Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: January 2022

Jeff Sanders
Lessons in Leadership, Alliances and Advocacy

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesWe are the culmination of our life's experiences. Throughout that time, some events lead us to the top rungs of success; others bring us to the lowest depths of failure. But, each is an opportunity to learn and grow. Then, it is our duty to share much of that with others. This creates a never-ending circle of knowledge, and in business, this process can mitigate many failures before they occur. Read More

Risk Management Assessment for The New Year
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire

Paul R. Bedard, EsquirePaul R. Bedard, EsquireThe start of a new calendar year is as good a time as any to assess your club's risk management exposure. The primary areas of potential legal exposure for most health clubs include premises liability claims, medical emergencies, employment disputes and COVID-19-related operational concerns. The most effective method of addressing any legal risk is to act preemptively. Read More

Two Simple Ways to Consistently Build Sales
By: Karen Woodard-Chavez

Karen Woodard-ChavezKaren Woodard-ChavezSo often, our referral promos and sales fall short of our expectations. Why, why, why you cry; it is more than likely because of two elements: 1. Not the right reward/recognition or 2. Your members do not know about it. This quick tip will focus on the latter of the two... Read More

Is Your Marketing Killing Your Business?
By: Thomas Plummer

Thomas PlummerThomas PlummerMarketing in the fitness industry is much like politics; everyone is an expert, but so few really have any idea as to what the hell they are talking about when it comes to how it really works. The strange thing is that the industry changed, but how we market our businesses really hasn't. The business of fitness segmented into two distinct categories back around 200... Read More

Are You Up For A Challenge?
Keeping Members Engaged.

By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonA recent study published in Nature released the findings of a multi-scientist, multi-university, "megastudy" set out to determine what interventions could increase gym visits. There were 54 different intervention strategies tested: everything from personal scheduling, text messages, email reminders, short surveys to reinforce values, to positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, earning points for certain actions and losing points for not taking other actions. So, what did they learn? They learned what my mom has always known. Read More

Technology Validates the Term "Exercise IS Medicine"
By: Mike Alpert

Mike AlpertMike AlpertIt would be hard to deny the important role that technology plays in the business world today, and our industry is no exception. One challenge can be the number of choices we have to consider, from club operating systems that manage billing and member management to mobile and web apps that give members the ability to purchase products and services or to book classes, view videos, reserve courts and many other functions beneficial to a club, such as digital marketing, hiring a service provider and running robust camps and tennis operations. Read More

Reimagining IHRSA
An Open Letter From IHRSA President and CEO, Liz Clark

As we conclude the holiday season grappling with yet another COVID variant, I hope that you, your colleagues and your families remain healthy. I have recently wrapped up my first 100 days as IHRSA's President and CEO and wanted to share some experiences, observations and actions underway to accelerate the modernization of our Association. My first few months in this great industry have been amazing. I've learned a lot, heard from many of you and worked with my IHRSA colleagues and our engaged Board to chart a course to advance our association and our industry. Read More

Is Your Gym Ready For The New Year?
As we begin the New Year, you need to be asking yourself if your gym is really ready to take on the resolutions rush. We love making fitness resolutions and committing ourselves to better health. In 2020, it was the most common commitment people made, with 46% of Americans saying this was their New Year's resolution. With January being the biggest month for new sign ups, according to the IHRSA (with more than 12% of all sign ups happening in January), it's important that you prepare your gym to take on, and attract, new members. Read More

Norm's Notes for January 2022
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 337th monthly edition! We hope you had Peaceful Holidays and a Happy New Year! Read More

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