Club Insider

About Gary Polic

Gary PolicGary Polic

Gary Polic is the Owner of Polic Consultants Group, LLC and National Director at The Wellbridge Company.

Phone: (630) 410 - 1120

Previous Articles

Showing 1 - 22 of 22 Articles

10 Reasons Why Successful People "Get" That Way
Are You One Of Those People?

April 2005 - Read Article...

Are You Asking Your Sales Managers The Right Questions To Grow Sales?
Part I

October 2021 - We all know the statement, "You get what you put up with in management," is a true statement. Therefore, I wanted to share a few questions to ask your Sales Manager on a consistent basis. In Part I, I will share Questions 1 - 10. Next, month, in Part II, I will complete the list with Questions 11 - 20. These questions will alert your Sales Manager to what's most important in achieving their team's sales goals... Read Article...

Are You Asking Your Sales Managers The Right Questions To Grow Sales?
Part II

November 2021 - We all know the statement, "You get what you put up with in management," is a true statement. Therefore, I wanted to share a few questions to ask your Sales Manager on a consistent basis. In Part I, I shared Questions 1 - 10. This month, in Part II, I will complete the list with Questions 11 - 20. These questions will alert your Sales Manager to what's most important in achieving their team's sales goals... Read Article...

Are You Catching Your Next New Member... "Where They Are?"
December 2023 - This article aims to guide Club Insider subscribers to innovative strategies for attracting high-quality leads by meeting them "Where They Are!" Given the constraints of time and resources, visiting every potential new member in your club's vicinity regularly is impractical. Furthermore, traditional marketing efforts that do not meet our return on investment (ROI) expectations are not practical or within our budget. So, how do we reach the next new member "Where They Are?" The answer is simple. We reach them on their smartphones! With that said, check out these stats... Read Article...

Are You Onboarding Your New Salespeople Successfully?
March 2022 - The number one objective of this article is for you, the reader, to take a good look at your sales representative onboarding process. With that said, the war of attrition with salespeople is an ongoing battle. However, what would you say if I said, "It doesn't have to be that way!" I am not saying that the salespeople we hire are not committed; we as an industry or club sales leaders are not committed to them! Think about it. How does a Fortune 100 company launch their new salespeople into a sales production roll? Do they train them for 1 - 2 days and say, "Here's your quota... Go Get 'Em!" The true answer is NO, that is not what they do. However, is that what we do? And, if so, that is exactly WHY we have a high attrition percentage with our salespeople and/or have a low-producing sales team. Read Article...

Are Your "Skill Essentials" Guaranteeing Your Success?
June 2005 - Read Article...

Bounce-Back Strategies
September 2020 - We are in unprecedented times, and we do not know what the future will bring. It is natural to be discouraged at this time, but our industry WILL BOUNCE-BACK. WHY? Because our industry has too many stellar leaders spearheading the effort, coupled with the fact that, "exercise is the most significant factor contributing to the health of the individual," stated by the American Medical Association. People will continue to seek out clubs to work out in, because there is an inherent motivation that comes while working out with others that no online virtual fitness program available can compete with. Read Article...

Bounce-Back Strategies From The Industry's Front Lines
October 2020 - In my previous article, I listed a number of bounce-back strategies. This month, we will take a look at those strategies in action on the industry's front lines. Through testimonials from industry leaders in different clubs around the country, we will learn what they are doing to stay positive, sell, retain members and promote their brand by being more proactive, subsequently "seizing the day" and being successful one day at a time! Read Article...

Exploring Success in Marketing & Advertising
Perspectives From iHeartMedia - Part I

September 2024 - The landscape of advertising has become increasingly intricate, with a multitude of vendors, media companies and platforms to choose from. Deciding which options will deliver the best outcomes for your business can be challenging. Polic Consultants Group, LLC has teamed up with iHeartMedia to offer specialized marketing and advertising services designed for the fitness industry. Read Article...

Exploring Success in Marketing & Advertising
Perspectives From iHeartMedia - Part II

October 2024 - In Part I of this article series on iHeartMedia (iHM), we outlined the various media available in today's marketing and advertising landscape. In Part II, we will present ten case studies and their performance metrics. Our goal is to inspire curiosity and encourage creative thinking within your marketing teams, in the hope of uncovering new marketing opportunities. Read Article...

Get Ready to Rumble!
An Interview With a Personal Training Expert

June 2022 - I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with people as good or better than yourself. Well in that case, I thought to myself: "Who is the best Personal Training expert I know in my 40 years in the industry?" To answer that question, I would need to go to Polic Consultants Group, LLC's expert in that field, and his name is Victor "V-Man" Verhage. Those who know V-Man would wholeheartedly agree with me. Victor is an internationally recognized personal training educator and fitness management systems expert. He is also the owner of Victor VMan & Advisors, LLC. I am proud and honored to have him in our prestigious group at Polic Consultants. Read Article...

Get Ready to Rumble!
An Interview With an Industry Marketing Expert

September 2022 - In the last year, I have recently had the opportunity to work side-by-side with Lee Oberg of Oberg Consulting. At Polic Consultants Group, LLC, we are honored to have him on board with some of the industry's best of the best group of consultants. One of the special highlights I have experienced firsthand regarding Lee, and that sets him apart from other traditional marketers, is his experience and ability to collaborate with sales teams to create marketing that truly produces results. Read Article...

