Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: March 2020

Steve Nash Fitness World & Sports Clubs
An Interview With CEO and President, Chris Smith

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesIn 1959, the late Henry Polessky founded Fitness World in British Columbia, Canada. Over the next 50 years, the chain expanded across British Columbia, serving and bettering the lives of its thousands of members, and Henry cemented his place as an industry legend. What's more important than the business leader Henry became, though, is the example he set in his community, through his charitable works. Today, both of those hallmarks of Henry's mission and life live on. This month, Club Insider shares that story. Read More

Exercise IS Medicine!
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertWhen most people think of healthcare, their focus is most often on doctor visits, preventive care, blood and lab tests and physical check-ups. But, there are other factors such as better nutrition, reducing stress and doing things that bring happiness to our lives that are in our personal control. And, I believe that exercise is one of these controllable factors and is highly effective at improving overall health. In my past articles, I have discussed many of these health benefits, including the prevention of certain types of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even mortality. This month, I want to focus on the benefits of exercise on women. Read More

How to Pump Up Your Gym's Ranking in Google Searches
By: Jon Butts

Jon ButtsJon ButtsLet's face it. The yellow pages are deader than disco. These days, people search online for the best places to eat, get the car fixed and work out. To attract the greatest number of potential members to your gym or fitness studio, your business needs to be highly visible in Google search results. The Internet is a vast place, so how on earth do you make your local business leap to the top of search rankings? The answer is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This means setting up your business website and online listings in a way that makes them more visible to people who use search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo. In this article, the digital marketing specialists at UpSwell will discuss how you can use SEO to power up your business's presence online and have it leap to the top of Google search rankings. Read More

Searching for a Tax Preparer? Here Are Some Things to Consider
By: Kristen Deazeley

Kristen DeazeleyKristen DeazeleyTax filing season is upon us, and many people will be looking for someone to help them file a tax return. Most tax return preparers provide outstanding service, but taxpayers should choose their tax return preparers wisely. The IRS urges taxpayers to check their tax return preparer's qualifications and history. Taxpayers should ask about service fees before they give their records to a preparer. Taxpayers should review the return and ask questions before signing. This is because it's ultimately the taxpayer who is responsible for all the information on his or her income tax return. It's important for people to remember that this is true no matter who prepares the return. Read More

Do You Consistently Meet Daily Revenue Goals?
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezThe title of this article presents a very simple and very important question. I am hoping your answer is Yes. However, I often see the opposite as a reality. As you read this article, if you are a reader who answered Yes, then kudos to you and your organization. Even with a Yes answer, please read on and perhaps you will find tools to implement to make you and your organization even more effective. If you answered No, then by all means, please read on. As you read, please consider how these tools apply to both you personally and your organization, especially if you are in a position to personally produce daily revenue or you manage the organization's revenue in a more general way. Read More

First Steps to Prepare to Finance Your Business
By: Paul Bosley

Paul BosleyPaul BosleyPublisher's Note: Our friend and Club Insider Advertiser and Contributing Author, Paul Bosley, Managing Member of Health Club Experts dba Business Finance Depot has produced a new video series covering various topics that may help you in your health and fitness club business. Each month, over the next few months, we will be sharing each video and Paul's accompanying writing. To get maximum value, we recommend you to Tune In to both his written and spoken words. Read More

The Financial Fuel Behind the Fitness Industry's Growth in the 21st Century
A Primer on Private Equity for Fitness Industry Professionals - Part I

By: Stephen Tharrett

Stephen TharrettStephen TharrettIn 2019, the global fitness industry generated an estimated $94 billion (U.S.). This represents 38% growth over the past decade. During this same time period, the number of fitness clubs grew by 72% and membership by 56% (See Figure 1). If we narrow our perspective to only the U.S. market, 2019 revenues were an estimated $35 billion, which represents 84% growth over the past decade. During this same decade (2009 to 2019), the number of U.S. fitness facilities grew by 32% and membership by 37% (See Figure 2). Read More

The Power of Persuasion
By: Derek Barton

Derek BartonDerek BartonAs a marketer, I'm always fascinated about the power of persuasion. In the movie industry, they have to be so good at their marketing in order to win us over in a short period of time. If they fail to attract a big audience for their opening weekend, the movie usually fizzles out. The same goes for politicians in an election year trying to persuade us to support their campaign. If they fail to connect with people, they're out of the race. And, the same is true in the health club industry. Bottom line, the ability to persuade people leads to success. Read More

Muscle Up Marketing Becomes UpSwell
A Full-Service, Data-Driven Marketing Agency

KENNESAW, GA - Muscle Up Marketing has rebranded as UpSwell, offering clients an expanded range of services designed to draw a "wave" of new members. UpSwell was formed through the merger of Muscle Up Marketing and Mudlick Marketing, to create a turnkey marketing agency offering over 20 digital and print capabilities for small and medium-sized businesses. Read More

Norm's Notes for March 2020
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 315th monthly edition! Read More

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