Club Insider

About Casey Conrad

Casey ConradCasey Conrad

Casey Conrad has been a consultant in the health and fitness club industry for over 30 years. She has written numerous sales and marketing books and has been a featured presenter in 24 countries. Most recently, she has been contracted as the Northeast Regional Director for BEMER, USA.

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"Really, I Just Need to Think About It!"
November 1994 - Read Article...

10 Ways Your Club Can Help Fight Obesity
June 2007 - Read Article...

4Cs = "Recipe" for Senior-Member Success
November 2002 - Read Article...

Anchor Your Club To Success
August 1994 - Read Article...

Are Your Web Leads Falling Through the Cracks?
February 2009 - Every club operator I talk with believes the Internet is an important part of how they should be finding more prospects and selling more memberships. Unfortunately, most operators are unknowingly letting hundreds or thousands of eLeads fall through the cracks (an "eLead" is any lead you obtain through using the Internet). This article will outline several of the biggest mistakes club operators are making with attracting and capturing web leads into membership sales. Read Article...

Boost Your SEO With Video
March 2014 - We all know the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) in business. The more optimized your website is, the greater the chance that new prospects will find you during their search for a solution to their fitness challenges and concerns. Unfortunately, although there is a high level regarding the need (and desire) for good SEO, there is a lot of confusion as to how to attain it. Read Article...

Covert Shopping Reveals Sales Mistakes
June 1995 - Read Article...

Critical Website Strategies Every Club Needs
Part II

November 2010 - In the first article of this series, we discussed that the increasing use of the Internet by consumers to locate and research products and the decreased effectiveness of traditional marketing means club operators must utilize the Internet as a significant marketing component. We established that the primary goal of all Internet marketing is to build a massive list of prospects who have opted in to your database. It sounds simple enough, but it is considerably different than traditional "list building." Read Article...

Diversify or Die
March 2007 - Read Article...

Driving Summer Membership Sales
July 2013 - For many health and fitness clubs, the summer represents a slow time in regular membership sales. There is no denying that walk-in club traffic suffers when nice weather drives people outdoors, and the kids who are at home from school interrupts typical schedules. But, A does not always equal B, and this does not mean that membership sales "have to" slow to a crawl. Read Article...

Eight Steps to Designing Your Niche Program
Part I

October 2017 - In the August 2017 Edition of Club Insider, I wrote an article regarding the power of Niche Marketing. It discussed how focusing on specific health conditions as a programming tool provides club operators with one of the most lucrative (and available) marketing opportunities to drive new prospects through their doors. In this article, Part II one of a 2-part series, I'll address the first four of the eight steps to creating your program, which I've extracted from my seminar: Program Marketing Drives Sales. Read Article...

Eight Steps to Designing Your Niche Program
Part II

November 2017 - In last month's article on designing a niche program for your facility, we focused on the first four steps. These included deciding on a niche category, determining the length of the program, establishing measurement guidelines, and outlining the exercise component. In this article, we will address the final four components: creating educational elements, marketing, conversion strategies and improvement strategies. Read Article...

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail...
January 2005 - Read Article...

Get On-Line Or Get-Out of Business!
Why Every Club Operator Should Be Using Internet Marketing - Part I

October 2010 - Yes, the title of this article is bold, but I won't back down from the statement. As someone who has been in the health club industry for over 25 years now and who specializes in sales and marketing, I predict that, if you don't immediately begin to embrace and utilize the Internet as a significant element of your marketing plan, you will be out of business in the near future. Read Article...

Growing Your Club's Revenues With a Creative Marketing Mix
February 2000 - Read Article...

Healthy Inspirations Is Rolling!
August 2002 - Read Article...

How Technology Improves Referral Success AND Saves Money
July 2009 - Every club operator knows the value of obtaining referrals at the point of sale. New members are happy about their purchase. They are excited about starting a new exercise program. Read Article...

How to Create a Marketing Machine
July 2015 - Marketing: we all need it, we all do it, but most of us aren't satisfied with the results we're getting from it. There are two primary reasons why clubs aren't maximizing their marketing efforts. First, they don't have a 12-month marketing plan that utilizes a diverse number of mediums to create a synergistic effect in their marketplace. Sadly, most make decisions month to month. Second, operators don't make a clear enough distinction between marketing and sales with their membership departments. As a result, one of the most powerful marketing tools, salespeople, don't help drive membership sales. The end result is that, all too often, sales are only from those prospects already walking through the doors. It may sound like doom and gloom, but the great news is that, for most clubs, there is an incredible untapped potential for creating a club marketing machine. Let's explore those possibilities. Read Article...

How to Flatten Out Sales Fluctuations
July 2000 - Read Article...

How to Maximize January's Guest Traffic
January 2000 - Read Article...

How to Sell More Memberships, Even When You're Surrounded by Competition
February 2019 - Is the competition beating up on you and your salespeople? By far, the number one call I currently receive as a consultant is, "Can you come and train my sales staff how to effectively sell against competitor objections." Let's face it, the competitive landscape in the fitness industry is at an all-time high. Regardless of the market size, there is competition. In larger markets, there will be several of the big box national brands, one or two of the smaller franchise concepts, a YMCA, one or two independent clubs, personal training facilities, yoga studios, CrossFit, Orangetheory and any number of other boutique concepts. Some are franchises, and many are owner-operated. In smaller markets, there may be fewer players, but the landscape is the same; a lot of competition and choices for the consumer. Read Article...

Increase Retention By Giving Members Key Strategies For Sticking With Their Exercise Program
December 1999 - Read Article...

Is the Wellness Revolution Finally Here?
August 2018 - Just over 15 years ago, Paul Zane Pilzer was a keynote presenter at IHRSA in 2003. He had recently published his book, The New Wellness Revolution, subtitled, "How to Make a FORTUNE in the Next Trillion Dollar Industry." Pilzer's message was very clear: If you want to succeed, get into wellness, not just fitness. At the time, I was very much involved in the weight loss side of our business, so I liked Pilzer's message. My franchise locations focused on eating, exercise and stress reduction. I recently pulled out his book to look for a statistic and found myself reading it again because of the amazing number of predictions he made. Here are a few that, looking back, really stand out for me... Read Article...

Journey Into Wellness
How One Long-time Fitness Operator Transformed His Club Model

April 2023 - Imagine making the same profit with half the members and in one-fifth the space! That is the story of Tasso Kiriakes (See Club Insider's August 2006 Cover Story), who has been operating fitness clubs in Florida for 45 years. His journey is both intriguing and inspiring, and it offers other operators key insights into how wellness modalities can be successfully integrated into their facilities. Read Article...

Key Tools to Keep Sales People On Track
April 2001 - Read Article...

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