About Tracey Bourdon
Tracey Bourdon
Phone: (888) 349 - 4594
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Previous Articles
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Articles
Now Is The Time To Make Money For Your Club!
October 2013 - With Thanksgiving fast approaching and a typically-slow December just around the corner, you can't wait to just get through to January, right? Wrong! You don't need to break the bank to have successful holiday marketing. With a little planning, you can achieve a great return on investment and position your club for a promising new year. Read Article...
Planting the Seeds For Better Marketing
Part III
March 2013 - Spring! Has it snuck up on you? The arrival of spring is a welcome change for many of us, whether it is simply better weather or the promise of fresh starts, new growth and opportunity. For many, spring cannot arrive too soon. Unless you don't have a marketing plan! Read Article...
Planting The Seeds For Marketing Success
March 2015 - Marketing this time of year shouldn't be a "Spring Fling!" The arrival of spring is a welcome change for many of us, whether it is simply better weather or the promise of fresh starts, new growth and opportunity. For most, spring cannot arrive too soon... Unless you don't have a marketing plan! Read Article...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Member Retention In Your Club
May 2013 - At times, it seems that for any club, even their best members can start to lose their motivation. They visit the club less and less frequently, and to your horror, they may even cancel their membership. What has happened to them? Perhaps if we can begin to understand this gradual decline in their participation, we will be able to prevent it from happening. Read Article...
What To Do If You Do Not Have A 2013 Marketing Plan
Part I
January 2013 - Panic? Not now. It is not too late; the year has only just begun, and prospective new members are still out there. They were not all snapped up by the competition, nor did they suddenly decide that they are already in great shape without your help. Many of them are still waiting for the right motivator that will inspire them to act. It may come from within, or it may come with the help of your next marketing effort! Read Article...
Working Your 2013 Marketing Plan
Part II
February 2013 - Have you got the habit yet? You know, the marketing habit! Have you ever made a New Year's resolution? If so, you may have heard that you only have to stick with your resolution for 21 days for it to become a habit. This suggests that it's easy and that it will become second nature, an automatic pattern of behavior. If only... Read Article...
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Articles