Club Insider

The Club Insider Archives: January 2021

Norm Cates, Jr.
75 Years and Still Kickin'!

By: Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin CatesOne's life is the aggregate of the experiences, lessons and people met and affected along the way. And, a life well lived is one that fills each of these categories with a plethora of stories and shared experiences. The life of my Dad, Norm Cates, Jr., is one that has been well lived, and I am thankful it is one that continues on. In honor of his 75th Birthday on January 17, 2021, this month's cover story will share his life to date with you. Now, 75 years in, his experiences, lessons and the people he has met and affected along the way can fill volumes, so I am going to do my best to share as much of it with you as I can in this limited space. Sharing this milestone in my Dad's life is a top honor in my own life, so I thank you for the time you spend reading this story. Though it is long and thorough, I can promise you it is entertaining, informational and beneficial. So, once again, I invite you to grab two or three of your favorite beverages, sit in your favorite comfortable spot, and enjoy the following in-depth interview with Norm Cates, Jr. Read More

Panic - Pain - Suffering - Optimization - Opportunity
By: Bill McBride

Bill McBrideBill McBrideHello Industry Colleagues. We are all colleagues on the same team in so many ways. We've all been in this pandemic together dealing with very similar realities, perceptions and challenges. One might say that everyone in the world has had to go through this together. But, just like other industries, ours has its particular nuances. As an industry, we have fought most government regulation and licensure. We have catered to the top income and education levels of society. We have taken pride in our missions of helping others reach levels of beauty, physicality, performance, fitness, health and wellness. We know fitness is essential. Read More

Ten Things Every Fitness Center Operator Must Do Moving Into 2021
By: Bonnie Patrick Mattalian

Bonnie Patrick MattalianBonnie Patrick MattalianNewsflash: The fitness industry is on the precipice of becoming an integral part of people's lives once again. Opportunities abound, and savvy operators are embracing the alternatives in the industry's evolution. With a careful assessment of the current situation and the development of multiple strategies, here is a structured process to consider for businesses to succeed in 2021... Read More

New Lessons in Design Learned From the Pandemic
By: Bruce Carter

Bruce CarterBruce CarterCOVID-19 has affected every aspect of club operations and planning. The initial reaction of Governments related to clubs was understandable: Close everything, ensuring that no one could get COVID in a club. Many other types of businesses faced the same fate. Then, clubs quickly became proactive with better cleaning practices, social distancing with equipment and individuals, masks, temperature scanning and better filters for HVAC systems. COVID has been a dramatic "game changer," one that, up until this time, has never been experienced by the industry. Read More

IRS Makes it Easier to Set Up Payment Agreements; Offers Other Relief to Taxpayers Struggling With Tax Debts
By: Kristen Deazeley

Kristen DeazeleyKristen DeazeleyThe Internal Revenue Service recently announced a number of changes designed to help struggling taxpayers impacted by COVID-19 more easily settle their tax debts with the IRS. The IRS assessed its collection activities to see how it could apply relief for taxpayers who owe but are struggling financially because of the pandemic, expanding taxpayer options for making payments and alternatives to resolve balances owed. Read More

"Non-Essential" Never Again
Part III

By: Eric Durak, MSc

Eric Durak, MScEric Durak, MScRecent events around coronavirus will have a lingering effect on the health club industry; however, there are questions that people are asking now that need to be addressed, as the COVID-19 pandemic is, at its core, as much political as it is epidemiological. Read More

Your Menu of Services
A Recommendation About Recommendations

By: Jeffrey Pinkerton

Jeffrey PinkertonJeffrey PinkertonGreat restaurants have small and selective menus. Having a well-curated and thoughtful menu ensures that guests will be able to navigate the offerings and make an informed decision. It also increases the likelihood that the staff have tried everything on the menu and can speak to their experience. On the other hand, a large menu of entrees in a restaurant, or a large menu of options in a health club, is difficult to manage, challenging to market, tough to quality control and impossible for staff to experience in full. If your team struggles to make strong recommendations to every member who walks through your door, I have a recommendation... Read More

Norm's Notes for January 2021
By: Norm Cates

Norm CatesNorm CatesHello Everybody! This is your Club Insider Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 325th monthly edition of Club Insider! WOW! We made it to the New Year of 2021, and it couldn't have happened sooner! Thank GOD we've put the "2020 Year from Hell" squarely behind us. Let's ALL PRAY to GOD that this horror show, the pandemic disaster of 2020, we've all been living through can somehow be stymied by the citizens of this great country through the combination of masks, social distancing and vaccinations. As we enter our 28th year of publishing Club Insider, I must again emphasize that our monthly production has only been made possible because of your support as a reader and because you are one who reaches out to and does business with our wonderful and very dedicated group of Club Insider Advertisers. Were it not for YOU and THEM, Club Insider would not be in front of you right now. So, thank you, and may 2021 be a happier, healthier New Year! Read More

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