About Laurie Cingle
Laurie Cingle
Laurie Cingle, M.Ed., is a fitness business success coach and club consultant. Her specialties include creating successful club program champions through coaching, developing and operating non-dues revenue profit centers especially personal training and weight management, establishing club market differentiation and designing programs that result in profit and retention. She is certified through ACSM, NASM and as a Professional Business Coach through the Coach Training Alliance and is a member of the Leadership Team of Akron General Lifestyles.
Phone: N/A
Email: laurie@lauriecingle.com
Previous Articles
Showing 26 - 47 of 47 Articles
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Define Metrics For Small Group Training Management Success
March 2015 - What does it take to become successful with Small Group Training (SGT) at your facility? The plan is based on seven keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. Let's focus on Key #3, Define Metrics. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Leverage Your Offerings For Small Group Training Management Success
April 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget (See February 2015 Edition). This article outlines three strategies for Key #1, Leverage Your Offerings. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Leadership For Small Group Training Management Success
May 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. This article discusses Key #4, Identify a SGT Manager. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Recruiting and Hiring Trainers For Small Group Training Management Success
June 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. The focus of this article is Key #2, Hire Champion SGT Trainers. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Recruiting and Hiring Trainers For Small Group Training Management Success
July 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. Last month, we discussed Hiring Champion Small Group Trainers. The focus of this article is Key #2, Retaining Champion Small Group Trainers. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Create a Space For Small Group Training Management Success
August 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. The focus of this article is Key #5, Create a Space. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Outline a Marketing Plan For Small Group Training Management Success
September 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. The focus of this article is Key #6, Outline a Marketing Plan. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Develop a Budget For Small Group Training Management Success
October 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. The focus of this article is Key #7, Develop a Budget. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Small Group Training Management Success Wrap Up
November 2015 - Success with Small Group Training (SGT) is based on 7 Keys: (1) Leverage Your Offerings, (2) Hire and Retain Champion SGT Trainers, (3) Define Metrics, (4) Identify a SGT Manager, (5) Create a Space, (6) Outline a Marketing Plan and (7) Develop a Budget. To wrap up the discussion of Small Group Training Management, here is a list of all ten articles in the series that were published monthly between January 2015 and October 2015. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Program-Ready Checklist for the New Year
December 2015 - Are you "program-ready" for the New Year? Check the box to the left of each item or task to determine what remains undone before the New Year's rush... Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Seven Steps to Becoming a Programming Professional
January 2016 - In the realm of fitness and wellness programming, nothing is more fun and satisfying than a successful program. Whether success is measured by participation or by profit, all programs require the right number of people enrolled and engaged. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Step 1 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional
February 2016 - A programming professional is a person who is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's focus on Step #1: Find Program Prospects. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Step 2 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional
March 2016 - A programming professional is a person who is an expert in the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's focus on Step #2, Invite Program Prospects to Learn About and Understand Your Program. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Step 3 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional
April 2016 - A programming professional is a person who is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's discuss Step #3, Present the Program to Prospects. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Step 4 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional
May 2016 - A programming professional is a person who is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's discuss Step #4, Follow Up with Program Prospects who did not enroll after attending a live presentation about the program. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Step 5 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional
June 2016 - A programming professional is a person who is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's discuss Step #5, Enroll Them In The Program. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun Of It!"
Step 6 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional
July 2016 - A programming professional is a person who is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's discuss Step #6: Ensure Participant Success in the Program. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun of It!"
Step 7 of 7 to Becoming a Programming Professional
August 2016 - A programming professional is a person who is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. What does it take to become a programming professional in your facility? There are seven steps or skills: (1) Find program prospects, (2) Invite them to learn about and understand your program, (3) Present the program, (4) Follow up with program prospects, (5) Enroll them in the program, (6) Ensure success in the program and (7) Grow programs by promoting events and additional programs. Let's discuss Step #7: Grow Programs by Promoting Events and Additional Programs. Read Article...
Programming For The "Fun of It!"
7 Steps to Becoming a Programming Professional - Series Wrap Up
September 2016 - A programming professional is an expert at the skills required to implement and fill programs. There are seven steps or skills to becoming a programming professional that have been discussed in detail in a series of articles published monthly between January 2016 and August 2016. They are archived and accessible on the Club Insider website. For your reference, the list of articles below provides the article title in quotes, the month and year it was published and a description of the content. I hope the information provides you with ideas for filling your programs. Read Article...
Success Secrets of Top Program Champions
January 2012 - While there are many reasons programs fail in health and fitness facilities, those that see the greatest success in programming have one thing in common. They have a strong Program Champion driving the effort. Read Article...
Tools for Predicting Your Program and Profit Center Success
Part I
October 2008 - The number one source of revenue in most clubs is dues. Personal training income is number two. As a club manager or owner, it makes sense that you do whatever you can to protect your dues line and to grow your personal training business. Read Article...
Tools for Predicting Your Program and Profit Center Success
Part II
November 2008 - Most of your fitness and wellness programming staff can be compensated in a manner that motivates them to increase program revenues, participation and service. For example, it is common that personal trainers are paid commission for their services. More members participating in personal training leads to increased revenues which results in increased compensation for trainers. Read Article...
Showing 26 - 47 of 47 Articles