About Terry Browning
Terry Browning
As President and CEO of MOSSA, formerly known as The STEP Company, Terry Browning has been instrumental in guiding the company's directions after the introduction of The STEP to the fitness industry and retailers, has led the team that introduced Branded Group Fitness to health clubs in 1997 and now steers the company's growth in the consumer digital workout market. Terry has nearly 30 years industry experience and holds a degree in Marketing and Business Administration from the University of Akron.
Phone: (800) 729 - 7837
Email: terry@mossa.net
Previous Articles
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Articles
A Health Club's Superpower
November 2021 - Having just returned from IHRSA in Dallas, I'm reminded of the true superpower of health clubs. It's not how shiny, it's not how new, it's not how big, it's not how much equipment, it's not how much technology a health club has... No, it's much more basic. It's much more human. At IHRSA, we finally put the phones down, got away from the video conferences, and we were able to really connect with some of our key partners. With the leadership from The Alaska Club, American Family Fitness, Genesis Health Clubs, Healthtrax Fitness & Wellness, Jersey Strong and Saco Sports & Fitness, I couldn't help but notice how thrilled people were to see each other. There were hugs, high-fives and smiles all around. People were genuinely happy to be "live and in person." Read Article...
A Strength Training Resolution Revolution
January 2025 - Fitness fads, the newest, hottest trends, the code-cracking, must-have workout... we've seen them all come and go - with an emphasis on go - as trends tend to do. This time of year, in particular, the chatter is all about what's trending in fitness to appeal to resolutioners starting or restarting healthy habits. But, for the first time in recent memory, the "in" thing feels like something smart, something strong, something sustainable, something we can believe in, invest in and get people... well, in. Finally, people aren't just looking for some vague version of exercise ("I guess I'll join a gym") or looking to undo bad habits in general ("I guess I'll change my ways"). More than ever, people have specifically resolved to start strength training. Read Article...
Live Group Fitness is the Answer... Again.
May 2021 - The pandemic has no doubt altered consumer behavior. But, is this alteration a permanent change or a pandemic-induced adjustment? The "Pandemic Boom" has catapulted many industries and products to stratospheric sales increases, including a 500% increase in bread machine sales and an 800% increase in toilet paper sales. And, the world's largest streaming service, Netflix, had record breaking sales for six straight months. Is this the new road forward? Have people now really discovered their love for bread making? Will toilet paper sales continue on this roll? Have we decided to stop doing and just start watching? Read Article...
Resolve to Be the Resolution They Keep
January 2023 - Every January, people know they're looking for something new, something healthier, something that will work (hopefully, this time). They're also looking for motivation, community, connection and inspiration. They just might not realize it... yet. This time of year, every year, we're given a gift that few other industries can count on. We're assured a stream of new, renewed, recharged, looking-to-commit traffic. We're in people's sites, in their goals and in their budgets. Yet, as I'm sure you're aware, the majority of fitness resolutions are quickly broken, some even within the first month. Read Article...
Team vs. Tech and the Member Experience
February 2024 - I was in the crowd for the recent initial review of our MMA-style group fitness workout, Group Fight. There was a buzz in the room with team members chatting and preparing for the workout. We have an open office concept, but lunchtime workouts are the social highlight of the workday at MOSSA HQ. The instructor Mike, part of our program development team, was walking around, "working the room," building up the pre-workout energy. His excitement was contagious, his intro was electric and the workout was absolutely delivered. The experience reinforced one of the only unique selling positions a facility can have: a dynamic instructor delivering a live experience to your members. Read Article...
The Team to Reach the 80%
March 2022 - Reaching the 80% is a challenge many operators face, especially today after the shake-up of their membership over the last two years. This segment of the population isn't getting the recommended amount of exercise and activity; they don't belong to a fitness facility; and many are overweight, obese and completely inactive. Your instructor team can play a major role in helping to ensure you can appeal, connect and keep this elusive 80%. British entrepreneur and business magnate, Richard Branson, has said, "A company's employees are its greatest asset, and your people are your product." Because group fitness has proven to be a reliable strategy for member retention and has shown to have one of the lowest costs to service members, making sure your product (your people) is a diverse and committed team is essential to reach more people and grow participation. Read Article...
What Do You Believe About the Future of Fitness?
June 2022 - People are back. Rooms are refilling. Your members are reconnecting. And, we are so excited to be with our fitness community at IHRSA 2022! People need people to share ideas, for inspiration and collaboration, and to keep each other moving and moving forward. Today, let's talk about the recovery work ahead and how we can keep traffic trending in the right direction in the near and distant future... and, in fact, how we can future-proof your facility. Read Article...
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Articles