About Joe Moore
Joe Moore
Previous Articles
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Articles
Commentary: Time for Doctors to Prescribe Exercise
November 2010 - The prescription pad is a powerful tool, and doctors need to start using it for more than just ordering medications. They need to prescribe exercise. America is facing unprecedented epidemics of obesity and widespread physical inactivity. Read Article...
Exercise: The Best Medicine for Doctors and Patients
May 2015 - Almost any doctor will agree that exercise is a great preventive and helps keep people well. Most will even acknowledge that regular exercise helps manage many chronic diseases, from diabetes to asthma. But, how often do doctors come right out and prescribe exercise, or even ask how much physical activity you get on a routine basis? Read Article...
Exercising Public Policy
Promoting Physical Activity in the Fight Against Depression
November 2014 - As published in The Huffington Post on 10/10/14: There are a lot of reasons why Congress should enact public policies that promote exercise. The great potential that exercise has for helping people overcome depression is an important one. Depression takes a tremendous toll on America. For individuals and their families, depression inflicts immense personal suffering. At its most tragic, depression leads to suicide, which claims nearly 40,000 American lives each year. Read Article...
IHRSA Continues Voluntary Certification With Down Vote On Latest Draft
August 2011 - A committee of industry stakeholders convened to develop a voluntary facility certification has voted down the latest draft of standards released for ballot. A previous draft was also voted down in October of 2009. The committee has since begun work on a new draft, but a vote has not been scheduled. Read Article...
Joe "The Gladiator" Moore Battles Public Fitness Center
A "How To Fight Non-Profit Rec Centers Document" By Joe Moore
May 2000 - Read Article...
Moore's Fitness Beats City Hall
December 1997 - Read Article...
Moore's Fitness Fighting Government Competition
February 1998 - Read Article...
The "Insider Speaks"
America's Costly Lifestyle
May 2012 - While our politicians remain polarized on health care reform, and as the U.S. Supreme Court decides on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, perhaps the rest of us should look more closely at our health. After all, the excessive cost of health care in America is the symptom of an underlying disease. While changing the system of how health care coverage is provided, purchased and paid for may help alleviate some of the symptoms, it won't eradicate the fundamental sickness. Read Article...
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Articles