Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: February 2013

Robert Brewster
North for the Future of Fitness

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesIn business, as in life, strategic plans are a good thing to have and to follow. By the end of Day 1, however, that plan will almost certainly need some tweaking. By the end of Day 2, a little bit more tweaking... By Day 200, that plan may now be a completely new and improved shadow of its original self. This is a good thing; this is evolution. Read More

Catching Up With Chris Rondeau, New Planet Fitness CEO
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesCatching up with CHRIS RONDEAU, the new Planet Fitness CEO, now that his partner, Planet Fitness Co-founder and former CEO, MIKE GRONDAHL, has "retired," we learned a lot in a short conversation. Read More

Retention in the Era of Instant Results
Expand Your Focus

By: Richard Ekstrom

Richard EkstromRichard EkstromAs we enter another new year, it is difficult not to notice the media frenzy regarding the growing fitness and obesity crisis. Bestseller lists contain books on the latest diet fads and television infomercials are constantly hawking the newest exercise programs that people hope will be their magic bullet. As always, in January, we see our membership rosters grow with hopeful people looking for the help they need to win their battle for a healthier life. Read More

Customer Service Is As Simple As...
By: Thomas Plummer

Thomas PlummerThomas PlummerThe most important asset in your business, and the hardest thing for any competitor to copy, is a well-trained staff. Fitness trends come and go, but a quality, professional staff is something so rare that it gives any owner who has the drive and patience to build one an almost insurmountable competitive edge in the market. The definer for this staff is the commitment to delivering legendary customer service to the members who have trusted that business with their money, faith and time. Read More

Working Your 2013 Marketing Plan
Part II

By: Tracey Bourdon

Tracey BourdonTracey BourdonHave you got the habit yet? You know, the marketing habit! Have you ever made a New Year's resolution? If so, you may have heard that you only have to stick with your resolution for 21 days for it to become a habit. This suggests that it's easy and that it will become second nature, an automatic pattern of behavior. If only... Read More

Helping Your Team Embrace BIG Change
By: Brenda Abdilla

Brenda AbdillaBrenda AbdillaWhy do people seemingly "lose their minds" when it comes to big change? If you have ever led a team through a big change like a merger and acquisition, a leadership upheaval or even a software change, you may have noticed that people become a bit unhinged by it. Wouldn't it be great if people just accepted the inevitability of change and even expected it? Embraced it? Read More

Rick Caro's 17th Annual Financial Panel
Rick Caro's 17th Annual Financial Panel on the Financial Health of the club industry is a must-attend session for CEOs, CFOs, club owners, GMs, investors, suppliers, press and all who are interested in the current economic conditions affecting the worldwide health club market. Read More

Colorado Athletic Club Announces Second Location in Boulder, Colorado
DENVER, CO - Colorado Athletic Club (CAC) is excited to announce their new ownership of the Flatiron Athletic Club. Ed Williams, President of Colorado Athletic Club, said, "After making a strong entry into the Boulder community in 2009, we are thrilled about this second location, which will serve as a perfect complement to our location on the 29th Street Mall. Our aim is to better meet the needs of the Boulder resident who demands the best as they pursue their indoor and outdoor fitness goals." Read More

Fiserv Names Sara Bowman As New Director of Sales for Club Solutions
BROOKFIELD, WI - Fiserv, a leading global provider of financial services technology solutions, and one of the leading providers of business-driven technology and billing solutions for health and fitness clubs, announced that Sara Bowman has been named Director of Sales for Club Solutions at Fiserv. Bowman will focus on continued growth of the suite of club management software, EFT and billing services from Fiserv, including Compete, which provides functionality to support the specific business needs of fitness clubs Read More

IHRSA's Latin American Report Shows Growth Potential in Key Health Club Markets
BOSTON, MA - The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) released the English language edition of The IHRSA Latin American Report: Size & Scope of Key Health Club Markets, sponsored by Hoist Fitness. This research publication, the first of its kind, was produced in collaboration with Mercado Fitness (Argentina) and supported by Fitness Brasil. Read More

World Gym Taiwan
"World Fitness Day" Marketing Campaign Delivers Record Results!

TAIWAN - World Gym Taiwan, the largest fitness operator in Taiwan with 26 locations, recently conducted the most successful marketing campaign in company history. The campaign was named "World Fitness Day." World Fitness Day allowed the entire country to have free access to all clubs island-wide for two months. By doing so, they all qualified for a drawing to win a Mini Cooper worth more than $50,000. Read More

Norm's Notes for February 2013
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader since 1993 checking in! Read More

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