Club Insider

About Steve Ayers

Steve AyersSteve Ayers


Previous Articles

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Key Performance Indicators
Which Ones Are Right For Your Business?

February 2011 - Today's business owner is faced with many uncertainties in this ever-changing global financial environment. How do you, as a health club owner, monitor your company's performance based on those changes? Which Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are right for your company? KPIs can be specific to the health club industry, but foremost, they need to be specific to and in line with the goals and vision of your individual company. Read Article...

Member Self-Service is the New Full-Service
June 2011 - As I look back into my youth, the idea of full-service to consumers was most transparent in gas stations and banks. I fondly remember driving to the gas station and sitting in the car while the attendants came out and pumped our gas, cleaned our windows and checked the fluids in our car. Read Article...

Why Would a Health Club Owner Need a Buy-Sell Agreement?
July 2011 - As a former club owner and CFO, I feel one of the most overlooked business documents of a health club owner today is a Buy-Sell Agreement between the principles of the closely-held company. This document decides the fate of the business and ownership of said business upon a triggering event. Examples of triggering events include, but are not limited to, retirement, divorce, death or bankruptcy of one or more of the company owners or members. Read Article...

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