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About Donna Krech

Donna KrechDonna Krech

Donna Krech, the Founder and CEO of Thin&Healthy, is a Victory Culture Expert and specializes in providing simple systems for success in business, weight loss and life.

Phone: (866) 260 - 8446

Previous Articles

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"We Don't Want FAT PEOPLE In Our Club!"
July 2011 - How that question hits you will forever be a single determining factor in the level of income and impact you will make in your club. You do know the business of fitness, as usual, is over, don't you? What you may not know is the best way to ensure your best possible future. Making the right choice on how you feel about that question will result in it being easier for you to make more money and a bigger difference in your community. Read Article...

$100,000 Added to the Bottom Line!
March 2007 - Read Article...

A Legacy of Healthy Wealth
Part I

August 2012 - This may be the most unusual success article you've ever read. It will produce an increase in your business income. It will also bring a greater happiness and purpose to your life. Read Article...

A Legacy of Healthy Wealth
Part II

September 2012 - Last month, I shared the first third of this article. It will produce an increase in your business and money. The bonus is that it will also bring to your life greater happiness and purpose. The two together bring Healthy Wealth. Teaching you how to make more money in your club is great, but that would be incomplete because that's only one part of you. Read Article...

A Legacy of Healthy Wealth
Part III

October 2012 - This is Part III of a 3-part series in which I shared my experience and learning from my Mom who passed away last Summer. Mom was a Stanley Home Products Representative for over 50 years, and I learned a great deal about business from her over the years. Read Article...

A Secret Million Dollar Weapon
February 2012 - In 1982, I started in this industry without so much as a pot to 'you know what' in and owned my first location in 1986. I've owned dozens of clubs since, and in addition to the hundreds we've been blessed to serve, I still own a club to this day. The most amazing thing about that is I started with absolutely nothing; no place to live, no car, no money. Read Article...

Behind the Scenes Secrets for Successful Weight Loss Coaching
December 2006 - Read Article...

Club Members Lose Their Weight and Gain a Career Helping Others Do the Same!
January 2011 - On this season of NBC's Biggest Loser, you may have noticed a trend among the past contestants. Many of them have chosen a career in helping others lose weight and get fit. That makes sense. You and I are both in the business of fitness because it is something we are passionate about, and we want to share our lifestyle with those around us. Read Article...

Club Members Losing Weight Eating Favorite Foods!
March 2011 - You've all heard the saying, "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." Today, I'd like to take a slight spin on that and say, "Give a man a diet and he'll lose for a day. Teach a man a diet of his favorite foods and he'll lose for a lifetime." Too many people believe that weight loss success will only come from taking away all their favorite foods and eating bland, boring foods instead. Read Article...

Club Members Standing Out From The Rest
November 2010 - The continuation of the video history of Thin & Healthy Total Solutions Members of the Month shows that our members involve themselves with the club significantly beyond the average member's involvement. This month, you will again see how our members changed their lives using the secrets Thin & Healthy lives and preaches every day, and you will see how they have participated in a life changing opportunity, such as "Taking A Walk In Her Shoes," a fundraiser we held to support breast cancer research. Read Article...

Club Members Winning the Weight Loss Battle
September 2010

September 2010 - You and I know the benefits of fitness. We live them every day. We know the secrets to eating wonderful food and still losing or maintaining a loss of weight. The thing is... our members (and definitely our prospects) don't know these secrets. Read Article...

Club Members Winning the Weight Loss Battle
October 2010

October 2010 - Again this month, I bring you a video history of Thin&Healthy's Total Solution Members of the Month. Meet four members that changed their lives with the secrets you and I live every day. Enjoy these stories and use them to feed your passion to help the world become more healthy, happy, successful and whole. Read Article...

Club Members Winning the Weight Loss Battle
December 2010

December 2010 - We are coming upon our hot season right now, and hundreds of prospects will be walking through our doors to start their New Year's Resolutions. I would love to believe the majority wants to get fit, but reality proves the majority really want to lose weight. The great news is we have the Solution for their Resolution, it's the Total Solution. Read Article...

Double Your Success and Triple Your Marketing Response, Even in the Summer
July 2013 - In the club industry, you might hear that summer is the "slow season." But, in our facility, we have figured out how to have kick-butt summers, and I'm going to share how we do it. The good news is it is so simple. Read Article...

