Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: May 2023

Brian Vahaly and YouFit Gyms
Where YOU Fit In

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesA person is the culmination of a lifetime of experience, knowledge and beliefs, whatever they may be. No one thing can define any one person. Instead, the multitude knits the fabric that is one's being. That is YOU. That is me. That is all of us. And, we are all in this together. At YouFit Gyms, their slogan, and the subheadline of this cover story is "Where YOU Fit In." Within that statement, so much is said in very few words. Come one, come all, we love you, and you are welcome here. That is beautiful. Led by Brian Vahaly, CEO, YouFit is in good hands, having emerged from COVID-induced bankruptcy to once again being poised for growth. The experience, knowledge and beliefs that define Brian are now present at YouFit, and it is making all the difference in the world for the company. I welcome you to read on, as we present a conversation with Brian Vahaly, CEO of YouFit Gyms. Read More

Exercise IS Medicine
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertThere is undeniable evidence that regular exercise helps prevent and treat Breast Cancer. Women who do regular exercise have lower rates of recurrence and much improved survival. Yet, most women who have Breast Cancer are not told about the benefits of exercise or have it prescribed for them. How has it happened that such a proven and established treatment for such a devastating disease has been kept from the people who need it? And, given the fact that this therapy is readily available and can be provided at a very reasonable price, I believe that something needs to change! Read More

Knowledge Level Up
By: Chris Stevenson

Chris StevensonChris StevensonPublisher's Note: If you have not checked out the blog of our friend, Chris Stevenson, Founder of The Empower Group and IHRSA Board Member, I highly recommend it. Like Club Insider, he Tells-It-Like-It-Is on a myriad of topics while sharing his experiences across the industry. Specifically related to this article, Chris is also quite the reader. By my count, several books per month, and he shares his thoughts about each one in regular blog posts. This month, Chris shares four of those with you. Read More

The Magic of Teaching the Concept of Different Paradigms
By: Herb Lipsman

Herb LipsmanHerb LipsmanMy approach to leadership and management in the club business has always been to focus on a few "high leverage" concepts that will influence the conduct and behavior of the vast majority of staff members to do the right thing during the thousands of "Moments of Truth" (See Herb's February 2023 Article) they face during each shift on the job. Read More

Are Instructors Your Influencers?
They Should Be.

By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonAre you liking your likes? You may have noticed over the past few years that your Facebook Business posts are getting drastically fewer likes and comments than in the past. Here's why: In 2018, Facebook announced that it would reprioritize its newsfeed to make sure that friends and family remain at the "core of the experience." And while that sounds nice for your personal use, Facebook's algorithm has reduced the visibility of posts from the businesses, brands and media that were, in Mark Zuckerberg's words (or the words of his copywriter), "crowding out the personal moments." Reading between the lines, for a business to show up in people's newsfeeds, the business needs to pay for advertising. But, I have a better solution. Read More

Bill Austin Passes Away at Age 80
POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. - William H. Austin Jr. ("Bill"), 80, of Poughkeepsie, New York passed away due to heart complications on Friday April 14, 2023. Bill, who also answered to "Pop-pop", "Mr. Bill" and "Coach," was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. on March 8, 1943 to Una and William H. Austin. While growing up in Atlantic City, N.J., he achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and spent over a decade of summers as an Atlantic City Beach Lifeguard. Read More

Augie's Quest Selects Lynne Nieto as Chair of Board of Directors
DENVER, CO - Lynne Nieto was unanimously voted by the Augie's Quest to Cure ALS Board of Directors to lead the non-profit to raise the funds and awareness needed to advance cutting-edge research to find a cure for ALS. Lynne served as Secretary/Treasurer of Augie's Quest to Cure ALS and is currently a Board Member of the ALS Therapy Development Institute. Read More

Norm's Notes for May 2023
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 353rd monthly edition! WOW! As I begin to write these Norm's Notes, it's hard to believe that we've been at this for 30 and 1/2 years now! And, I'm thrilled that my goal from Day One is still being achieved every month herein. That goal was, and continues to be, to: "Tell-It-Like-It-Is!" YAHOO! Read More

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