Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: June 2022

Jason Markowicz' Fitness Premier 24/7
One Team. One Dream.

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesOver the years, countless health and fitness club industry professionals have exclaimed that this is a people business. To begin this month's cover story, I want to once again shout that from the rooftops! The health and fitness club industry is a people business!!! Really, it's as people driven as it gets. Yes, we have some really cool stuff in facilities worldwide, and some facilities simply outmatch and outclass others. That is the nature of business. However, if we could be all-knowing and be granted the specific, non-skewed statistics as to what truly makes a club company successful or not, I have no doubt we would find that it is the people, not things. Read More

Exercise IS Medicine
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertOver the past few weeks, I have had the great pleasure of attending two REX Roundtables: one in Green Bay, Wisconsin (which by the way was just named the third best city in the USA to live in) and one in Coronado, California. In Green Bay, the meetings took place in Lambeau Field, which has been on my bucket list to visit since I was a kid. Lambeau Field is the home of the greatest franchise in professional sports (the Green Bay Packers), in my opinion, and the only franchise that is owned by the season ticket holders. It's simply a great culture where players to this day ride their bikes homes with kids after practices. Read More

CEOs Weigh in on the State of the Industry and Importance of Cash Flow Recovery
Best Fitness and EOS Fitness Partner with Swift Financial to Get Members Back on Draft

By: Alex Wolf

We sat down with two industry leaders: Dave Dos Santos, CEO of Best Fitness, and Rich Drengberg, CEO of EOS Fitness. The topics? Where we are, where we're going and why we can't ignore cash flow recovery, especially now. Read on to learn their thoughts on this important subject and how Swift Financial can help you in this area. Read More

Get Ready to Rumble!
An Interview With a Personal Training Expert

By: Gary Polic

Gary PolicGary PolicI am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with people as good or better than yourself. Well in that case, I thought to myself: "Who is the best Personal Training expert I know in my 40 years in the industry?" To answer that question, I would need to go to Polic Consultants Group, LLC's expert in that field, and his name is Victor "V-Man" Verhage. Those who know V-Man would wholeheartedly agree with me. Victor is an internationally recognized personal training educator and fitness management systems expert. He is also the owner of Victor VMan & Advisors, LLC. I am proud and honored to have him in our prestigious group at Polic Consultants. Read More

Exercising at Home Vs. Exercising at a Club
Competition or Members on the Same Team?

By: Bruce Carter

Bruce CarterBruce CarterAs it is widely known, a short while ago due to COVID-19, club exercise dropped off a cliff. Exercising at home obviously became a very popular option when clubs closed and people did not have a choice: exercise at home or don't exercise at all. Surprisingly, then, through things such as blogs and news stories, a "good guy, bad guy" story started to unfold. Clubs were unhealthy and only cared about money, and home exercise was safe and an unselfish approach to fitness. Many jumped on the bandwagon, and the gulf between home and club exercising widened. However, COVID did not motivate people who were not already exercising to exercise at home. Contrary to what was being portrayed, the amount of total exercising done during COVID was not higher than before. If anything, it was substantially less. Things just shifted temporarily. Read More

Tips On How To Grow Your Gym Business and Secure Business Financing
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasAccessing sufficient capital is difficult for independent gym businesses because traditional lenders, like banks, consider them risky ventures. Raising small business capital is also a drawn-out process, especially with poor credit. While many gym business loans do not have a minimum credit score, most lenders work with a range they consider acceptable for their small business loan requirements. So, how do you navigate the financial world and figure out how to grow your small business and secure gym business financing? Read More

What Do You Believe About the Future of Fitness?
By: Terry Browning

Terry BrowningTerry BrowningPeople are back. Rooms are refilling. Your members are reconnecting. And, we are so excited to be with our fitness community at IHRSA 2022! People need people to share ideas, for inspiration and collaboration, and to keep each other moving and moving forward. Today, let's talk about the recovery work ahead and how we can keep traffic trending in the right direction in the near and distant future... and, in fact, how we can future-proof your facility. Read More

Six Reasons to Attend the IHRSA 2022 Trade Show
BOSTON, MA - The health and fitness club industry's biggest event is days away! IHRSA's 41st International Convention & Trade Show (IHRSA 2022) is slated to take place in Miami Beach, Florida, from June 22 - 24. And, arguably the most exciting and highly anticipated piece of the Convention is the two-day Trade Show on June 23 and 24. Each year, the industry's top innovators showcase new, cutting-edge equipment, products, technology and more on the Trade Show floor. The IHRSA Trade Show is a lively and fun atmosphere providing attendees with the chance to observe demonstrations and interact with the latest and greatest products. To that end, IHRSA has put together a list of six reasons why all health, fitness and wellness professionals should attend the IHRSA 2022 Trade Show... Read More

Tony de Leede Named as Wellness Partner for Storylines Private Residential Ship
Worldwide - Storylines has announced Wellness Entrepreneur and Founder of Wellness Solutions, Tony de Leede, as a partner to build the largest Wellness Center at Sea onboard their Private Residential Ship. Owners living aboard the ship will enjoy a 10,000 square-foot health and wellness spa with anti-aging clinic and extensive indoor and outdoor fitness areas. The extensive wellness facilities are part of the company's goal of providing a healthy travel lifestyle for the global citizens living aboard, enabling them to reach and maintain their optimal state of health while they travel the world. Read More

Norm's Notes for June 2022
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 342nd monthly edition! Yahoo! Spring has sprung, and the Summer is officially arriving on June 21st. I hope you and your family have a GREAT SUMMER! Read More

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