Club Insider

About Justin Cates

Justin CatesJustin Cates

Justin Cates is the Publisher of Club Insider. Having been born into a club business family in 1985, Justin grew up in the health and fitness club industry. He has lived and breathed this industry for 35 years, since his own day one, and he loves it dearly. Graduating from the Terry College of Business at The University of Georgia in 2007, Justin has run day-to-day operations of Club Insider for 12 years. Justin was elevated to Publisher of Club Insider on April 5, 2020. Justin’s Dad, Norm Cates, continues to serve as Founder and Tribal Leader Since 1993.

Phone: (863) 999 - 2677

Previous Articles

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"2016 In Review"
December 2016 - Here we go again! Thanksgiving dinner was delicious; college football's bowl season is in full swing; and the holidays are upon us, culminating with ringing in the New Year of 2017. That means it's time for Club Insider's "2016 In Review." As always, this year, our goal was to bring you informational and inspirational stories of health and fitness club industry knowledge and success with a fresh lineup of cover stories, in-depth best practices articles from our team of Contributing Authors and timely news and thought-provoking insights in Norm's Notes. In 2016, we hope you have enjoyed what you have read and have been able to use this information to better run your health and fitness club business. Read Article...

"2017 In Review"
December 2017 - We, at Club Insider, hope this finds you in good health, good cheer and having had a great year! In days, 2017 will be over, and 2018 will be in full swing. Let's make it the best year yet! But, before we go, it's time for Club Insider's "2017 In Review." As always, this year, our goal was to bring you informational and inspirational stories of health and fitness club industry knowledge and success with a fresh lineup of cover stories, in-depth best practices articles from our team of Contributing Authors and timely news and thought-provoking insights in Norm's Notes. In 2017, we hope you have enjoyed what you have read and have been able to use this information to better your health and fitness club business. Read Article...

"Insider Speaks"
The Evolution of Club Insider - Part I

June 2014 - Welcome to Part I of an important 3-part article series that I am both proud of and excited to produce and bring to you. As you, our loyal readers know, we continually try to improve Club Insider, from ease of use in print and online to continuing to provide valuable content that can help the health and fitness club businesses you own and operate become better and better. Some improvements come unannounced, as many are minor. We take the Red Lerille approach and try to improve something every month, no matter how small; however, there are some big improvements coming in the next few months that we have been working on for a while. Today, we begin the process of sharing those improvements with you and announcing when you can expect them. Hold onto your hats! Read Article...

"Insider Speaks"
The Evolution of Club Insider - Part II

August 2014 - Welcome to Part II of an important 3-part article series that I am both proud of and excited to produce and bring to you. As you, our loyal readers know, we continually try to improve Club Insider, from ease of use in print and online to continuing to provide more and more valuable content that can help the health and fitness club businesses you own and operate become better and better. Some improvements come unannounced, as many are minor. We take the Red Lerille approach and try to improve something every month, no matter how small; however, there are some big improvements coming in the next few months that we have been working on for a while. Today, we continue the process of sharing those improvements with you and announcing when you can expect them. Read Article...

"Insider Speaks"
The Evolution of Club Insider - Part III

October 2014 - Welcome to Part III of an important 3-part article series that I am both proud of and excited to produce and bring to you. As you, our loyal readers know, we continually try to improve Club Insider, from ease of use in print and online to continuing to provide more and more valuable content that can help the health and fitness club businesses you own and operate become better and better. Some improvements come unannounced, as many are minor. We take the Red Lerille approach and try to improve something every month, no matter how small; however, there are some big improvements coming in the next few months that we have been working on for a while. Today, we finish the process of sharing those improvements with you and announcing when you can expect them. Read Article...

12 Days of Fitness
Clubs for the Cure During the Holiday Season

November 2009 - It is not often that we devote a cover story to an organization two years in a row. This month, however, in preparation for the coming Holiday Season, we believe the story that is about to be shared is worth the press, and more importantly, your time. Read Article...

