marketing Mix
By: MaryBeth Bradley

MaryBeth BradleyMaryBeth BradleyVisiting a client recently brought this all to mind. They were stuck on what exactly to do with their marketing as what worked in the past was no longer providing effective results. Direct mail didn't seem to be getting them the right number of leads, and traditional weekly newspaper advertisements didn't seem to fit their demographics anymore. What to do? Read More

Nine Secrets for a Rich Life and Profitable Fitness Business
Women of Fitness Arise!

By: Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna KrechIf you could be in a room face-to-face with people who've had the success you want to have in this business, made the money you want to make, taken the time off that you want to take or faced and overcome the very obstacles you're facing, would that be a room worth walking into? If these people were willing to mentor and teach you, would you listen? I did just that, and whether you own or manage a club, do personal training, are in membership sales or lead group fitness, these words of wisdom will impact your business positively. Read More

What Really Makes a Top Sales Producer?
By: Brenda Abdilla

Brenda AbdillaBrenda AbdillaThe most common question asked by my sales manager clients is, "What should I be looking for in a sales rep or a business developer in today's environment?" Not only do they wonder what they should look for in their hiring endeavors, but they are also at a loss when it comes to knowing which skills to develop in their current team. Sales managers already have their hands full with the combination of a hard-to-read market, the pressure to perform and the stress of constant changes at work, so it's hard to know where to begin. Read More

BTS Launches Partnership With Augie's Quest
By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesIn our September, 2012 Edition, we reported that Body Training Systems (BTS) had joined MDA's Augie's Quest with the goal of raising $2 million by 2018. On November 9th, I was honored to be present for the launch of this partnership with the first "Groove for Augie" fundraiser event during the 2012 BTS Summit. Read More

A Majority Interest In Planet Fitness Sold!
A majority interest in Planet Fitness has been sold to TSG Consumer Partners, LLC, a Private Equity Firm, according to Planet Fitness Founder, Mike Grondahl. Read More

LA Fitness Acquires Urban Active Clubs
IRVINE, CA - LA Fitness and Urban Active announced on October 29 that they have completed their transaction, and LA Fitness has purchased substantially all of the assets relating to the 36 Urban Active clubs in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Nebraska, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Since their initial announcement on September 10, both parties have been working to complete the deal and prepare for the transition of the existing Urban Active member base and staff. Read More

Life Saved at Elmwood Fitness Center
The following was submitted to IHRSA by Michael Heim, Manager at Elmwood Fitness Center in New Orleans. Elmwood is a 165,000 square-foot family fitness center offering programming for 6-week old children to adult seniors. They have been serving their community for 24 years and have over 20,000 members. He hopes this story will inspire other facilities to obtain an AED machine. Read More

The Club Business' Best Friend, Rick Caro, Weighs In On Club Insider
I was an early observer when Norm Cates decided to create the Club Insider. We all were not sure that a club owner untrained in writing, publishing, selling, advertising and gaining a readership would succeed. Apparently, the need was there for such a publication, and 20 years of Club Insider confirms the story. Read More

IHRSA Index Continues Positive Growth
BOSTON, MA - The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) announced results for the IHRSA 2012 Second Quarter Index, which provides a snapshot of performance results for the commercial health club industry. For the quarter ending June 30, 2012, the Index posted double-digit percent increases in EBITDAR. Total sales, membership dues revenue and non-dues revenue all grew in the second quarter. Read More

Norm's Notes for November 2012
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader checking in! 20 Years! What an amazing trip the last 19 years have been! Hmm... Hmm... Hmm! First, I'd like to wish all of you a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday! Read More

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