Double Your Success... Before The Summer Ends.
July 2012 - Doubling your success is easier than you think, no matter what kind of success you're looking for. You'll double your success simply by setting a specific goal. You can guarantee that doubled success by getting an accountability partner or coach. Read Article...

Finally... Eliminate the Stress of Managing
A Simple, 4-Step System for Team Communication That Gets Results

March 2013 - Are your personal or business relationships as good as they could be, or as good as you'd like them to be? Ever feel like communication is nearly non-existent between you and the other person? Maybe your thoughts are, "They don't listen," or, "They won't hear me." Read Article...

Five Places to Find New Money on Your Club Floor Right Now
Every Facility Has Them But Most Miss Them

October 2013 - I'm so certain you are overlooking money-making opportunities in your club right now that I'm willing to stake my name on it... Actually, I'm willing to guarantee it! And, if you're like most club or studio leaders I've had the honor of working with, you likely don't even know this is happening. Most don't. I know because I've been there, and my club income suffered greatly (and I encountered way more stress than necessary) because I didn't see the hidden cash... That is, until I figured it out. Read Article...

Four Steps To Communication That Gets Results
June 2013 - Ever feel like when you speak, no one hears you? You say the same thing over and over again, yet people just don't respond the way you need them to or expect? Communication is such a vital part of our everyday lives, be it in business, or with friends and family, yet many of us struggle to get the results we want. Read Article...

Four Strategies to Make Your Fitness Facility Recession Proof
September 2022 - If you're paying attention to your financials, you may already be seeing members/clients start to drop off. I don't need to tell you that inflation is the highest it's been in more than 40+ years. But, what does that inflation mean? Could a recession lie ahead? And, what would a recession mean for your fitness business? According to economists and financial experts, there are indications signaling a recession is on the way. Many believe it's already upon us. An article in Bloomberg stated, "Often, it takes a recession to break inflation. Economist, Lawrence Summers, observed that this has been the case every other time inflation was this high and the labor market was this tight." Read Article...

Health Clubs + Hormones = High Income In A Week
October 2014 - You've no doubt heard the term 'hormones are raging,' and if you'll take notice, those raging hormones can raise your club or studio's income within one week... yes, that said ONE WEEK. Research verifies hormones, especially over age 35, are most likely the #1 reason someone is either not able to lose weight, loses weight only to plateau or discovers unexplained gain never before experienced, usually around the belly. As I continue my research and add experts from around the nation to our Advisory Board, I'm discovering there are more hormones at play in this than I originally thought. Read Article...

Health Clubs + Hormones = Higher Income in ONE WEEK
July 2021 - Industry research is reporting that anywhere from 63% to 80% of your members are buying nutrition and wellness somewhere other than your facility. Nutrition and wellness is our number one business, so we know that means a minimum of $200.00 per month, every month. Yes, $200.00 Per Month, Every Month! You do the math. If you have 1,000 members in your database, even on the low end, 63% means those 630 people are giving $126,000 PER MONTH to someone else. Read Article...

How a Death Sentence Saved My Life and Super-Charged My Club!
February 2016 - It was a little over a year ago, but it feels like only yesterday; I found myself facing death. I'll never forget my son and daughter sitting with me as I told them how my doctor said, "Donna, you are in the worst stage you can be in. The next stage is death!" Read Article...

How to Attract the Overweight Population
Part I

June 2010 - I attended IHRSA's Summit for a Healthier America in Washington, D.C. in early May, and during our visits to Capitol Hill, one fact kept showing up. Obesity is THE main focus in our nation's mind, and this same fact was the focus of our IHRSA meeting. Read Article...

How to Attract the Overweight Population
Part II

July 2010 - We established the facts with statistical backing in part one last month. The overweight market needs us but isn't coming to us. Most fitness club members already truly understand that fitness is the key to successfully maintaining a healthy weight. Read Article...

How to Attract the Overweight Population
Part III

August 2010 - Any successful person understands the Law of Nature which says, "If we fail to plan, we plan to fail." In order for your weight loss plan to really bring people to you that aren't coming now, you need to stick to a plan that has that as its goal. The following are exact steps we've used for years to ensure success in the businesses of weight loss inside of clubs. Read Article...

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