2009 In Review
December 2009 - Another year has flown by! But, looking back, it has also been quite a long one and much has happened. At Club Insider, we have had reports from around the country, some positive, others not so much so. Some have struggled because membership has declined and sales systems for ancillary income were not in place, while others have thrived despite lower membership. Read Article...

200th Edition!
A Retrospective

August 2010 - December 1993: "Norm Cates' Club Insider News was launched this month to provide a new and unbiased view of the happenings in the club industry. The Club Insider News promises to be an objective, tell-it-like-it-is monthly publication which has as its target audience the owners, general managers and department heads of for-profit commercial clubs and corporate fitness centers worldwide." Read Article...

2010 In Review
December 2010 - It feels like it was yesterday that I wrote, "Another year has flown by," in our 2009 In Review report. Well, now, it's the end of 2010, and it's time to review everything covered in Club Insider this year. As always, we worked very hard to produce a set of valuable cover stories, featuring amazing and successful individuals within the industry whose stories can help others in the industry. Read Article...

2011 In Review
December 2011 - Well, it's that time again! This month, we will review everything covered in Club Insider during 2011. As always, we have worked very hard to produce a set of valuable cover stories, featuring amazing and successful individuals within the industry whose stories can help others in the industry. Our growing team of Contributing Authors presented many great articles on a variety of topics, any one of which can help your club business thrive and grow. Read Article...

2012 In Review
December 2012 - Once again, it seems like it was yesterday that I was writing our "2011 In Review" article to review the year in Club Insider. This year was an exciting one for Club Insider, as we celebrated our 20th Anniversary. As always, we strived to share great cover stories that can help you in your business if studied. Read Article...

2013 In Review
December 2013 - Here we are again! It's the end of another year. I hope it was a great one for you, both personally and professionally. At Club Insider, it was another exciting year, as we completed our 20th year of service to this great industry. We also set some plans in motion that will continue to make Club Insider your go-to industry resource; now, and in the years to come. Read Article...

2014 In Review
December 2014 - Just as the leftovers from this year's Thanksgiving feast are running low, we are gearing up for the holiday season and even more feasting. With all these delicious temptations on the table, it is hard for even the most disciplined to keep fully fit and trim this time of year! But, before we give ourselves more reasons to get those extra workouts in, let's close out the year with Club Insider's "2014 In Review!" Read Article...

2015 In Review
December 2015 - I love to travel, and one of my fondest memories traveling was my first trip to New York City. During my visit, I needed to take the subway to a few of my sightseeing destinations. Waiting on the platform, I could hear and see the train in the distance, and it was getting closer at a seemingly faster rate. Right before its arrival, the wind gusts put off from the train hit all the travelers waiting on the platform. Moments later, the train arrived and began to decelerate, bringing more wind with it. On the platform, you could see traveler's clothes and hair moving with the direction of the arriving train. And, then, it stopped, the train's doors opened and boarding began. Moments later, the train was off again; this time with new passengers and to a new destination. Read Article...

2018 In Review
December 2018 - We hope 2018 was a great year for you, your family, your team and your facility (or facilities). Here, at Club Insider, we spent 2018 Celebrating 25 Years of Trust by bringing you another stacked slate of informative cover stories by Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993, Norm Cates, and Partner and Assistant Publisher, Justin Cates; high-level best practices articles by the always-improving Club Insider Contributing Author Team; and key industry news and insights via selected press releases, and of course, monthly installments of Norm Notes. In addition to Celebrating 25 years of Trust throughout this year, this month, we culminate the celebration with the 300th Edition of Club Insider! Read Article...

2019 In Review
December 2019 - What a year! What a decade! We hope things are going great for you, your family, your team and your facility (or facilities). As we look back, what a year it has been. What a decade it has been! As always, this year, as we have for decades now, our goal with Club Insider is to bring to you another stacked slate of informative cover stories by Publisher and Tribal Leader Since 1993, Norm Cates, and Partner and Assistant Publisher, Justin Cates; high-level best practices articles by the always-improving Club Insider Contributing Author Team; and key industry news and insights via selected press releases, and of course, monthly installments of Norm Notes. Read Article...

