About Cosmo Wollan
Cosmo Wollan
Cosmo Wollan has more than 25 years' experience in the health and fitness space. He is Senior Executive at Synergy Cubed, a fitness industry consulting firm, and Co-Founder of the Fitness Is Medicine Initiative, whose mission is to bring medically-directed fitness services and population health benefits to commercial health clubs. He is the chair of the Medical Fitness Association Education Committee and a member of the MedFit Network Education Advisory Board. He is a national conference speaker, a webinar presenter and a recognized SME in profit center development, revenue stream optimization, medical fitness integration, retention strategies, sales training and health club management.
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Previous Articles
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Articles
Point - Counterpoint: Fitness IS Medicine
June 2021 - Mike Alpert's May article on Medical Fitness makes some very good points. Exercise is medicine. And, a virtual nutritionist can certainly add some value to your facility. But, while nutrition is a highly beneficial and proven component to better overall health, it is not, strictly speaking, "exercise." So, with due respect to Mr. Alpert, let's look at the dictionary definition of Medicine: "The art or science of restoring or preserving health or due physical condition." Then, expand the picture to include all the ancillary services and modalities that can contribute to the desired results. Read Article...
Why Boosting Club Membership is About Medical, not Marketing
May 2024 - Approximately 73 million adults in the U.S. have a gym membership. It sounds like a lot, but the sad reality is that's only 24% of the population. Baby boomers alone make up over 21% of the population. According to ACSM's Worldwide Surveys of Fitness Trends for 2024, the #3 top trend is: "Fitness Programs for Older Adults." It's no secret that people are living longer, working longer, and most importantly, wanting to stay active longer. Read Article...
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Articles