Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: October 2023

Club Insider Thanks Its Continuing Sponsors
By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesFrom time to time, we take the opportunity to dedicate a Cover Story to those who make it financially possible for Club Insider to continue on: Our Sponsors. This is important to us, because we always want to be able to be there for you, our Esteemed Readers. Further, though, through working with these great companies, we know what they can offer you, and we know their products and services can help your business. As Club Insider continues its transition to an Online Only publication, now more than ever, we THANK the companies you will read about for their continued sponsorship. And, we THANK you for your readership. This month is also the perfect time for this story, as we enter the final quarter of 2023. Now is the time to plan for 2024, and these companies stand ready to help you soar in the New Year! So, I invite you to read on. And, I thank you for doing so. You will be happy you did. Read More

"Insider Speaks"
With All Due Respect...

By: Eric Durak, MSc

Eric Durak, MScEric Durak, MScThree years ago, I wrote the first in a series of articles for the health and fitness profession relating to being a non-essential business. That article was in response to the 2020 COVID response by State and National Government officials to close what they felt were businesses that were non-essential to stop the spread of a virus. At that time, the concept of health clubs having to close their doors was a foreign concept to most club managers and owners. Over a two-year period, many health clubs struggled to keep payroll to keep workers and to keep their doors from closing permanently while members of the public stopped paying dues, stopped coming to health clubs and started doing exercise programs on their own. Read More

The Power of a Gym Owner's Intent
Unlocking the Key to Gym Millionaire Success

By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasIn the ever-evolving fitness industry, the journey from a struggling gym owner to a gym millionaire can seem like an insurmountable feat. While there are various factors that contribute to success, there is one underlying principle that separates the wheat from the chaff: The power of a gym owner's intent. In this article, we will delve into the core concept that distinguishes the two and explore how it can be harnessed for transformative results. Read More

Are You Truly Having Inclusive Conversations?
By: Chris Stevenson

Chris StevensonChris Stevenson"Inclusive Conversations" by Mary Frances Winter is a book that serendipitously caught my eye at a bookstore, and rightfully so. In today's rapidly evolving world, conversations surrounding inclusivity, diversity and understanding are more crucial than ever. Winter's skillful use of examples that vividly illustrate her points, putting complex concepts into clear perspective, sets this book apart. This particular feature enhances the book's effectiveness in driving home the importance of inclusive conversations and actions. Winter's insightful exploration of these subjects makes this book a must-read for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of our diverse society. Here are some of my key takeaways... Read More

Is Group Fitness Driving Your Business or Driving You Crazy?
By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonGroup fitness should be driving your reputation, driving your guest traffic, driving your web traffic and driving your new member onboarding traffic. If it's driving you mad, driving you crazy or just driving you to wonder if things could be better, you've parked in the right place. While I am certainly no car mechanic, these analogies for helping you get your group fitness department running at optimal performance are easy to diagnose but tougher to fix. Some are do-it-yourself fixes, and some will need some professional intervention. So, if it feels like your group fitness department is a car running on four flat tires, if it's sputtering out when you try to accelerate or if you're just slightly embarrassed about its outdated appearance due to lack of general upkeep and maintenance, read on. Read More

Fitness Industry Leader Louis Welch Passes Away at 71
IRVINE, CA - Fitness International, LLC ("Company") is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Louis Welch, Co-founder, President and Co-CEO of the Company after a two-year battle with cancer. He was surrounded by his family and loved ones. Louis' impact on the Company and the health club industry cannot be overstated. He co-founded LA Fitness in Southern California in 1984. Read More

Planet Fitness Announces Leadership Transition
HAMPTON, N.H. - Planet Fitness, Inc. (NYSE: PLNT) (the "Company"), announces that Craig R. Benson, a member of the Company's Board of Directors, has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Benson's appointment follows the decision by the Board to transition to new leadership, resulting in Chris Rondeau's departure as the Company's CEO. Rondeau will continue to serve as a member of the Company's Board of Directors and will be nominated for re-election at the Company's 2024 Annual Meeting. Rondeau will continue to serve the Company in an advisory role as contemplated under his existing agreements with the Company to help ensure a smooth transition. Read More

Norm's Notes for October 2023
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 358th monthly edition of this 30+ year running club business publication I refer to as: A Labor of Love! I'm very thankful that you've tuned in again for this iteration of Norm's Notes, as I proceed on my keyboard with my long-time habit of "Telling-It-Like-It-Is!" I'm really happy that you're reading this edition, and I want to THANK YOU ALL for sticking with us every month! As usual, we have a bunch of health and fitness club industry news, so please read on! Read More

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