2020 In Review
December 2020 - Each year, Oxford chooses a word of the year. Like everything else in 2020, this year, that changed. For the first time, they determined there was not one word that accurately describes the unprecedented year we have just experienced. At its core, I can't argue against that, but for me, the one word to describe this year is: EARTH. No matter the expanding differences between all the different groups of people who inhabit this planet, we all have one thing in common, where Earth goes, we go. For the time being, we are stuck on this beautiful sphere flying through space. To me, that is actually a beautiful thought, and it's a thought one would think could unite peoples. Read Article...

2021 In Review
December 2021 - This time last year, I wrote the 2020 version of this yearly cover story. Compared to how slow 2020 seemed to proceed, this year flew by. I cannot believe my Thanksgiving Turkey is already a thing of the past, and I am gearing up to cook one for Christmas! I am thankful this year was not last year. But, I am also cautious not to lose sight of the past, and again, get caught in the incessant nature of daily life. As I recently wrote, it is important to take time (literally schedule it) to slow down, reflect on experiences and lessons, and reload and repurpose yourself with a new set of goals and challenges. Read Article...

2022 In Review
December 2022 - Unlike 2020 and 2021, this year offered us a little more clarity than we have recently grown accustomed to, and that has been refreshing. For the industry, it has been the year to refuel, refocus and reemerge. It all still feels different, though, and I am sure it will a little while longer. Personally, I hope some of the work/life/family balance we all gained back during the pandemic has stayed in place. Read Article...

2023 In Review
December 2023 - This has been a year for the books! In many good ways, and we hope it has been the same for you in your health and fitness club business. At Club Insider, after 30 years of print, we made the difficult but correct decision to move to an online-only format. The ability to continue what we do month-in and month-out, and the feedback we have received since this decision was made has been uplifting, and it has us energized for 2024! Before closing out 2023, though, let's take a quick look back at all we covered this year. Wow, did it go by fast! Read Article...

2024 In Review
December 2024 - As 2024 comes to a close, I find myself thinking more and more about the future. In January, I turn the BIG 4.0. 40! I get to begin the second half of my life with 40 years of knowledge and experience behind me as the wind at my back, which is a great feeling. Conversely, though, as I get older, it feels like each year goes by faster and faster. So, I got to thinking about that... and I came to this conclusion: The proportion of life yet to live becomes less and less, so it feels like it goes faster and faster. For some, this can be a sad thought. For others, it can be the greatest motivator. Optimally, I suppose there should be a balance in those thoughts... we are mortal after all, but we are capable of much in a very short period of time, especially with knowledge and experience guiding our path. Read Article...

An Important Update on Augie's Quest to Cure ALS
June 2021 - In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it might have been easy to overlook Augie's Quest to Cure ALS. No one could blame anyone else for this. It has been a tough time, and we have all had to do what we need to do to survive and strive for normalcy. Now that a return to normalcy is on the horizon and truly visible for the first time in months, it's important to reset and take stock of not only what was lost but what still remains. Something truly important for our industry that remains is Augie's Quest to Cure ALS, and they need your continued support. Read Article...

An NFBA Exhibition
Functional Training

December 2009 - Recently, the National Fitness Business Alliance (NFBA) was here in Atlanta for a 2-day event, and I had the opportunity to attend. The event was anchored with an excellent, 2-day seminar by Thomas Plummer, and various short breaks and meal breaks during his presentation offered attendees time to mingle with each other as well as companies that showcase their products with the traveling NFBA group. Read Article...

Announcing Pristine Media
October 2009 - In today's connected society, consumers are using the web more and more to research potential purchases, from coffee to cars and dry cleaning to hotel stays. Read Article...

Apex Fitness' bodybugg
September 2008 - It looks like a ladybug, only it has two small lights for eyes, a power button for a mouth, and a strap where the legs should be. It is the bodybugg, and thanks to Apex Fitness' Steve Datte and Kim Slover, I am now a bodybugg user and fan! Read Article...

About Our Authors

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