Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: June 2021

The St. James
"Welcome to Your Best"

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesGrowing up, in addition to school, I was a three-sport athlete. Depending on the time of year, I would sometimes go to three practices in one day. Or, a practice and a game. Or, some combination, thereof. This was before I could drive, so it was up to my parents to get me from one thing to another, and each location was certainly not next door to each other! Looking back, with both my parents being entrepreneurs, each with his/her own business, I do not know how they did it! I sure am glad they did though, because those experiences affected the direction of my life in a highly positive way. I am not a parent yet, so I have not had the opportunity to experience what magic it takes to balance time, and likely sanity, in such a way. However, this month's cover story subjects certainly have, and they are doing something about it. Their names are Craig Dixon and Kendrick Ashton, and their facility, The St. James, is a dream come true for anyone who has experienced what I have written about in this introduction. Read More

An Important Update on Augie's Quest to Cure ALS
By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesIn the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it might have been easy to overlook Augie's Quest to Cure ALS. No one could blame anyone else for this. It has been a tough time, and we have all had to do what we need to do to survive and strive for normalcy. Now that a return to normalcy is on the horizon and truly visible for the first time in months, it's important to reset and take stock of not only what was lost but what still remains. Something truly important for our industry that remains is Augie's Quest to Cure ALS, and they need your continued support. Read More

Point - Counterpoint: Fitness IS Medicine
By: Cosmo Wollan

Cosmo WollanCosmo WollanMike Alpert's May article on Medical Fitness makes some very good points. Exercise is medicine. And, a virtual nutritionist can certainly add some value to your facility. But, while nutrition is a highly beneficial and proven component to better overall health, it is not, strictly speaking, "exercise." So, with due respect to Mr. Alpert, let's look at the dictionary definition of Medicine: "The art or science of restoring or preserving health or due physical condition." Then, expand the picture to include all the ancillary services and modalities that can contribute to the desired results. Read More

Point - Counterpoint: Exercise IS Medicine
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertAlthough I do not know Cosmo Wollan, I want to thank him for reading my recent article and for taking the time to give his input and opinion on Exercise and Fitness. A counter-perspective is always a good thing, and we can certainly learn from them. After all, that is what makes our country so fantastic: people are encouraged to have different opinions on a subject or issue, and we should all be open to listening and considering their point of view. We can then come to our own conclusion. Read More

Legal Considerations for Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplace
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire

Paul R. Bedard, EsquirePaul R. Bedard, EsquireWidespread vaccine availability is one of the drivers behind the reopening of the doors of the fitness industry. However, legal considerations arise when considering whether to mandate vaccines within the workplace. Although health clubs will have to determine whether they should require proof of vaccines from their customers and the legality of this within their jurisdiction, the following article will focus on the key considerations surrounding the mandating of employee COVID-19 vaccinations. Read More

Building Your Club's Real Social Network

By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonDriving engagement. Growing followers. Encouraging comments. Gaining likes. If you have a presence on social media, your team has no doubt discussed these metrics. And, for the purpose of the platform, each of these is important to understand and track when measuring the effectiveness of your social media reach. But, is online engagement (now highly driven by a somewhat-mysterious, ever-changing, self-serving algorithm) giving us all a false sense of connection? Has the hot-topic conversation of "virtual" and video fitness clouded the core importance of personal connection, shared experiences and building your club's real social network? Read More

Over 100 Members of Congress Now Support the GYMS Act
BOSTON, MA - After a year of working tirelessly to demonstrate to Congress the health and fitness industry is in dire need of financial relief, the effort is paying off. We have reached the impressive milestone of 103 co-sponsors for the Gym Mitigation & Survival (GYMS) Act (H.R. 890). U.S. Reps. Mike Quigley (D-IL) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) filed the GYMS Act to bring dire financial assistance to health and fitness clubs, gyms and studios impacted by the pandemic. Read More

IHRSA Restructures Membership Options
BOSTON, MA - IHRSA, The Global Health and Fitness Association, is modifying its current membership structure and broadening membership opportunities to unite and assist the health and fitness industry post-COVID. To offer its members more opportunity to engage and take advantage of the benefits that best suit their needs, IHRSA will shift to a tiered benefit structure for health clubs. Developed in conjunction with a team of industry leaders, membership options for clubs will include... Read More

Keeping Courts Busy For Fun and Fitness
Returning Members + New Members = Increased Profit = Keeping Courts = Win/Win!

This article brings USA Racquetball's and US Handball's collective efforts to brainstorm as many ways as possible that courts can be kept busy and profitable. These ideas are gathered loosely into categories, a veritable smorgasbord: pick and choose, start small or go with a full-course meal. The amount of effort and organization needed will be up to the approach taken by the club and the resources available, with the concept of keeping courts playable. Read More

Norm's Notes for June 2021
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 330th monthly edition of Club Insider! Enjoying a Spring Day made in Heaven here in the ATL, I can't help but tell you all that Justin and I really appreciate the fact that you're reading these words right here right now. We appreciate that fact because this "Labor of Love" we call Club Insider is cruising into this Summer of 2021 with very positive thoughts for you and about you! And, we're very honored and pleased to be able to say to you that, with your help, we've now published this 330th monthly edition while dealing with this dratted pandemic, and we feel blessed to have NEVER missed a beat! YAHOO! Read More

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