Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: March 2013

Terry Dezzutti
Carrying on the Future-Shaping Tradition of Merritt Athletic Clubs

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesThis month, we caught up with Terry Dezzutti, whose experience has been very similar to Robert Brewster. He is now a 30+ year health and fitness club industry veteran and the 16-year-running Chief Operating Officer of Merritt Athletic Clubs. As I have written previously, like any great health and fitness club leader, he has not kept his experience and knowledge exclusive to his company but has shared it with others in hopes of making the industry as a whole a better place to make a living, and in turn, improving the health of our nation's population. Read More

De-Clutter Your Club for a Better Member Experience
By: Bruce Carter

Bruce CarterBruce CarterOn the cover of a recent issue of "O," Oprah's magazine, the heading was "De Clutter Your Life!" It must be a major issue for people to be the cover story. One thing is for sure; it is a major issue for so many clubs. Read More

Time to Catch Up?
By: Will Phillips

Will PhillipsWill PhillipsSo, 50 percent of your walk-ins choose not to join? Or, maybe it's only 30 or 40 percent? Any of those percentages is rather amazing. The vast majority of shoppers walking into a store will leave with a bag of products in hand. Read More

How to Improve Your Health Club Business
By: Jim Thomas

Jim ThomasJim ThomasWhether it's just you working at your gym or you have many employees, the reality is that you either get better or you get worse. Nothing stays the same. The business of your health club is either trending up or it's on the way down. Read More

Finally... Eliminate the Stress of Managing
A Simple, 4-Step System for Team Communication That Gets Results

By: Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna KrechAre your personal or business relationships as good as they could be, or as good as you'd like them to be? Ever feel like communication is nearly non-existent between you and the other person? Maybe your thoughts are, "They don't listen," or, "They won't hear me." Read More

Planting the Seeds For Better Marketing
Part III

By: Tracey Bourdon

Tracey BourdonTracey BourdonSpring! Has it snuck up on you? The arrival of spring is a welcome change for many of us, whether it is simply better weather or the promise of fresh starts, new growth and opportunity. For many, spring cannot arrive too soon. Unless you don't have a marketing plan! Read More

Business Survival & Prosperity
By: Maria Parrella-Turco

Maria Parrella-TurcoMaria Parrella-TurcoFor many fitness centers, operating in a consolidating industry with growing competition in an unstable economy, survival is forefront of mind. The new kids on the blocks including, microgyms, low-price clubs and studios, are not a pass by night phenomenon. As a health club consultant and turnaround specialist, I'd like to share with you some of the most common observations I have made and information I've gathered that are key factors to survival and prosperity. Read More

Rick Caro and Others To Be Honored At IHRSA 2013 in Las Vegas
BOSTON, MA - IHRSA, The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association announced that industry legend Rick Caro, President of Management Vision, Inc., and Founder and Past President of IHRSA, will be presented with the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award on Wednesday, March 20th during IHRSA's 32nd Annual International Convention & Trade Show at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada. Read More

Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs Finds Many Local Fitness Clubs Not Complying With Disclosure Laws
BOSTON, MA - After a month-long investigation of health clubs around the Boston-area, the State Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation announced in early March that it had found violations of state disclosure laws at many local fitness clubs. Specifically, investigators found that all of the clubs surveyed failed to display membership prices and fees as mandated by state law. Read More

Matrix Global Q4 Sales Increase By 39.7% and 24.6% Over Prior Year
COTTAGE GROVE, WI - Johnson Health Tech, Inc. (JHT), manufacturer of Matrix Fitness, Vision Fitness, AFG, Horizon Fitness and the LIVESTRONG line of fitness equipment, announced its Q4 results ending December 31, 2012. The company's commercial brand, Matrix, experienced 39.7% growth in the fourth quarter and closed out the year with a 24.6% increase over 2011. Read More

Norm's Notes for March 2013
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in! Read More

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