Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: April 2022

Eric Schmitz and California Athletic Clubs
"Your Happy and Healthy Place."

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesOne of my joys each month is getting to learn the story of another successful club business professional, then sharing it with you. It's a beautiful thing, and it keeps me going each and every month: motivated, inspired and slightly more educated. This month, that club business professional is Eric Schmitz, President of California Athletic Clubs, and folks, let me tell you: Buckle Up! This cover story interview with Eric is one for the ages, and if you take notes throughout, you will fill pages. The vast quantity of information and takeaway nuggets shared cannot be understated, and it is my privelege for Club Insider to share it with you. I'd normally write more of an introduction, but it would not be worthy of the space compared to what you are about to read. So, with that, let's get right into it! Read More

Exercise IS Medicine
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertWhen we talk about the benefits of exercise, you need to know that it is really about leading an active and healthy lifestyle. As health club owners and operators, you hope the activity part takes place in your facility, and so do I. But, the reality is that only 20% of the total U.S. population actually goes to a health club or gym. And, a significant percentage of that 80% lead a sedentary lifestyle with many being either overweight or obese. For two years now, we have lived with a disease that shut down most of our country and caused so many deaths, and just now, as I write this article, we are returning to a somewhat normal existence again. Read More

"Why Would I Do A Group Fitness Workout?"
By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonThat is precisely what I said when my wife asked if I wanted to do a class with her. "Why would I do a group fitness workout?" To get the full effect, imagine me fifteen years younger, a year or two fanatically into the super-hobby of triathlons, heart-rate monitor worn for most workouts, and when I replied to my wife's request, I put an unnecessary emphasis on the word "I" while shaking my head and raising my eyebrows. "Why would I do a group fitness workout?" I can't remember every detail of our interaction, but I do remember that it was chest and tris day. Read More

A Club's Cycle of Life
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezA club's cycle of life is a very simple one, and it is actually the same for any business. I use this as a very visual example for my clients in the health and wellness industry, as well as other industries. The only difference is that the language may change for each stage in the cycle based on the business. If you are using this article as an educational tool for your staff outside of the health and wellness industry, simply substitute the positions for your business type. Let's briefly walk through it together. Then, we will break it down further to enhance the outcomes for your long-term success. Read More

Connecticut Supreme Court Rules
Women-Only Gym Areas Violate State Law

By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire

Paul R. Bedard, EsquirePaul R. Bedard, EsquireHealth clubs, like hotels, restaurants, banks and other places generally open to the public, are legally classified as places of public accommodation. Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bans discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin in places of public accommodation. In addition to this Federal law, most States have nondiscrimination laws that offer expanded protection to added designated classes. Although these protections vary by state, these additionally protected classes may include marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, veteran status, military status and pregnancy/childbirth status. Read More

Statement From IHRSA President and CEO, Liz Clark, On Congress' Failure to Provide Relief; Update on Rebranding
BOSTON, MA - Despite broad bipartisan and bicameral support, Congress has once again left our industry, which has been disproportionately affected by Government mandates, without Federal relief. The small business owners and millions of employees we represent have faced devastating losses since the beginning of the pandemic, and allowing them to continue to drown is a dereliction of duty by our elected officials. As a result, they've continued to put the health of Americans on the back burner and perpetuated the devastating economic impacts of this pandemic on local studio or gym owners. Read More

In Case You Missed Them
March 2022 Headlines

In case you missed them, here were the headlines for March 2022 as published in Club Insider Weekly. Read More

Norm's Notes for April 2022
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 340th monthly edition of the 29-year-running Labor of Love we call Club Insider! Read on with vigor Ladies and Gentlemen, as this month, we bring you an amazing cover story interview with ERIC SCHMITZ, President of California Athletic Clubs. And, as we do every month, we have several articles from industry experts on our esteemed Contributing Author Team. Plus, folks, DON'T FORGET THESE NORM'S NOTES where I will give you the inside scoop on a lot that's going on in our amazing industry... scoops you won't find anywhere else! Read More

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