About Karen Woodard-Chavez
Karen Woodard-Chavez
Karen Woodard is President of Premium Performance Training in Boulder, Colorado and Ixtapa, Mexico.
Phone: (303) 417 - 0653
Email: karen@karenwoodard.com
Previous Articles
Showing 26 - 50 of 116 Articles
Developing a U.S.P. To Differentiate Your Club From Your Competitor's
October 1996 - Read Article...
Developing Resilient Leaders and Loved Ones
Part I
November 2020 - Resilience is such an important quality to have at any time in our lives, and especially these days, when we are seemingly faced with new challenges that test us each day. What you will find as you read on is how to define resilience and how you can deepen it for yourself, those you lead and those you love. Ping Fu, author of Bend, Not Break, has a beautiful quote, "Be like the bamboo... bend but do not break," which is a very good description of the concept of resilience. If you are to develop and deepen resilience within yourself and for others, how do you define resilience? Let's define it in the following way... Read Article...
Developing Resilient Leaders and Loved Ones
Part II
December 2020 - In Part I, we have defined resilience, its elements and you have rated yourself, those you lead and those you love. Now, in Part II, you are ready for an exercise to strengthen your "resilience muscles." The exercise is called Doors Close, Doors Open. Read Article...
Do You Consistently Meet Daily Revenue Goals?
March 2020 - The title of this article presents a very simple and very important question. I am hoping your answer is Yes. However, I often see the opposite as a reality. As you read this article, if you are a reader who answered Yes, then kudos to you and your organization. Even with a Yes answer, please read on and perhaps you will find tools to implement to make you and your organization even more effective. If you answered No, then by all means, please read on. As you read, please consider how these tools apply to both you personally and your organization, especially if you are in a position to personally produce daily revenue or you manage the organization's revenue in a more general way. Read Article...
Do You Have a Bad Boss or Are You a Bad Boss?
Part I
November 2018 - Bad bosses are so common that many jokes and even blockbuster movies have been made about them. Some of the classic "Bad Boss" movies include: Swimming with Sharks, Devils' Advocate, Weekend at Bernie's, 9 to 5, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Devil Wears Prada and Office Space. Some of these movies are chilling, and some are hysterical. However, it is not so funny when you are the one who has the bad boss. A sense of humor can only go so far, right? Read Article...
Do You Have Enough Salespeople to Succeed?
December 2016 - Over the years of owning and operating clubs and the following years having the privilege to consult with clubs and other businesses outside of the health and fitness industry, I have had the opportunity to see many models for sales success and sales failure. One of the simplest elements that is often absent is knowing how many salespeople to have to be able to hit the numbers you need. I see this largely in this industry compared to some of the other industries in which I provide consulting services. Read Article...
Doing Business Right
April 2004 - Read Article...
Effective Lead Follow Up to Shorten Your Sales Cycle
March 2005 - Read Article...
Effective Lead Follow-Up Cycle for New and Existing Leads
November 2019 - When I ask clients how they are doing with Month-To-Date (MTD) new membership sales, the responses vary. Some are on track, some are ahead of pace and others are behind. Inquiring why on all counts and especially with clients who are behind, the response is typically that traffic has slowed down. Lead generation is clearly a key to sales success, and often, there is not enough lead generation going on. That is another article. What I also find is that there is typically ineffective lead follow-up happening. When this happens, sales teams are leaving a LOT of opportunity on the table that should easily translate into more new sales, better member relationships, increased referrals and better retention. Read Article...
Five Steps to Boost Non-Dues Revenue in 2018
Part I
November 2017 - Let's close out the 4th quarter with this 2-part article that will enhance something we all know is the foundation of our business: Clubs that have a higher % of Non-Dues Revenue (NDR) enjoy a higher level of member retention. We know that members who engage in NDR services: 1. Use the club more often; 2. Get better results; 3. Continue to spend more in the club; and 4. Remain as members longer than those who don't engage in NDR services. However, what we know and what we do aren't always the same thing. Read Article...
Five Steps to Boost Non-Dues Revenue in 2018
Part II
December 2017 - In last month's edition of Club Insider, we ran Part I of this 2-part article. This is Part II. The first few paragraphs are worth repeating/rereading: Let's close out the 4th quarter with this 2-part article that will enhance something we all know is the foundation of our business: Clubs that have a higher % of Non-Dues Revenue (NDR) enjoy a higher level of member retention. We know that members who engage in NDR services: 1. Use the club more often; 2. Get better results; 3. Continue to spend more in the club; and 4. Remain as members longer than those who don't engage in NDR services. Read Article...
Five Tools to Maximize Your Winter Selling Season
January 2017 - There is no doubt January is busy... So busy that, at times, it feels like you can't fully do your job or completely do your job, which means certain elements may get missed or be omitted. That's a big mistake that will hinder your sales success. Make sure you are consistent with the following Five Tools with each and every prospect/member. Consistency is the key to making a good January a great January and a great January a strong February, March and April. Read Article...
Your Tool for Sales Excellence
August 2005 - Read Article...
Get The Real Picture Of The Business
August 2004 - Read Article...
Getting an Appointment With the Appointment-Resistant Caller
May 2009 - Most clubs are reporting that the new membership in-quiries for both phone and those who walk into the club are down. When we do get a call or someone who walks in, we want to maximize the return on the dollars that created that inquiry. This short article will give you some distinctive tips on how to maximize appointment setting and show ratios on every phone call even with the appointment-resistant caller. Read Article...
Guaranteed Sales Increase
March 1999 - Read Article...
Handling Objections on the Tour
September 2000 - Read Article...
Have You Lost That Lovin' Feelin'?
February 1997 - Read Article...
How Effective Are Your Sales Meetings?
August 2015 - In the health and fitness industry, specifically on the club side, sales meetings vary in frequency, purpose, value and consistency compared to other industries. If there is a wide variance in these factors, there could also be a wide variance in the effectiveness of the meetings. The bottom line with sales meetings is that they are designed to increase sales. This article will provide some insight into how to make your sales meetings more effective in increasing your sales. Read Article...
How To Give and Receive Feedback
March 2015 - Sometimes we feel like we are on eggshells when we need to give or receive feedback. This article will discuss why that is and how to eliminate the eggshells, the differences and detriments of a "culture of nice" versus a "culture of feedback" and how to give and receive feedback so it is helpful and not perceived as a personal attack. The goal of this article is to breathe new life into your professional and personal conversations. Read Article...
How To Guarantee Sales Success During Economic Shifts
November 2001 - Read Article...
Impact Your Retention, Membership Sales & Bottom Line In 15 Minutes Per Day
May 1998 - Read Article...
Implementing an Etiquette, Courtesy and Communication Skills Component to Your Staff Training
April 2003 - Read Article...
Increase Profit By Reducing Staff Turnover
March 2003 - Read Article...
Intentional Excellence vs. Accidental Excellence For the Club and Revenue Producing Staff
September 2013 - Have you ever had the experience of having a terrific month at the club? Net was high, you enrolled a ton of new clients or you blew your membership sales goals out of the water and you felt like luck was on your side... If so, that is not a good thing. Read Article...
Showing 26 - 50 of 116 Articles