Get Ready to Rumble!
An Interview With a Former Owner/CEO Club Industry Expert

December 2022 - I was thinking; "Who would be the best Polic Consultants Group expert on our team to interview that could provide great feedback to empower other CEOs of small- to medium-sized club companies?" Well, I didn't have to think too long and hard before landing on Jim Brewer. Jim is my mentor and dear friend. Not only did he hire me when I began in the industry, but he also trained me, as well. I am forever grateful to him. Read Article...

Get Ready to Rumble!
An Interview With a Membership Sales Expert

March 2023 - Here we go again! Let's get ready to rumble with one of my mentors and industry experts, Jim Martin. Jim has been on the cover of various industry publications. He has also recently authored his first book: How To Master The Art of Selling Health Club Memberships. Your draft is the Golden Goose! Therefore, in this article, we are going to discuss how to significantly increase your draft in eight proven steps. Read Article...

How AI Revolutionizes Personal Training Sales
An Insightful Q&A with Victor "VMan" Verhage

April 2024 - In the rapidly evolving fitness industry, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a game-changer, especially in selling personal training packages and programs. Polic Consultants Group, LLC caught up with Victor "VMan" Verhage, a visionary in the fitness business landscape, to delve into how AI can be a powerhouse tool for personal trainers and fitness club owners. Let's explore how AI can specifically cater to members' goals like weight loss, muscle building, energy boosts and overall wellbeing. Read Article...

How to Create Strategic Partnerships in Your Community
July 2021 - Ready, Set, GO! We are back... well, sort of! Why, sort of? Because there is one question left to ask... "Are your sales teams back to networking/prospecting outside the club with a structured systematic approach?" WHY is this so critical? Only 21% of the American population works out in a gym, so where do we meet almost 80% of the population? Where they shop, dine, work, and socialize! So, the race to build relationships with your community events organizers and local retailers is back in full force. What is your game plan? Well, here are three quantified ways to increase your brand awareness and sales in your communities today... Read Article...

It Is Not WHAT You Know But WHO You Know to Grow Sales
December 2021 - We are all the experts in the "educational" piece of marketing our clubs. "You want to know WHAT to do to get the results you are looking for, then come to us!" That is the position we are all in currently when fighting for our market share. I mean, who would want to trust their fitness results to just anybody, right? But, what about relationships? The consumer buys from someone they trust and has good rapport with initially or over time. Well, then, that leaves us with the most important question, and that is WHO do you know personally in your communities that is an influencer? Read Article...

It's Booty Time!
September 2023 - Back by popular demand, here we go again with another Q&A with Victor "VMan" Verhage! This time, we are highlighting what will be the #1 focus and on the "main stage space" for members in your clubs in 2024! I am privileged and honored again to highlight Polic Consultants Group specialist, Victor "VMan" Verhage. It is Booty Time! Are you ready to light up your members' Gluts? Well, you better be, because their Booty has everything to do with lower back pain and so much more than looks! So, buckle up Club Insider Subscribers... Let us get you ready to Rumble! It's Booty Time! Read Article...

Management Mentoring Disciplines
Are You Truly Developing Your People?

August 2005 - Read Article...

Overcoming Challenges in Recruiting and Retaining High-Quality Personal Trainers in 2024
July 2024 - As we all know, it is a never-ending battle to recruit and retain high-quality Personal Trainers in our industry. With that said, we at Polic Consultants Group, LLC would like to refer to our Personal Training Group Specialist Victor "VMan" Verhage once again. VMan is internationally recognized as a Personal Training Educator and Fitness Management Systems Expert. He is an experienced Fitness Solutions Specialist with a demonstrated 28-year history working in the fitness, health and wellness industry. Skilled in maximizing usage, profitability and member traffic in the Personal Training, Small Group Training and Group Fitness areas and spaces. Let us dive into a Q&A with VMan to discuss solutions to implement today! Enjoy the read! Read Article...

A Mega Revenue Opportunity for Fitness Business Owners

August 2023 - The next Big Ancillary Income Opportunity is here! And, I am interviewing one of the industry's Rock Stars, Victor "V-Man" Verhage. He has given me the opportunity to perform an in-depth Q&A with him on the next big income producer for your fitness clubs. VMan is an experienced Personal Training/Small Group Training/Group Fitness, Design, Recovery and Solutions Specialist with a demonstrated 28-year history working in the health, fitness and wellness industry. He is skilled in maximizing usage, profitability and member traffic in the personal training, small group training and group fitness areas and spaces. Read Article...

Sales Leadership
Getting Back to the Basics

March 2021 - Close your club, open your club, close your club again... This has been a pandemic roller coaster of uncertainty for thousands of facilities in our industry, affecting millions of people who work in and utilize our industry's services. Finally, some real hope has arrived in the form of multiple vaccines. We all hope the kinks in the distribution of the vaccine will be worked out as soon as possible, because the sooner the people who want the vaccine actually receive it, the better it is for our industry. Because of these optimistic changes, it is time to switch gears related to sales expectations, along with continuing the strong drive for customer service and cleanliness. Read Article...

About Our Authors

Showing 1 - 22 of 22 Articles

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