Club Insider

About Chris Russo

Chris RussoChris Russo

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Previous Articles

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Articles

Give Back and Get Ready!
October 2011 - There are just two months until Christmas and the New Year, the most important time of the year in this industry. It's time to prepare, know your plan and make sure you are ready. Read Article...

How Long Is A Piece of String?
August 2011 - It's a seemingly irrelevant question isn't it!? Although, does it make any less sense than questions such as: "How do I get fit?" or "How do I market my business?" There is always more than one right answer, but the one thing they do have in common is the need for more information in order to answer correctly. If you ask the right question, you will usually get the right answer. Read Article...

Launch A Summer Referral Promotion Now!
April 2010 - Create some buzz in your club this summer! The summer tends to be a little slower for many clubs, but it doesn't have to be. It is a great opportunity to combine a couple months of your marketing budget, have some fun and get a ton of fresh leads and new members. Read Article...

Marketing Through a Recession Gives Businesses a Distinct Advantage!
December 2008 - Everywhere we look, recession is in the headlines. That doesn't mean we need to run away and hide until we hear it's over. Do that, and you might as well lock your doors now, give the competition all your members and watch them emerge over the next few years with the lion's share of the market. Read Article...

Ready. Aim. Fire. Fire. Fire!
March 2009 - During the turn of the century, a junior U.S. Navy Officer gave his superiors an idea of constantly firing upon targets using a method of continuous-aim firing. It never occurred to the leaders of the ship to overcompensate for the perpetual motion of the ocean, so the results because of his suggestion were incredible. There are many similarities between a navy vessel in the water and a fledging company on the vast ocean of advertising. Read Article...

Welcome to the Hilton
We Have Beds!

September 2009 - One of the hardest things to do in marketing is connect emotionally to your prospect. Telling them how much stuff you have in your club just doesn't do it, which makes me wonder why so many clubs continue to make that their message. Read Article...

What To Do In January When You've Not Prepared for New Year Marketing
January 2012 - Welcome to a brand New Year! Everyone is excited and looking forward to new beginnings and reaching goals, and they are chock full of optimism. Now, it's time to change lives and make money. This is assuming that you have your marketing plan in place for these busiest months of the year. Right? Read Article...

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