The Club Insider Archives: January 2018
Saco Sport & Fitness
Maine's Most Comfortable Club
By: Justin Cates
Justin CatesWhat motivates you? What inspires you? For most in the wonderful health and fitness club industry, it is to help others become better. That is such a simple phrase, but there are infinite ways in which to do so. The formula then becomes a combination of experience and market realities. Will you go low-price, boutique, high-end? Will you focus all effort into one location, or is the goal to spread your concepts and philosophies across multiple locations? When all is said and done, will it work? I've asked a lot of questions in this paragraph, but the most important one is this: Why?
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Exercise IS Medicine!
By: Mike Alpert
Mike AlpertIf you have been reading this column, you know that we are very passionate about making all IHRSA Clubs inclusive and available to everyone. This means being welcoming and accessible to people who have physical and mental challenges. You should be in compliance with the 2010 ADA (American Disability Act) requirements that make it easy for those members to navigate through your club and to use your products and services. Not only is this the right thing to do, but it will also speak volumes of your culture and character. And, guess what? It will also prove to be a very good business model.
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Embrace the Truth
By: Derek Barton
Derek BartonA long time, I remember hearing that, if you survive five years in your own business, you've done very well. They say most businesses close before that benchmark. What amazes me are those companies that were once so successful for many decades, but today, they are a distant memory. I'm happy to say that my long-time friend, Norm Cates, and his son, Justin, are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Club Insider. Now THAT'S an impressive milestone, especially in the publishing business.
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What a Difference a Year Makes
By: Melissa Knowles
Melissa KnowlesLast January, I put together a list of the top ten mistakes gym owners make to kick off the new year. While the vast majority of the items on this list still ring very true we find ourselves heading into 2018 with several very new areas of focus to add to this list. Here is what's trending for 2018...
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How to Succeed in the Gym Business
By: Jim Thomas
Jim ThomasWill your gym business thrive, or will it join others that have faltered along the way? Although you work hard at your club each day, there is unfortunately no magic formula to eliminating all the risks associated with operating and profiting from all your efforts. You can improve your chances of success, however, by surrounding yourself with good planning and expertise from dozens of other business owners who have been there before you. Here are some basic rules to make sure your gym grows and prospers...
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What Does At-Will Employment Mean?
By: Paul R. Bedard, Esquire
Paul R. Bedard, EsquireEmployment litigation continues to represent one of the most complicated and significant facets of legal exposure for health clubs. Some employers mistakenly assume that hiring employees "at-will" equates to a blanket authority to dismiss these employees at any time, regardless of the motive or rationale behind the decision, without potential liability. Although the authority to terminate an at-will employee is somewhat broad, it is not absolute. Statutory protections, common law exceptions to the at-will employment doctrine and tort causes of action limit this authority.
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How to Design a Club for Maximum Sales Power
By: Bruce Carter
Bruce CarterWhat are people looking for in a club? Any club? Are they looking for exercise? A room with equipment? Are they looking for a social experience? It can be any or all of these, but the basic common thread for anyone joining any type of club is they are looking for solutions to improve their life. They are looking for a fulfilling experience. This applies to large clubs, studios, low-price models and higher-priced clubs. So, what can be done with design to best create an environment, an "experience," that will motivate people to pay whatever the dues that are being charged, and then, keep paying them?
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Navigating A Trade Show
Our Club Industry Show Experience
By: Angie Pattengale
Angie PattengaleIt's a new year, and that means the IHRSA Convention and Trade Show will be here before we know it! When attending a trade show, there's a lot of planning involved... if you're going to do it right. To provide you with some tips for IHRSA 2018, I'd like to tell you about our most recent trade show experience at Club Industry 2017.
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Seven Ways Your Health Club Can Help Members Meet Their Goals
By: Alexandra Black Larcom
Alexandra Black Larcom"This is it. This is the year I get healthy. I'm going to work out more and eat more vegetables!" As a club owner, you've probably heard your members say these things at the beginning of each new year. I'd also wager that, for every member who sticks to his resolutions and goals, there are a couple who lose their way. What if I told you there are seven ways your club could help more members meet their goals? There are! We spoke to a variety of clubs and gathered the best tips to share with you...
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A Letter About PHIT From IHRSA President & CEO, Joe Moore
Greetings, 2017 was nothing short of exhilarating, a year energized by our industry's united effort to build a healthier, stronger and more prosperous nation through the promotion of physical activity and healthy lifestyles. I personally want to thank you for your hard work to get Congress to enact PHIT. Your efforts raised the visibility of the bill and the urgency of passing it, increased the number and scope of PHIT supporters and Congressional co-sponsors and set the stage for even further advancement in 2018.
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NFPT Announces its Fitness Trends of 2018
LAFAYETTE, IN (By NFPT's Erin Nitschke) - Keeping pace with health and fitness trends is at the heart of a passionate fitness professional. This industry is dynamic; always growing, forever evolving, and progressing. Each year, thousands of fitness professionals look forward to learning the "top trends" for the upcoming year. Some trends appear and reappear on yearly lists, while others are replaced by new and more dynamic approaches to teaching our clients the art and science of living well. This year, we will see some of the same trends perhaps with a different twist. We will also see some new developments take place of old theories.
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MYZONE to be Honored as IHRSA's 2018 Associate Member of the Year
BOSTON, MA - IHRSA, The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, is pleased to announce that MYZONE is the 2018 Associate Member of the Year. MYZONE, an IHRSA member since 1997, was selected as this year's honoree due to its outstanding achievements, innovations and support of the health and fitness industry; its continued investment in leading-edge technology; and its unwavering support of IHRSA and its members.
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acac Pantops Now Open in Charlottesville, VA
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA - acac Fitness & Wellness Centers announced the opening of a new fitness facility and physical therapy location in Charlottesville, VA. The new club is located inside of the Sentara Martha Jefferson Sports Medicine Clinic. acac began operations in the facility on January 1, 2018.
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Norm's Notes for January 2018
By: Norm Cates
Norm CatesHello Everybody, and a Happy, Healthy New Year to you all! This is your Club Insider Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993 checking in with our 289th monthly edition of Club Insider as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary throughout the year!
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