Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: August 2012

Rick Mayo's North Point Fitness Rules!
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesYou could say I'm a bit of an "Insider" at North Point. I am a member, and my wife is a part-time trainer at Rick's club, so having the benefit of Norm's perspective from the outside looking in was invaluable. Equally invaluable is the continued energy and enthusiasm Norm pours into our industry on a daily basis. It was a joy to work with and learn from him for this article. Read More

Exercise, Better Than Prosac!
Forget the Drugs and Alcohol! Go to the Gym for a Natural High!

By: Paul Richards

Auckland gym, Club Physical, has good reason to compel Kiwis to exercise as the key to mental harmony. Incredibly, one in five New Zealanders will experience some sort of mental disorder during their life. New Zealand has a high prevalence of anxiety, mood and substance abuse disorders most common in the 16 - 24 age groups. Read More

A Legacy of Healthy Wealth
Part I

By: Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna KrechThis may be the most unusual success article you've ever read. It will produce an increase in your business income. It will also bring a greater happiness and purpose to your life. Read More

10 Reasons Your Gym Business Could Stagnate
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasWe work at both ends of the fitness industry, with those gym owners who are just starting out and want to shorten the learning curve, and those who have been in business and are in need of a turnaround (and, everything in between). Read More

Why Everything in Life is About Fighting Change
By: Thomas Plummer

Thomas PlummerThomas PlummerThe original title for this article was going to be something about a day in the life of a consultant and what we all can learn from a typical day's worth of calls that I do whenever I am in town. Even as I wrote the first sentence, I found myself bored. Read More

Stuck in the Middle
Part I

By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezStuck in the middle... What does that conjure up for you? Perhaps having to sit in the middle seat on a long flight... or being the middle child where you got your older sibling's hand-me-downs and your younger sibling got the new stuff... Read More

How Blind Are You?
By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsOver the years, we have noticed many of the 180 club executives in REX meetings speak at times with frustration about certain issues in their business. The frustration usually arises when a problem appears again and again and there does not seem to be an obvious solution. Often, these issues have to do with the followers who do not behave and make decisions in the way that the leader wishes. Read More

Pennsylvania Begins Talk About Sales Tax on Clubs
HARRISBURG, PA - A state lawmaker in Pennsylvania held an informal talk to discuss the prospect of property tax reform, which, come 2013, is likely to include a sales tax increase on health clubs. Though significant legislative action is not likely to happen until the start of the new year, state representative Steve Santarsiero is opening up the conversation now. Read More

William Staub, Inventor of the Treadmill, Passes Away
NEWARK, N.J. - William Staub, the mechanical engineer who invented the treadmill, passed away on July 19, 2012 at his home in Clifton, New Jersey at age 96, according to his son, Gerald. Staub was credited with bringing treadmills into homes and gyms after they had initially been present in many doctor's offices. Read More

Johnson Health Tech Acquires Magnum Fitness
COTTAGE GROVE, WI - Johnson Health Tech (JHT), the parent company of such fitness brands as Matrix, Vision, AFG and Horizon, announced that it has acquired Magnum Fitness, the manufacturer and marketer of high quality performance strength equipment, based in South Milwaukee, WI. Read More

New Fitness Club For Redstone Companies Hospitality
HOUSTON, TX - Redstone Companies Hospitality has finalized an agreement with Kinder Morgan to own and operate what previously was its dedicated employee health club in downtown Houston. The new club, Health Club at Travis Place, is a state-of-the-art, 25,000 square-foot health club located on the 8th floor of the Travis Place Parking Garage in downtown Houston. Read More

Capitol Hill Briefed on the Power of Prevention
WASHINGTON, D.C. - IHRSA attended a briefing on Capitol Hill late last week that discussed whether or not public health investments could help prevent chronic disease and reduce escalating health care costs. The event was sponsored by the Alliance for Health Reform and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Read More

U.S. Olympic Committee and 24 Hour Fitness Celebrate Opening of Team USA's High Performance Training Center
LONDON, ENGLAND - The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and 24 Hour Fitness, a proud official sponsor of the USOC and Official Fitness Center Sponsor of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Teams, celebrated the opening of Team USA's High Performance Training Center at the University of East London Docklands with a ribbon cutting ceremony on July 26, 2012. Read More

Jim Thomas' Fitness Management Launches New Program
DALLAS, TX - Jim Thomas' Fitness Management is pleased to announce a gym start-up program designed to assist new gym owners with all aspects of starting a gym or fitness center without the franchise fees. Read More

Norm's Notes for August 2012
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in! Read More

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