Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: September 2021

Xponential Fitness
The Curator of Leading Boutique Brands

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesDuring my time at the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business, Scientific Management was one of my favorite subjects and one that I excelled at. Further, my favorite topic within the subject was that of assembly lines. The breakdown of a process into small, duplicative parts that can be performed efficiently over time was something that just resonated with me. In business, and life really, I've continued that study. This month's cover story subject is Xponential Fitness, founded in 2017, and led by Founder and CEO, Anthony Geisler. The company is a machine, plain and simple, and as such, there is much to study and learn from. Read More

Exercise IS Medicine
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertIt is hard to believe, but the annual IHRSA Convention will be the first time in 19 months that we have all had the opportunity of meeting together in person. And, so much has changed in those 19 months, especially as it has affected our way of life. In recent articles that I have written, I have made a point of talking about the need of our healthcare system to make a shift away from the treatment of chronic illnesses ("sick care") to prevention and wellness ("well care"). And, last month, one of the largest healthcare providers in the country, United Healthcare, made a major announcement... Read More

The Ecosystem of Technology
By: Bill McBride

Bill McBrideBill McBrideTechnology is critical and ever-present. Before the shutdown, technology was part of a gym owners' strategy, but COVID pushed us to use technology more than we ever have in the past. As we reset and get ready to thrive in 2022, now provides a good opportunity to review your tech stack. What do you have, what do you need, what do you want and what is the return on investment? I believe in a "high tech and high touch" model for health clubs. Our members come to us sometimes 2 - 5 times per week, if not every day. So, we sometimes resist new technology adoption because we are not just changing a system or process for our internal staff but also for the hundreds, maybe thousands of individuals that interface with our brand regularly. Read More

Legal Considerations for Mandating Face Masks for Employees
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire

Paul R. Bedard, EsquirePaul R. Bedard, EsquireState and local governments are increasingly mandating the use of face masks within indoor public spaces. In the absence of legal mandates, many private businesses are nonetheless requiring that employees wear a face mask within the workplace. Whether legally mandated or voluntarily enacted, employers that implement a face mask requirement should maintain a face mask policy that is clear and consistently enforced to mitigate any potential legal issues. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regularly updates its guidance and recommendations regarding the use of face masks. Although the CDC's guidance is advisory and not mandatory, many states, counties and municipalities impose and update restrictions in response to this guidance. Read More

How Gym Owners Can Supercharge Sales Performance With Automation
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasThe proper use of gym management software can revolutionize your gym or fitness center. Such fitness operations now have a smart advantage over others using traditional systems. With that said, automation software is not being used by many gym operations, and others that have access to such programs, don't use them. Your gym can maximize its business potential and achieve optimal success by effectively using quality fitness studio management software. Automatic software manages all aspects of a gym, which would otherwise have to be done manually. Read More

Are You REALLY Ready to Get People Moving?
By: Cathy Spencer Browning

Cathy Spencer BrowningCathy Spencer BrowningOur oldest daughter, Riley, is learning to drive. My husband is in charge because I discovered early on that it was not my forte. He is patient, assuring and not as much of a catastrophizer as I am. He did his due diligence before he started, looking for information on the web on how you go about teaching someone to drive. What he learned and what followed with driving lesson number one is a lesson that we all could learn, whether we are teaching someone to start driving or teaching someone to start exercising. Read More

REX: Roundtables for Executives
GARRISON, N.Y. - REX Roundtables is a 15-person group of industry LEADERS with no competitors who all work together to improve the performance of your business and the quality of your life. Together, with a professionally-trained facilitator, each REX Roundtable compares key metrics and the processes for best business practices. A REX Roundtable group will support a fellow member to combat a new competitor, develop new strategies and even re-launch post pandemic. Read More

Court Sports: It's Academic!
Strategies for Helping Students and Graduates Make Transitions to Long-Term Club Memberships

"Jill" recently graduated from college, and she's walked into a whole new world. She doesn't live at home anymore, she's no longer living on campus, and she no longer has access to her campus recreation/fitness center. She's starting an entry-level position with a company in a town near her alma mater. Jill is now on her own, and she knows that. While she doesn't have a lot of discretionary income, she really wants to stay fit and meet some new friends. Maybe check out a few health clubs? She loved being part of the recreational and competitive court sports scene at her university. Maybe a health club with courts... Read More

Norm's Notes for September 2021
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 333rd monthly edition! Is America a GREAT COUNTRY or what!? By the time you read this, the college and pro football seasons will be rolling, and I, for one, am really excited about that! Read More

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